

Cities focus resistance against US President-elect Donald Trump

Though Donald Trump has barely left the gilded confines of Trump Tower in Manhattan since he won the US election on November 8, already the city around him is marshalling its defences.

New York mayor Bill de Blasio, a progressive Democrat, is one of many city leaders across America already voicing defiance at a range of the President-elect's professed positions.

"We will use all the tools at our disposal to stand up for our people," de Blasio said last week.

"If all Muslims are required to register, we will take legal action to block it. If the federal government wants our police officers to tear immigrant families apart, we will refuse to do it.

"This is New York. Nothing about who we are changed on election day."

The divide between rural and urban America was a defining factor in the US election - with big cities even in many Republican states voting for Hillary Clinton, and helping her reach her decisive popular vote win, and rural counties and smaller towns locking in behind Trump, and ensuring his ultimate electoral college victory.


Now in the wake of the election, that divide is shaping up to be a defining factor in Trump's America too, with big city liberal mayors emerging as some of his most strident opponents, and city residents protesting in the streets in opposition.

A cultural and political divide between cities and rural areas is nothing new, of course. But this dynamic is hugely stark today, and mirrors a pattern emerging in other Western countries - progressive local governments in cosmopolitan cities like Sydney and London, often pursuing contrary goals to conservative federal governments amidst an increasingly anti-immigration, anti-cosmopolitan national mood.

Londoners elected a liberal Muslim mayor in Sadiq Khan only months before the country voted for Brexit, while inner-city Sydney-siders have continued to support Clover Moore's progressive social policies and action on climate change even as the conservative government moves into its second term and right-wing parties like One Nation are in ascendancy in parts of rural Australia.

In all three countries, the political polarisation partially reflects an economic one: with cities booming in the globalised economy and rural ones left behind. The characterisation of this rural/urban divide as neatly one of elites v underdogs or rich v poor is overly simplistic though - New York, for example, is a wealthy, educated city to be sure, but Clinton also won rich and poor boroughs alike, with black and Hispanic working-class neighbourhoods turning out in force for the Democrats.

Social scientist Benjamin Barber, author of If Mayors Ruled the World: Dysfunctional Nations, Rising Citiesrecently told Quartz he believed cities would provide the most constructive opposition and alternative to Trump's agenda. "Over the last 10 years we have already seen a powerful emergence of cities as primary spaces for progressive and majority action," he said. 

The looming stoush in the US is part political theatre of course: mayors lining up to puff their chests at Trump doesn't hurt their political fortunes, while the President-elect railing against city "elites" plays well to his new base.

But there are genuine battles afoot here too: mayors and police departments in many "sanctuary cities" for immigrants - ones in which cops and other local public workers refuse to question or detain people on the basis of their immigration status - have already said they won't cooperate with any mass deportation effort Trump tries to implement, even with the risk of a withdrawal of federal funding looming over them.

"That is not our job, nor will I make it our job," Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck said last week. Seattle, Chicago and San Francisco are among the others to pledge the same.

On climate change as well there has been defiance in the face of the President-elect's pledge to pull out of the Paris agreement, with calls for individual US cities to sign on in the country's place, and pledges to continue to pursue local policies to reduce global warming.

The divide between rural and urban populations seems like one that may only deepen in Trump's America, and given the realities of the electoral college, it's one that hints at a longer-term problem for the Democrats (as well other progressive parties and movements around the world). Cities can be powerful agents of change, but local or even state power can only take you so far. That a progressive party could be so demonstrably out of touch with swathes of the electorate, particularly working and middle-class rural ones, is both a political and moral failure.

Democrats shouldn't be despondent though; even in very recent history this gap can be bridged, at least better than it was under Clinton. Barack Obama won two elections with far greater support from rural counties. And he did it without making undeliverable promises, stoking culture wars or demonising immigrants.

"I won Iowa not because the demographics dictated that I would win Iowa," said Obama earlier this month. "It was because I spent 87 days going to every small town and fair and fish fry."

Former Democratic Iowa governor Tom Vilsack this week urged his party to get back out into rural America and be responsive to its inhabitant's concerns, especially their economic ones: "They can't write them off. They can't ignore them."

As the Trump presidency unfolds, mayors asserting their local identities and values will become more common, representing and protecting their constituents, as they should, pushing for progress.

But for leaders, parties and movements with bigger aspirations, building coalitions that meaningfully bridge this divide and get beyond the city limits - both literally and figuratively - is imperative.
