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Federal funding has been stripped from two of Australia's largest private colleges after they came under scrutiny for alarmingly low completion rates.

Two of Australia's largest private colleges have had their funding stripped by the federal government after raking in more than $440 million in taxpayer funding.
theage.com.au|来自 Matthew Knott
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'You have no idea how bloody tough it is'
Barnaby lampoons Bill
'I will not keep my head down': McManus

The University of Sydney is standing by a controversial senior lecturer, Tim Anderson, who has dismissed the sarin gas attack in the Idlib Province as a "hoax" and called Syria's six-year civil war a "fiction" perpetrated by the US "to destroy an independent nation".

Australia's most prestigious university has become the centre of a pro-Assad academic movement.

"Frankly, there is nothing sacrosanct about any particular immigration number"

Former prime minister Tony Abbott says there is nothing "sacrosanct" about Australia's immigration numbers and repeated his suggestion that the government reduce the migration program to aid housing affordability.
theage.com.au|来自 Fergus Hunter

The Turnbull government's powerful expenditure review committee has discussed axing one of Tony Abbott's first major policy achievements, the work-for-the-dole program.

Powerful expenditure review committee discusses axing one of Abbott's first major policy achievements.
smh.com.au|来自 James Massola

Cartoons of the day: Ron Tandberg on rent assistance, company tax cuts and work for the dole.
More cartoons: www.theage.com.au/federal-politics/cartoons


"We'll wait a long time to find another John Clarke. In fact, we never will."

Politicians have reacted with sorrow to the death of a man who so mercilessly pilloried them.
theage.com.au|来自 Stephanie R. Peatling

Politicians of all stripes have been quick to pay tribute to the late and great John Clarke.

Politicians have reacted with sorrow to the death of a man who so mercilessly pilloried them.
theage.com.au|来自 Stephanie R. Peatling

Immigration - it's not only contentious, it's central. Fergus Hunter explains.

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"It is saying to people in Sydney and Melbourne who are losing hope, 'you can change a tax and you can buy a house'."

Treasurer Scott Morrison has indicated a tax on empty housing stock could be in the May budget, along with plans to encourage elderly Australians to downsize their homes.

A secret internal review of the Liberal Party's 2016 election performance has urged the party to recognise that campaigning must never stop and the party's conservative base needs to be respected.

A secret internal review of the Liberal Party's 2016 election performance has urged the party to recognise that campaigning must never stop and the party's conservative base needs to be respected.
theage.com.au|来自 Fergus Hunter

Sydney shock jock Ray Hadley has spectacularly banned long-time guest Scott Morrison from his radio program after the Treasurer stood Hadley up for an interview with the ABC.

Hadley unloaded on Mr Morrison on Monday, accusing him of lying, being "boring" and "treating him like an idiot".

Hadley and Mr Morrison used to have such a jocular relationship that it became widely referred to as a "bromance".

Radio host unloads on the Treasurer, accusing him of lying, being "boring" and "treating him like an idiot"
smh.com.au|来自 Matthew Knott
Most of the issues with rob-debt Centrelink's fault, watchdog finds.
smh.com.au|来自 Amy Remeikis
The Turnbull government is considering new measures to encourage more migrants to settle in regional or remote areas to relieve pressure on house prices and infrastructure in Sydney and Melbourne.
smh.com.au|来自 Adam Gartrell

Young people are being hit hardest by soaring house prices in Sydney and Melbourne

Federal Treasurer will argue against the removal of tax breaks in pre-budget speech.
smh.com.au|来自 James Massola

He's the dictator blamed by the US for the cruel death of babies in a barbaric chemical weapon attack. How did Bashar al-Assad go from doctor to mass killer?

Assad improbably started his career as a doctor, training in London. But got his tyrannical break when his older brother died, catapulting him into the heir-apparent spot.