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Ben Cousins saga: VROs are a tool for protection, not leverage

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It's September 2005 and you have just watched one of the game's brightest stars win the Brownlow Medal. Suddenly, a random lawyer appears and says: "Ben Cousins will be a drug addict and in jail by 2017."

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Your reaction would be one of sheer disbelief, right?

Fast forward to 2017 and Cousins is a self-confessed drug addict serving time in jail. 

The 12-year soap opera that led to his recent 12-month prison sentence is one of the saddest low-speed train wrecks WA has witnessed.

It is also an insight into how violence restraining orders (VROs) can impact toxic relationships and the children produced by them.


It is my professional objectivity as a divorce lawyer that has led me to question certain details in the case involving Cousins. For example, while there is no doubt Cousins broke the law on multiple occasions, did he always believe he was in the wrong? Were there, in fact, occasions upon which (mistakenly) he actually thought he was operating within the law, notwithstanding the written VRO?

What has at times been forgotten amid the drug-induced mania and dramatic arrests is some simple family history between Cousins and his ex-partner Maylea Tinecheff.

While I am not privy to all the details, it appears Cousins and Ms Tinecheff co-parented their children successfully for about three years after they separated in 2013.

Matters obviously deteriorated because, in May 2016, Ms Tinecheff successfully applied for a VRO. From this date on, Cousins was instantly restrained from being anywhere (50 metres) near the mother of his children.

However, in the period from May to October 2016, after an agreement between both parents was reached, it seems Cousins regularly spent time with his children, despite the VRO remaining in place.

By October 2016, it was reported the parties had signed a draft parenting plan, and the VRO terms were relaxed, with Cousins allowed to discuss parenting issues with Ms Tinecheff by text message.

It is with all of this in mind that we see a link between (some of) Cousins' VRO breaches and his desire to see his two young children, and highlights complexities often faced by divorcees when children are involved.

The various alleged breaches that led to Cousins' recent imprisonment reportedly included the following:

1) Attempting to contact Ms Tinecheff more than 2000 times between October and February 2017;
2) Attending Ms Tinecheff's home on two occasions in October 2016, including one where she invited him in to spend "10 minutes" with his children, after which she contacted the police because he stayed "for 30 minutes";
3) Attending his daughter's school for her first day on January 31, 2017;
4) Attending his children's school to try to see them on February 1, 2017; and
5) Attending a church where Ms Tinecheff was in attendance on February 4, 2017. Again, Cousins said he was attempting to see his children.

Irrespective of the VRO being in place, many commentators have publicly concluded the Cousins/Tinecheff couple spent time together - post separation - when it suited Ms Tinecheff.

Indeed, The West Australian reported as examples: "They went to a Bruce Springsteen concert together in January after she [Tinecheff] asked him [Cousins] to use his contacts to get front row seats" and Ms Tinecheff "occasionally let Cousins breach the restraining order when he was not high to show him what his life could be like when he was not on drugs."

I do not comment here on the accuracy of these suggestions but I am curious as to the number of times Ms Tinecheff attempted to contact Cousins between 2013 and 2017, or the number of times Cousins spent time with the children and their mother during this period without incident.

Make no mistake... the reflections in this article are not an attack on VROs. I am a long-term supporter of the use of VROs to protect (usually) women and children in family law and domestic violence cases. 

If I am honest however, I must admit that during nearly 20 years of legal practice, I have often asked myself: is it entirely fair for a restrained individual to be punished for breaching a VRO, when the protected party has invited them to do so?

At what point should the protected party take a little responsibility for communicating with someone they claim they are scared of? Put rather crudely, how can it be just for a protected party to 'pick and choose' when they want to use 'their' VRO, and when they don't? 

I am not for one minute suggesting the Cousins/Tinecheff case falls into this category. What I am concerned about is violence restraining order law in the future, right around Australia. 

Prior to the recent State election, the Barnett Government passed a law that will prohibit the court taking into consideration the fact someone protected by a VRO invited or caused a breach.

Yes, it allows the court to cancel the VRO due to the incited breach when sentencing the restrained party, but that will be cold comfort for anyone who is already imprisoned due to repeated breaches.  

It is not too late for the McGowan Government to stop these changes from being implemented on July 1.

Whatever the final version of the amended Act looks like, I truly hope VROs remain a powerful provider of protection and safety.

By the same token, as an ordinary citizen, and divorce lawyer, I would hate to see children suffering because one of their parents is inappropriately using a VRO as leverage in a custody dispute.

Simon Creek is managing director and special counsel at HHG Legal Group

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