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Super funds question Domino's while hedge funds attack

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It is little wonder employees, investors and consumers have hit zero tolerance on wage fraud issues.

With convenience store giant 7-Eleven so far forking out $83 million in compensation to thousands of employees and Domino's embroiled in wage fraud allegations, along with Caltex, it is little wonder worker exploitation has moved from being an ethical issue to an investment risk.

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Consumer advocate Michael Fraser on the Domino's pizza franchisees.

The spectre of tough new laws, beefed up penalties and the heightening interest of short sellers has made a lot of companies – and industries – nervous.

Not surprisingly, it has prompted a number of super funds to raise concerns with fund managers that invest their members' money in companies that have been caught up in underpayment scandals.

The latest is Cbus, which has 740,000 members and manages $36 billion of members' money. Fairfax can reveal Cbus wrote to a number of fund managers that manage some of their funds under management to look deeper.

Cbus' David Atkin told Fairfax Cbus requires its active investment managers to "fully incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations in their investment processes".


In relation to Domino's, Atkin said Cbus continued to engage with its fund managers and the company on the issues and the approach it was taking to seek to address them. "We have also written to all active equities managers acting on behalf of Cbus ... to request that they satisfy themselves that appropriate sustainability mechanisms are in place across franchise-model companies in which they invest," he said.

Cbus follows First Super, which wrote to Perpetual, IFM, Allan Gray and Eley Griffiths Group, questioning Domino's business model.

First Super told the fund managers: "We are now very concerned about the sustainability of franchisee businesses, the implications for their staff and contractors, and what this means for investment risk."

Domino's Pizza Enterprises, which was found to have rampant underpayment issues across its franchise network, has become one of the top 10 most heavily shorted stocks on the ASX.

The growing concern of companies being exposed to worker exploitation has created a booming business for consultancy groups such as PPB Advisory.

PPB recently appointed Siobhan Hennessy, a partner at Deloitte, to join its ranks. Hennessy played a key role in 7-Eleven's compensation schemes, which so far have paid back $83 million to more than 2000 underpaid workers. 

It is not enough for a company to deliver good economic returns and not be sinful.

PPB Advisory

In a client newsletter to be released this week, titled Scrutiny of Domino's highlights how investors are moving towards zero tolerance on labour market indiscretions, PPB says Australia has moved into a new era of ethical investing where risk management is imperative.  "It is not enough for a company to deliver good economic returns and not be sinful," it says.

"Unfortunately for any organisation dealing with public scrutiny over its business practices, the court of public opinion is likely to influence investors, particularly if the organisation is slow to respond to allegations, or is not willing or unable to be transparent around its activities."

It gives a warts-and-all account of what can happen if a company gets caught up in a wage fraud scandal: possible legal action, investigations by the ATO, ASIC and the Fair Work Ombudsman, fines, compensation and untold reputational damage.

It advises companies to undertake a risk assessment of their labour force, subcontractors or franchisees to ensure there is no wrongdoing. It also suggests the introduction of a compliance program that reviews and tests the various employment terms of subcontractors, labour hire firms and franchisees.

The newsletter is written against the backdrop of imminent changes to the law and higher penalties, which will make it increasingly difficult for companies to turn a blind eye to wages fraud in their supply chain.

On March 1 the Turnbull government introduced the Protecting Vulnerable Workers Bill, which proposes new penalties and laws to make franchisors and holding companies on the hook for workplace abuses if they have significant control or influence on the franchisee.  

The legislation was listed on March 20 but quietly taken off the program last week with two other Fair Work Bills listed in its place.

But the public appetite – and investor concern – is there. While the bill is unlikely to be listed at the next sitting of Parliament, due to the federal budget, it can't be far away.

The Opposition, particularly the shadow minister for employment and workplace relations, Brendan O'Connor, has made it clear he is determined to keep up the pressure. "Australians have a right to know where this promised legislation has disappeared to," he told Fairfax. Indeed.