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HSC results 2016: Department of Education closes MacICT as tech student numbers plummet

As programming, computing and technology skills become part of the essential skill sets for school leavers, demand for teaching in these areas is taking off. 

But the Department of Education has closed the MacICT Innovation Centre, its unique 15-year-old joint venture with Macquarie University that has been a pioneer in the area.

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MacICT has been the state's only teacher training facility in computing and technology since its founding in 2001.

The closure comes as the two senior level courses in computing offered by the Board of Studies have declined dramatically in popularity over the past 15 years, even as digital technology has become an indispensable part of life for most people. 

In 2001, 10,779 students took the HSC course Information Processing and Technology; this year there were just 2855. The advanced programming course, Software Design and Development, went from 3379 enrolments in 2001 to just 1885 this year.

The learning of computing and programming skills is in steep decline in NSW schools, with insiders blaming a shortage of skilled teachers. 


In the past five years MacICT has provided professional learning in computing and technology for 5400 teachers, and held robotics camps, game design and coding sessions for 15,000 students from 300 schools.

It was established as a joint venture between Macquarie University, the Department of Education and the Macquarie Park Operational Directorate.

Macquarie University provided the specially-fitted out facilities on its campus free of charge to the department, and since a 2012 restructure, the facility had been largely self-funded.

But the centre was closed down by the department on Friday.

Officially it is "merging" with the Department of Education's Futures Unit, housed at the Australian Technology Park, but Fairfax Media understands that the majority of MacICT's staff, who were on contract, have left over uncertainty about whether they will have jobs in the new entity. 

The new office will continue to provide the professional development classes for teachers; but hands-on classes for students are in doubt.

The department denied this, saying student visits already booked for term 1, 2017, would be honoured at the new premises; after which student excursions would be reviewed "to determine future directions". 

Cathie Howe, the head of MacICT who will stay on to manage the transition, referred questions about the closure of MacICT to the department.  

A spokesman for the department said the new centre would be "an enhanced partnership that will have broader coverage across the state".

"The NSW Department of Education remains committed to the continued provision of high quality professional learning through the department's Futures Learning area and will continue to deliver a range of statewide services that will support school communities, leaders and teachers in NSW public schools," the spokesman said. 

Macquarie University said that despite the campus office closing, "the partnership with Macquarie will continue and will focus on future focused learning, building on the knowledge and experiences of the partnership in the past."