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Arab journalism

Nicky Hager's revelations of dirty tactics by the National Party will come as no surprise to those numbed by the vicious politics of the US, the UK or Australia, but they have raised hackles in New Zealand and no doubt prompted many people to wipe...
It is not the place of this review to make judgement on the rights and wrongs of what is going on in the Middle East. But it seems axiomatic that Western journalistic coverage of the region’s conflicts can be little more than blinkered without a...
At the begining of this century, the Israeli author David Grossman wrote: In the impossible relationships that exist in the Middle east each competing idealology has for years appeaered to suffer from almost complete blindnesss to reality's...
It was the first Gulf War in 1991 which led to the satellite television explosion in the Arab world. Arabs then knew about Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait through CNN. Today, Arab satellite channels reach almost every Arab capital and many Middle Eastern...
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