The War Resisters League affirms that all war is a crime against humanity.  We are determined not to support any kind of war, international or civil, and to strive nonviolently for the removal of all causes of war, including racism, sexism and all forms of exploitation.

With Syria; Against Selective Solidarity

War Resisters League condemns the chemical weapons attack and U.S. military actions of the past week within the context of the catastrophic, six-year Syrian war. We condemn Bashar al Assad regime’s ongoing murder, barrel bombing, chemical and conventional weapons use, torture and imprisonment of Syrian civilians and activists. We condemn every one of the 7,912 US-led International Coalition strikes since 2014 on Syria, resulting in countless civilian casualties. We also condemn Russian airstrikes, Iranian ground troops attacking Syrians in alliance with the Syrian Army, and their funding of Bashar al Assad’s regime.

Pie Chart Flyers - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

FY 2018 Pie Chart Flyer - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

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The current edition of the War Resisters League's famous "pie chart" flyer, Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes, analyzes the Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Budget. (FY 2018 is 1 October 2017 - 30 September 2018). Perfect for Tax Day leafletting, as a focus for forums and panels and workshops and more!

Each year, War Resisters League analyzes federal funds outlays as presented in detailed tables in "Analytical Perspectives" of the Budget of the United States Government. Our analysis is based on federal funds, which do not include trust funds -- such as Social Security -- that are raised separately from income taxes for specific purposes. What you pay (or don't pay) by April 18, 2017 goes to the federal funds portion of the budget.

Sanctuary Cities Beyond Militarism

WRL stands with all migrants in the U.S., especially the many facing renewed threats of mass deportation under the new Trump administration. Criminalization of many communities and nationalities is on the rise, but most prominently the release of executive orders in the new administration’s first week targets Latinx and refugee communities in expanded ways, and defense must be a priority for our collective and intersectional movements.