Monday, 9 June 2014

Anti System T Shirt, 2014


Absolutely not my usual way of doing things as you will know if you've been paying attention - but I do like these T shirts so I have no qualms about breaking the ee code to plug them. If you're wondering about provenance, whilst it would be wrong to term them 'official', I can vouch for the fact that all contactable ex-members of Anti System were given the heads-up about this project and there resolutely were no objections. If you're interested in scoring one please follow the link below.
While I'm at it I'd like to recommend another Soap & Spikes product - namely the long -delayed release of Flowers in the Dustbin LP - it's a beautifully produced piece of vinyl housed in a very attractive screen printed sleeve with a snazzy booklet tipped-in. Highly recommended indeed.

To be absolutely clear - I am on no commission from S&S at all - got that?

Friday, 6 June 2014

Rapid Eye Movement #3, 1980

Nice try Jah but your request fell on ears deaf to such pleas. Anyroad, I think I may have used up all available superlatives enthusing about the fanzines that have appeared on ee thus far - certainly, short of indulging in a bout of neologising, I'd struggle to adequately give voice to my full opinion of this particular item. Suffice to say, it may well be my all-time favourite fanzine - I love everything about the bugger - back in 1980 it opened my senses and broadened my horizons so radically that I've felt indebted to Simon Dwyer ever since. The interviews here: Wire, The Chefs, and Andy Warhol are all exceptionally good - but the encounter with Crass is the zenith as far as I'm concerned - it's an utter tour de force. The remainder of the fanzine retains an outstanding quality not least the article about Philip K. Dick and the letter from Nag (Door & Window / n.b.records). In a word, Awesome!
Tragically for me - I've never seen a copy of REM #2 - if anybody can help me out with that I'd be extremely grateful.

A4 scanned at 400 dpi