Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Peroxide #2, 1980

get set for a riot

Well I did promise, and here it is - issue 2 of Quentin Cook's perfectly formed Peroxide. This issue features excellent and informative interviews with The Vapors, Devo, Wreckless Eric, and Captain Sensible. A batch of articles on The Chefs, the Reigate scene (Escalators, Magazine Spies, Tools Down, Cellarmatics, Crime, The Hotpoints), Spizz, Wasted Youth, Serge Clerc, and unsurprisingly, Quentin Cook's band, Disque Attack. There's a wee tribute to Ian Curtis. A couple of live reviews of Adam & the Ants/Dave Berry & the Cruisers/Martian Dance, and Crime. Some product reviews of The Hotpoints, Vaultage 79 (Attrix comp), Hardware, Mataya Clifford, Magazine Spies, and Slaughter & the Dogs. There's a decent fanzine round up and some heartening words from Quentin about the support he received from fellow fanziners. Well, oi oi that's yer lot where Peroxide is concerned - only 2 issues saw the light and given the quality of both it's a shame issue 3 never saw the light with its promise of Killing Joke, Wasted Youth, The Photos, Athletico Spizz 80…and more. Ah well - we were blessed...

A4 scanned at 400 dpi

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