Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Junior Murvin 1949 - 2013

R.I.P. Junior

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Flux of Pink Indians, Handouts 1982-83

Not sure where I picked up these though they were definitely gig acquisitions - most likely Beeston and Sheffield. I'll let the artefacts speak for themselves.

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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Guttersnipe #3, #7' & vol2 #1, 1978-'80

Here's a batch of Guttersnipes to warm your cockles whilst the winter kicks in. You can find a bit more background and another edition here, and you are strongly advised to crank up the Youtubulator and watch this superb blast from the past - a BBC, Open Door documentary focussing on this excellent fanzine. I will look to update this blog soon with the inclusion of all those obscure names and whatnot that might go some way to increasing the likelihood of the hidden gems appearing in web searches. I have a few more Guttersnipes to upload but I'll leave those for anon. 

Monday, 28 October 2013

Lou Reed 1942 - 2013

R.I.P. Lou

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

New Systems #1, 1981

Journalist Tries To Sell Bog Paper!

An excellent fanzine here from Dean Poole, 'the phantom one-finger typer' of Penarth. Quantitatively and qualitatively spot on stuff all round with: interviews - What is Oil?, Stripey Zebras (interview by Jah Ovjam), Crass, Robert Lawrence; cassette reviews - Down Under (VA), Dharma (At Forden), A Bagful of Angst (VA), Soundtracks to Imaginary Films (Robert Gillam), Optimism/Squirrel/Absurd (Bendle), A Compilation of Greats (VA), Flexed Burial (Jim Hydraxis) + elsewhere there's Dean on Independent Cassettes; vinyl reviews - Disorder, Flipper, Crass, The Dead Kennedys, The Exploited; articles from Smear, (of Conventional Tapes) fame gives us Confessions of a Con Man, and The Get + a live review of 86 Mix/The Get/The Apostles/Cold War/Stripey Zebras/What is Oil?
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Thursday, 17 October 2013

Do You Know Vanessa Redgrave? #2, 1981

A Paper Alcohol Publication
"Hi Kids! This fantastic work of literary art is the responsibility of: Tim, Doc, Neil, Chris, Kathie etc etc". Neil being Mr. Jeffcoate, the convener of the Northampton based Paper Alcohol Collective. Again, being rather more concerned with 'issues', DYKVR? is something of a departure from the standard interview/profile/review type fanzine. Issue 2 has articles such as, Troops Out of Ireland, Compulsory Cultural Monotony - Notes on Jealousy, Anti War, What Office Workers Say, Anarchy & Action, and Cruise Missiles - Nuclear Suicide. There is also quite a focus on bootlegs featuring Bob Roke's, Years on Earth, Ludus, Adam & The Antz, Northampton Under Glass (Antibodies, White Rabbit, Social Disease, The Russians, Where's Lisse, Directorix, Religious Overdose, The Syndromes), Bauhaus, and Theatre of Hate. There's also a light dusting of collage throughout. Intriguing stuff!
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Thursday, 10 October 2013

Words Written in Trust 1980

Now here's a lovely item - a screenprinted collection of Poison Girls' lyrics compiled by the band in response to the then growing interest from punters and journos alike. This first edition was limited to 150 copies and I am immensely indebted to Edwin Pouncey, to whom this copy was presented by the band, as it was from he that I came to possess this fabulous artefact. Besides the lyrics, WWiT also gives details of the venue and date where each song had its first airing - fascinating stuff I'm sure you'll agree.
Excitingly, Lance d'Boyle informs me that he and Vi are currently working on producing a facimile of WWiT - planning is in its infancy at the moment but continue watching this space for updates and developments. Suffice to say the facsimile will be rather limited - please let me know if you would be interested in scoring a copy when it is eventually published. In the meantime I'll be sharing pages from WWiT - again, if there is a particular lyric you wanted to see let me know and if it is one that was included in WWiT I will share it with you 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Philip Chevron 1957 - 2013

R.I.P. Phil

What Vision
is Left
and is
Anyone Asking?
OK, here's issue 3 of Blast out of Belfast and to be totally clear - I make no political point. The head honcho is Solomon Po working alongside a clutch of cartoon creators. This is something of different kind for ee - I have a rake more Blasts so if this proves popular I'll post some more. Cartoons: Harlequin - Lightning, The Womb Room - Maco, Sk'duddle O'er Binguddey - Scally Wag. Mind you, it's not all cartoons - there are a few interviews: Davy Francis (A Legend in his own Lunchtime) is quizzed by Lightning - as is Pat from behind the counter at Just Books in Belfast. Crass (Lightning and Scally Wag talk to G) + a page of photos from the Anarchy Centre gig, and there's also the remnants of a misplaced interview with Poison Girl, Richard. Also there's a bunch of correspondence in Spout Your Load. 
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Friday, 4 October 2013

Sunday Mirra #2, 1977

…and now!
(for interlechools only)….
Issue 2 of Sunday Mirra was brought to you by Rob Rooke, Phil and Steve, and features many great images by the house photographer Ian Paisley. Interviews with Black Slate and Sham 69; news on Penetration, Wayne County, Generation X, The Damned, Johnny Moped; articles include a Very Brief History of Reggae (+ Rough Trade's top selling Reggae records), Wire, Johnny (Rotten) Still Thinks Drugs = Hippies, Bernie Torme and The Dose; live  reviews of Raped/Mean Streets/The Wasps at the Vortex, and Iggy Pop at the Rainbow; LP reviews of Sex Pistols, Skrewdriver, and The Tubes; 7" review of The Heartbreakers, 999, Buzzcocks, Skrewdriver, Generation X, and Radiators From Space; 2 snazzy Sex Pistols' pin ups + the Mirra Crossword. Excellent!  
A4 single and double sided scanned at 600 dpi

Friday, 27 September 2013

After Hours #1, 1979

From the pressing plants to the concert halls we want some control!
Jon and Charles did a sterling job with this fanzine - the Scritti Politti and The Raincoats interviews are excellent and I advise downloading the pdf for those alone. Apart from the eds., After Hours had  input from John Lipnicki, James Fox, Jo, Neil Andersen, Shirley O'Loughlin and Neil Clifford. Sniffin' Glue, Dirt and Black Dwarf cited as inspiration. Interviews with The Raincoats (7 pages given over), The Prefects, and Scritti Politti; articles featuring Soubrette Perverse, Who Really Runs Rock 'n' Roll? (the music industry scutinised), Prag VEC, Fireplace, Superman, and Wayne Kramer. Again, this scant write-up does no real justice to this fine zine. Issue 2 is equally superb and will appear on ee in the near future. 
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Wednesday, 25 September 2013

No More of That #1, 1981

It's written in their rules
To put missiles before hospitals
A smashing little fanzine is this No More of That. Assembled by Bobby Gray in Airdrie, it's a somewhat slim affair - just the 12 pages but enough is packed in to be of interest. Interviews with Crass, Six Minute War (quite a lengthy effort by 6MW standards - it may be the longest interview I've seen with those DIY wunderkids) and The L Plates. There's a wee feature on the band End Result, Kelly Woz Nowhere focuses on a TV programme entitled, Kelly Woz Here, and Oi the Farce has a critical look at Garry Bushell's brainchild. Overall it's a very entertaining little number. I'm rather desperately trying to get me mitts on issue 2 of NMoT so if any soul out there can help me out that'd be ace…the desolate sound of tumbleweed
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Friday, 20 September 2013

All the Poets #2, 1980

We talk from dark places
Words fall from our lips
Deaths on
Indifferent Tongues
As promised here's issue 2 of Mark Schlossberg's and John Tottenham's, All the Poets. Shouts go out to the Savage Prodigals: Billy Carless, Anna, Maureen, Lynn, Bernard. Annie Anxiety contributed also and there's a Syd Barrett effort resurrected too. Issue 1 can be seen here along with a rake of poetry tinged offerings. Work on this exceptional atrefact was overseen by Better Badges supremo, Joly McFie who commented recently: "looking at it, I remember the big development here was that I fugured out how to do cheapo colour seperation on our process camera using colour filters and angled screens, and making the plates myself. Like 5 quid versus 100 quid for the pro version". Isn't it heartening to know that behind the scenes there acted such a conscientious soul seeking to improve the quality of fanzine printing whilst striving to keep the printing costs at a minimum. Coming soon will be an ee megapost featuring input from Joly along with recollections about some notable BB produced fanzines - keep your eyes peeled for that.

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Thursday, 19 September 2013

Ripped & Torn #10, 1978

And now for something completely different…
I thought I'd bang on another of these big hitters. Here's issue 10 of Tony D's essential Ripped & Torn - it's a legend in itself. Tony was aided and abetted here by David Yuratich, Phil Smee, Jem Gibbs, Alex Fergusson and Caris. Issue 10 is absolutely rammed with charts, an interview with David Bowie, A Non Reply from His Highness being something of a swipe at Richard Hell), Today Your Love Tomorrow a Press Conference featuring  The Ramones, Rockabilly Uprising (has a gander at Whirlwind / Levi & the Rockats, A Pop Band Who Care features an extensive letter from Tom Robinson, an article about Smokey (not the Bradford band), LP reviews of Blondie, Wayne County & the Electric Chairs, Whirlwind, 7" reviews of 999, Kim Fowley, Raped, Buzzcocks, The Wasps, Penetration, The Rezillos, Metal Urbain, The Viletones, Harry Toledo, Human Switchboard EP. Elsewhere we have Antz images and Heroin Lyric. Again, this write up just about scratches the surface. Brill!
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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Stringent Measures #3, 1981

A Kind of Ferocious Holiness

Hailing from Leamington Spa, issue 3 of Chris Coleman's Stringent Measures was predicted and proved to be the final issue - which is a shame given the charming contents of this lovingly crafted fanzine. Following on from the extensive introduction we have an interview with The Sussed; articles about the Shrinking Men, New Antiques, Futurama 1981 Stafford (Blue Orchids, Theatre of Hate, Diagram Brothers, Eyeless in Gaza, UK Decay, Bow Wow Wow, The Passions, Ponderosa Glee Boys, 23 Skidoo, Revenna & the Magnetics, Cry, Bauhaus, Gang of Four, Virgin Prunes, Modern Eon, Doll By Doll…'anyway, the weekend was £10…well…er…well it was £10 spent'.), Altered Images (article and photos by Mark Webb), Persons Unknown, The Membranes, U2 (1 page gig and LP review), La Peine, and a 1 page essay on fanzines. Elsewhere there are reviews of Rudi, Bits, Joy Division, Alvin the Aardvark, The Human League, Sussed, ABC, The Membranes, Sonar + The Unofficial Nikki Sudden Fan Club.
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Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Beat Goes On #1, 1979

Do Not Adjust Your Set
I wanted to post this back in July following the sad news of Alastair Donaldson's passing but I couldn't locate the TBGOs in the archive - anyway, I found the blighters - 2 editions TBGO and the dinky Daily Raj - issue 2 and DR will follow in a wee while. TBGO hailed from Edinburgh and appears to be a sole effort by Bob Jefferson (of earlier Rezillozine, 2000AD fame) though shouts did go out to Mark Wollrich and Nick Kershaw. TBGO marked the period following the demise of The Rezillos and the emergence of The Revillos. Issue #1 of this neat little gem features Do Not Adjust Your Set (stills from the band's The Old Grey Whistle Test appearance), an interview with Faye and Eugene, a letter from Faye, The Life &Times of William Mysterious, Rezillos' Bits & Pieces, Shake Rattle and Roll being a squint at Jo Callis' 'new' project, TBGO's playlist in Our Fave Discs and a review of Mission Accomplished…..It Gets Me!
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Monday, 2 September 2013

Blam #6, 1982

They Went Bravely Through All The Motions
Here ya go - this is issue 6 of Peter Hall's cool fanzine, Blam - I did say I will be posting lots of Blams and I hope to have the full run up here eventually since it's one that I particularly enjoy. This issue has interviews with The Insane Picnic, I'm Dead, The Delmontes, The Go-Betweens, and The Sounds; a 1 page reviews of Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft's 'Fur Immer' by Albert Hardwick + 2 pages of tapes; articles on/about Where's Lisse, The Great Divide, A Cheap Holiday in Other People's Misery (spotlight on festivals including Stonehenge, Glastonbury and Womad), Living on a Nerve End by Martin Newell, 'being an account of a D.I.Y. cassette maniac', Tinguely at the Tate Gallery, 23 Skidoo, Meat for Monsters (by Steve Lamacq), Stress, Get Smart, Joy Division (unofficial discography), and Metamorphosis. All of that + some odd bits & bobs and a rather decent fanzine round-up for good measure. 

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Thursday, 29 August 2013

Jamming #11, 1980

Punk is where you find it!
I'm just on with reading Jamming Ed., Tony Fletcher's new book, Boy About Town, and very enjoyable it is too with some ace insights into the world of fanzines. Not least, there's a particularly excellent section on Tony's introduction to Joly McFie, that wonderful guru of UK fanzinedom  - I thoroughly recommend you cop hold of it. Anyroad, here's issue 11 of Jamming - easily one of the best fanzines published anywhere, ever! It quite simply has the lot - great interviews and articles and an abundance of interesting bits & bats bulge and spill from its fabulously colourful pages. Interviews - Zeitgeist, The Beat, The Dead Kennedys, and The Shout; articles - Swiss Wave (Felix Fischer Ed. of Swiss fanzine, Jamming [confusingly] mentioning 101, Sick of the One Day Kick, Nasal Boys, Sperma, Dogbodys, Yello, Troppo, Hertz, No Fun [fanzine], Kraft Durch Freude, Mutterfreuden, Kleenex, Liliput, TNT, Glueams, Mother's Ruin, Liars, Gauzone, Technicolor, Zero Heroes, Bastards, and Tickets); It's 4 Years Later and What Have We Got? (Tony ponders the lack of decent venues and the notion that 'rock 'n' roll is dead'; Birmingham's Burning (Dave Jennings has a squint at Brum notingThe De-Go-Tees, Vision Collision, Duran Duran, Dance, The Nightingales); The Jam Effect appraises the Sound Effects and the attendant live tour; excellent fanzine Round-Up [A-M] + an appreciation of Better Badges; LPs - Adam & The Ants, Sector 27, Spec Records, The Fall, The Damned; 7"s - Wah Heat, Art Objects, Soft Touch , Louder Animal Group, Cabaret Voltaire, The Naughtiest Girl Was A Monitor, Furniture, Non/Smegma, The Gist, Dogma Cats, This Heat, Dayshift, Essential Logic, Methodishca Tunes, Ian Dury, Josef K, Orange Juice, Girls At Our Best, Delta 5, Jona Lewie; Jamming Charts; Gigs and Ligs - Another Pretty Face/TV 21, Buzzcocks/The Things; Letters; and brief bits of news on Louder Animal Group and Paul Weller. Superb stuff!
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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Panache #14, 1981

Hello Snotrags 
Here's issue 14 of Mick Mercer's ace fanzine. Folk may be interested to learn that by and large all the photography featured in Panache was snapped by Mick himself - if you're interested in scoring a bit of it or having a gander at Mick's online magazines take a peek here. This issue features: interviews with UK Decay, Security Risk, The Uglies, and the Leopards; articles on Temporary Title, and Maitresse [1975 film]; a brief live review of Brian Brain; snippits of Ski Patrol, The Innocents, and The Petticoats. Really there's much more to this fanzine than my write up might suggests.
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Thursday, 22 August 2013

Let's Be Adult About This #1, 1979

anyone taking the name seriously ought to be shot
Here's a very stylish fanzine. Let's Be Adult About This was edited by Vicki Bonnet and features a great deal of input from future Foetus man, Jimmi Thirlwell. There's an excellent assortment of interviews here with The Monochrome Set, Swell Maps, Scritti Politti, The Atoms and The Door & The Window (Nag and Bendle of course - but Mark Perry gets to chip in). The interviews are accompanied by a taster of each band's lyrics. Also featured are Deutsch Amerikanischen Freundschaft, The Passage, The Original Mirrors, Dr. Mix & The Remix, Viva, Books, Methodischa Tune, The Scars, Destroy All Monsters, The Tea Set, Cuddly Toys, Music Club, Classix Nouveaux, The The, Balloons, and Manicured Noise in brief articles in which Vicki and Jimmi each have their tuppence. There are reviews of singles by Pink Section, God's Gift, Flowers, Cabaret Voltaire, Phones Sportsman Band, Swell Maps, Josef K, Stepping Talk, English Subtitles, Holger Czukay, Come One, The Sound, Art Bears, Special Affects, Spitfire Boys; a Red Crayola Colouring Competition + a playlist apiece from Vicki and Jimmi. Yet again, another superb fanzine brought to you by…you guessed it - Better Badges!
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Monday, 19 August 2013

Sometimes It's Worth Living? #1, 1980 (UPDATED)

A tidy little number is this Sometimes it's worth living? As far as I know it's a one-off. Bristol-based editor, Bridget Peters notes that most of the editorial were situated in Manchester, and that's where Siwl? was printed. Despite being one of the sparser examples; it clocks in at a mere 12 pages, the slightly arch approach to interviewing niftily lifts Siwl? out of the sycophant sink. Mostly comprised of: A Different Way of Thought & Vision - Alternative Reasoning with Steve Ignorant of Crass; Adam Ant Puts His Guts on a Plate for You to Consume or Throw Up; The Art Objects interviewed in Quite Arty Cutey; and essaying Magazine in Culture Vultures. Crass, The Needles, Echo & The Bunnymen, Girls At Our Best, Magazine, The Teardrop Explodes, and the mooted The Square Hyena EP (The Manchester Mekon, Spurtz, The Waste, The Bathroom Renovations) being the concessionary reviews. So yes, however brief, it sure is worth living. 

Here's some lovely commentary just in from contributor, Mary:

Thanks for posting this, what a blast. This is the fanzine I made with my sister – she was in Bristol and I was in Manchester. You’re right, it was a one-off, although that was not the original intention. We started work on issue 2 but we didn’t get around to finishing it.

We sold this at gigs – the most memorable being a Teardrop Explodes gig at the Factory at the Russell Club in Manchester, when a middle-aged man showed an interest in what I was doing and I told him to fuck off (for no particular reason that I can remember now) and he just laughed. I walked away and was immediately surrounded by people asking, admiringly, if I knew him. I didn’t, so they told me it was Tony Wilson and that he owned the club. I’d never heard of him but I was grudgingly impressed that he hadn’t thrown me out or said “do you know who I am?” Years later, I saw 24 Hour Party People (set a few years later, in the Hacienda days) which has a scene where Tony Wilson walks past a queue of people waiting to get into the club and is told to **** off by a girl in the queue for no particular reason. I guess it must have happened to him a lot.

Anyway, good times. We enjoyed making this fanzine and it’s really great to see it here and read your comments. Thanks for scanning this in.

Excellent!. Many thanks for dropping by and commenting, Mary.

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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Back Issue #3, 1980

Not So Brave
This here edition of Back Issue is almost wholly comprised of interviews: Flux of Pink Indians, Swell Maps, Athletico Spizz 80, TV Personalities, and The Damned. I think you'll agree, those superb encounters were well worth the 25p asking price for this fine fanzine. Anyway, apart from those sweet offerings there's a very brief article on Girls At Our Best and a couple of pages given over to Better Badges - and why not?
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Monday, 29 July 2013

Mick Farren 1943 - 2013

R.I.P. Mick

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Alastair Donaldson 1955-2013

R.I.P. William Mysterious

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Richie Havens 1941-2013

R.I.P. Richie

Friday, 5 April 2013

Panache #13, 1980

Wading through the fanzine pile for this latest post I struck the Panache seam and was frankly amazed that none have appeared here as yet. It's amazing because Panache was a top flight publication and a personal favourite. Anyway I've hastened ahead to #13 primarily to make the astonishing The Cravats interview more readily available. Panache was of course headed-up by Mick Mercer with input from Surly Yout, Jorn and Eric. Interviews: Another Pretty Face, Animals & Men, Ski Patrol, The Cravats (9 pages of small type! + The Shend’s poem, Varicose Veins), The Chaps, and Siouxsie & Steve Severin (intemperate at times on account of MM’s earlier snubbing of an interview offer). There's a review of Derek Jarman’s, The Tempest, Stamp Out Snogging is a call to ban kissing at gigs. There's a handful of reviews: 7”s - The Visitors, Attempted Moustache, Beast; 12” - The Photos + a small article on Toyah + much much more – really, it’s rammed with tons of writing, cut-ups and snippets. Serious value for money.
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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Stabmental #2, 1979

Tom Craig's and Geoff Rushton's prettily dark Stabmental is a killer fanzine. Oodles of enthusiam from Oundle sees interviews with Chain of Dots (members incl' Garry Bailey, Sharron Borelam, Nag, Bendle, Igor, Mick Clark [One Gang Logic]), Rema-Rema, Clock DVA (feat' Adi Newton of Gun Rubber fame), The Lemon Kittens, and I'm So Hollow; reviews of The Raincoats, Yet Another Temple (tape), and P.I.L.. Ratcheting-up the Sheffield quotient with The Neutron Manifesto. 3 pages are given over to The Tape List - exhaustive I doubt but it is at the very least a fair stab(mental): The Accelerators, A Classic Slice of Teenage Angst, Coventry ZZZ, Daark Inc. Records (Tank Death, Animal Dance, Staff Incompetence, The New Pollution, Your Animals, Everyone Wants to Win, FurFur, Carcass Analysis), Digital Dinosaurs, Elephant Death, The Door & Window, Blank Space, An Hour of Torture, Wye, The Weird Tales Cassette, The Horrible Nurds, Fuck Off Records/Weird Tapes (Back to Sing for Free, Danny & The Dressmakers, 200 Cancelations, Autoverite, Androids of Mu, Weird Sampler, Scars on Sunday, All I can Hear is the Hearing Aids, 39 Golden Grates, Distortion Dub-Funhouse/Living Deadno, Grand Union Canal Mystery - Anthrax for the People), Fine Products, Flat Out, The Industrial Record Cassette Collection, I'm So Hollow, Infrascan, Phillip Johnson, Paul Leckie, Methods of Execution, Paul Möller, Metabolist, Obvious Products, Out of Print, The Popes, Eddie Re, Solo Sam, Chris Scott, Trokkoids, Violent Death Records, Warsaw Pakt, Paul A. Wells, and Waldo Records. For those wishing to savour some of the above delights I highly recommend a trip over to Die or D.I.Y., where many of these tapes have been discussed and uploaded.
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Monday, 11 March 2013

Voice of Buddha #2, 1980

We've common goals.
We deliver the goods.
We are the kind of men
Who can do the job;
Same fear, same blood;
Same tears, same mud;
Same heights, same hopes;
Same laughs, same jokes.
As flagged in the VOB#1 posting this here second, "Happy Issue" of VOB features interviews with Mayo Thompson, John Peel, Adam & The Ants, and The Jam (+ preview of Going Underground lyrics). Elsewhere there's Poet for the 80s?; a piece on Dave Waller along with a review of DW's and Mr. Weller's Riot Stories, Notes From Hostile Street (incl John Cooper Clarke, Linton Kwesi Johnson, and Patrik Fitzgerald). Practise Makes Perfect offers a brief unravelling of Wire. A solitary review of The Bodysnatchers at the (London) Lyceum. Michael and James dish up some snippets of news - notably the Nips split! Not forgetting the smattering of VOBgraphics throughout.

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Voice of Buddha #2      

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Tidal Wave #1, 1980

I've noted this as issue 1, though I think it is in fact another one-off affair. Not that its being a stand-alone diminishes its appeal in any way. On the contrary - and this particulary applies to the most welcome interviews - TW is a veritable gem. It was a sole effort by Terri with "thanx [to] Esther for the endless cups of tea and the wonderfulness". The fanzine overall is dedicated to Ian Curtis and in 2 seperate wee articles Terri laments the passing of the esteemed Joy Division frontman. As indicated, there's an excellent selection of interviews with The Tea Set, A Certain Ratio, Young Marble Giants, and The Teardrop Explodes. Joy Division and ACR at the Moonlight under review and Terri's top platters in the Tidal Wave Playlist. TW is yet another Better Badges production. Top flight gubbins.
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Thursday, 21 February 2013

Kevin Ayers 1944 - 2013

R.I.P. Kevin

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Kick #3, 1980

“The vagueness of our discontent is the mark of its permanence”. Ahhh, it’s refreshing to come across a choice Orwell quote as a foreword to this fine fanzine. To be clear though, vagueness does not appear to afflict the Kick organisation’s enthusiasm for the spirit of Punk – that enthusiasm being particularly evident in Richard Cabut’s input here – itself bolstered by contributions from Anne Crawford, Chris Gibson and Lill (“if you’re reading get in touch”). Kick #3 sees The Fall, Bauhaus (David Jay), and Pneumania interviewed; gigs by This Heat/The Elevators, Simple Minds/Martian Dance/Wasted Youth, and UK Decay/The Wall/The Dark reviewed. Richard Cabut and Lill offer brief essays on Punk in, Occult Chemistry and A Rather Suss Piece on Punk & Life Thru a Foreign Punk’s Eyes respectively. Luton Punks sneaks a peek at UK Decay, Pneumania, Statics, Urban Warfare, Cinematix, Nervous Surgeons, Project 4, Dresden Maniacs, The Mandies and The Demons. There’s no playlist! Thank Clapton then for the short fanzine round-up and props to Better Badges, without whom (the inestimable Joly MacFie) many of the fanzines posted thus far on ee may never have come into being let alone enjoyed such a wide distribution. I tell ya, a proper celebration of BB on ee is well overdue. In the meantime, if you haven't seen it already, you’ll enjoy this excellent BB article.     

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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Sunday The 7th #2, 1981

Following Bubs' departure Sunday The 7th became largely a sole effort by Martin "Cobby" Cobb, though Bubs does contribute...and Paul does too, er, so that’s clear enough then. Anyroad, there’s no doubting the quality of this 32 page bristling blighter! Featuring: profiles and interviews with Vice Squad, Toxic Power, The End (Matt McLeod, Trev A. Beckett, Ann Dee Martian, Zoff and Gary) + a plug for Sunday The 7th house band, Primal Chaos. Other interviews with: Chelsea’s, Gene October (an interesting comment from Gene on being asked about the frequent line-up changes could have come straight from M.E. Smith’s mouth, uncannily so really); and a decent 2 part interview with UK Subs’, Steve Roberts and Nicky Garratt, the latter proving particularly illuminating. Elsewhere there’s a delve into the Tribal Warfare issue; a rather astute look at TV, the press and advertising in Don't Believe the Media Lies; 6 Minute War warns about cruise missiles, and a review of The War Game in Banned by the BBC. Opinions has contributions from Bubs, Richard and Michelle with poetry and points of view about war and work + Ann Dee Fucking Martian holds fourth on The Anarchist Dilemma (and just in case a shitstorm kicks up about certain elements therein, just remember, I DIDN'T WRITE IT, OK?!). There are no record or tape reviews but Cobby does offer a snappy little rationale for eschewing such fripperies – though there are a couple of live reviews of UK Subs/Chelsea/Stiffs/Anti Pasti, and Vice Squad/Anti-Establishment + a neb at a few fanzines, some collage and Discharge lyrics. Good stuff! 

A4 scanned at a measly 400 dpi

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

UrBAN D.K. #3, 1983

101? Now there's a number with which to conjure! Here in UDK #3, Dubliners, Freud Eggs, Mick Kennedy, Mairead Mullins, Pete the Roz and Art O'Leary rustle-up: With the Same Fervour with which We Came We Plough the Earth; Biased Reviews (LPs: Pillows & Prayers Comp, Dambala); a profile of  Max (Marion Woods, Ingmar Klang, Conor Kelly & Johnny Byrne); interviews with Virgin Prunes and Crass (postal jobby with Penny). 12 pages. Job done! 

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Friday, 18 January 2013

Between The Lines #1, 1979

Not a straight-forward fanzine at all really – more a thoughtzine in which Anna, with recourse to writings from elsewhere, shares with us her inner machinations. Sure, there are interviews with Gloria Mundi and Poison Girls but those are resolutely of the searching variety –there’s barely a whiff of the, “what’s your favourite colour” school of interrogation. As was standard with Poison Girls, Anna’s encounter with Richard and Vi is particularly illuminating – more discussion than interview as we witness the subject and host on an equal footing. Anna’s ruminations on Thinking and Thoughts are ably bolstered by contributions from Di and Abe, along with: poetry from D. H. Lawrence, Jackie, John Betjeman and Wilfred Owen; a short extract on Swearing from George Orwell’s, Down and Out in Paris and London; and a reproduction of the widely distributed CND Leaflet, No More Hiroshimas. I've noted this as issue 1 though I understand it is in fact a one-off. All told, Between the Lines is a real gem.

A4 single and double-sided scanned a 600 dpi

To compliment this post I’m uploading a recording of Poison Girls live in Leeds. The recording was made by Troy Bunn. Troy happened to be an inveterate bootlegger and was often to be found rooted to a spot throughout the proceedings of many a gig frantically hushing any approaching souls with a finger to lips gesture lest any intrusive natterings spoil his recordings. Sadly, most of Troy’s live tapes were lost to a rash bout of recycling during the nineties but those that survived - including 2 more PG’ sets - will appear here eventually. This is a reasonable bootleg though those aurally delicate types may need to allow their lugs to adjust to the slight coarseness of the recording quality - the songs however remain as beautiful as ever.     

Where’s The Pleasure?
Are You Happy Now?
Too Close For Comfort
Old Tart’s Song
Rio Disco Stink
Cry No More
Too Proud
Total Exposure
One Good Reason
Cream Dream
Persons Unknown
State Control
I’ve Done It All Before

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Situation Vacant #2, 1978

Here we go, the first for 2013 and it’s “Derby’s first new wave mag”! Worth noting that the Situation Vacant editorial team, Martin Roper, Russell Maw, Dugi Bell et al would go on to form Anti Pasti. In this issue of SV we have: interviews with Sham 69 and The Adverts; Seven Inchers – TRB, The Only Ones, Ian Dury & The Blockheads, The Radiators From Space, Magazine, XTC, Buzzcocks, Penetration; Larger Vinyl – The Only Ones, Buzzcocks; live – The Vibrators, Cherry Vanilla, Anti Nazi Carnival (X Ray Spex, Patrik Fitzgerald, The Clash, Steel Pulse, TRB, 90° Inclusive; Charts + a 1 page ad for The Skids.
A4 scanned at 600 dpi