Monday, 19 December 2011

V Sign #3, 1980

Creative graffitti, the voice of the secret public that those grey people in power would love to silence

There's a pointer back to the last post in this V Sign - editor Les comments on a particular short piece: ‘this bit hasn’t worked, KYPP#2 has some of my feelings put into words but I can’t do that very well – it all sounds too obvious’. Peer referencing was something of a theme and it's one of the charms of these fanzines; the dialogue among them - the encouragement and camaraderie, the barbs, feuds and spats. Les’ caveat aside, the bulk of V Sign #3 is smashing with some quality interviews and extended live reviews. Featuring: Clefts, The Flowers, UK Decay, Lemon Kittens, Martin Atkins (PIL); Live – Joy Division/Killing Joke/A Certain Ratio/Section 25, UK Decay/Pneumania, The Raincoats/Young Marble Giants, The Chords/Bees/Chron Gen; Local Scene Stevenage name-checking Actofed, Brutal Waste, Capital Punishment, Chron Gen, Clefts, Criminal Offender, The Daz, Deranged, Morbid Mindz, False Alarm, Optional Extras, Orange Disaster, Parasites, Rusty Planets, UAP (Unauthorised Personnel), and The Ultimate Universal Destruction [as noted, ‘some might not really exist’] + interesting graphics and ‘meaningless scrawl that doesn’t really communicate’. Ace!  
A4 scanned at 600 dpi
V Sign #3       

Monday, 14 November 2011

Kill Your Pet Puppy #1, 1980

I’m so cute and loveable, little do you suspect I’m the first in a long list of instruments designed to teach you to be dependent on useless objects. Enslaving you for a lifetime of obedience to an outside agent that demands you sacrifice your independence to serve – in return I give you dubious security and peace of mind.
Tony D.

Frankly, a no show for Kill Your Pet Puppy would be recklessly remiss of ee. Like R.E.M., KYPP sits comfortably in the firmament of exceptional zines (imo). Aesthetically delightful; every issue of KYPP thrums with colourful appeal, an appellation editor Tony D. nailed thoroughly with his earlier bona fide classic, Ripped & Torn. Undoubtedly, an adept hand was at the tiller here, but as Tony noted, ‘there’s no technique that I used in printing this that you couldn’t do – it’s been put together on the floor with felt pens, glue & scissors’. Ahhh, that good old cut and paste of yore and honest to goodness encouragement to boot. Of course, visual attraction alone does not make for a quality zine and happily KYPP’s vivid palette is easily equalled by the verve and zing of its written content. Anyway, enough of my gobbets, for a far fuller appraisal see the KYPP site here. Also, you can have a look at the full run of KYPP here (there's also tons of fabulous ephemera there for you to feast upon). Excitingly, Tony D. has also made the full run of R&T available here. Topper stuff indeed! #1 of KYPP, compiled in collusion with the Puppy Collective (Val, Brett, Phillipe, and Jeremy) features: Adam & The Antz, Tuinal, Crass (a reproduction of the pamphlet Crass/Poison Girls’ issued after the disastrous Nov ’79 Conway Hall gig + KYPP’s critical take on that event); Jeremy Gluck’s, ‘Pop Fans of The World Unite; and cranking up the Crass quotient, a 1 page Stations of the Crass review. As Tony acknowledged, ‘it’s a bit skinny (18 pages) but at least it’s not padded out’ with crap. Right on!

A4 scanned at 600 dpi

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Rapid Eye Movement #1, 1979

'Are you as paranoid as a lot of your stuff suggests?'

'Paranoid? Oh yeah, paranoya is my life. I've been made that way by other people.'
Patrik Fitzgerald
Rapid Eye Movement wasis a brilliant fanzine. Sadly departed R.E.M. ed. Simon Dwyer's inspired delving yielded-up a celebrated corpus sublime. Mining a rare seam, Simon hewed from a fissure where music, politics, culture and the occult converged ('Occulture'); always deftly swerving the decent into accursed obscurantism. He'd go on to do a stint at Sounds and eventually launch 'Occulture' in earnest with the 1989 publication of Rapid Eye vol. 1 - this lavish artefact earned Simon his many plaudits. Of interest here though are the 3 early issues of Rapid Eye Movement featuring collaborators Alan Anger, Mick Dwyer and Lol Loveitt. These fanzines soar way above most other contenders, primarily on account of their searching interviews; check out the in-depth chats with Scritti Politti, The Piranhas (5 pages apiece), Patrik Fitzgerald (7 pages), Tony Parsons & Julie Burchill, and Mark Perry, and you soon get the picture. There's a profile on the Bridge House (Canning Town) namechecking gaffers Tony Murphy, Glen Murphy & Jon McGeady + mentions for Bridge House Records recording artists Rebel, The Tickets, Dogwatch, and a brief review of Mod's May Day '79 comp. There are short pieces on Nicky & The Dots (Simon's bro Nick's band), and Chelsea, which includes a review of The Slab. Elsewhere, reviews of The Flowers, PIL, SLF, The Monochrome Set, The Specials, The Undertones, The Stranglers, Penetration, 999, The Angelic Upstarts, The Damned, Earcom 2 (The Thursdays, Basczax Joy Division), The Merton Parkas, Killing Joke, Stiv Bators, and Pere Ubu + live - The Fall/Scritti Politti/Ian Penman. An absolute pearler!

A4 scanned at 600 dpi

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Aftermath #5, 1980


Tony Medlycott and Bobby Colvill's Aftermath ably gets the job done with snappy articles about The Subhumans, The Stuff, Chaos, Flux of Pink Indians, Cracked Actors, London PX, 22, 000 Flowers, Department S; Words of Truth from V Sign's Les; John Lennon Appreciation by Bob Waterman; interview with Poison Girls' Richard Famous; live reviews of The Nips/Red Rage, The Shout; 7" reviews - The Daleks, Six Minute War, Tenpole Tudor, Theatre of Hate, Throbbing Gristle; full page on The Falls' Grotesque; Religion & Crass; fanzines; Aftermath Top 20 1980 7"s; Plan 9 From Outer Space/Erazerhead & poetry from Bobby Colvill.

Single side A4 scanned at 400 dpi

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Jamming #9, 1979

I remember my mum said to me, 'you fucking bastard', I thought it was incredible. How many mothers call you that?

Jamming editor Tony Fletcher reckons #9 was probably the "best issue terms of pure fanzine energy and confidence". It's difficult to quarrel with his assessment - but then, every issue of Jamming brimmed with 'energy and confidence'. To be fair, Jamming did lose appeal for me from issue 13 onwards, though I still bought it. #9 is rammed with: interviews - The Jam (The Ultimate Interview + 1 page Setting Sons review), Rudi, The Fall + Dragnet review and 1 page ad, The Pack, The Selecter; local scene report from Sheffield featuring Cabaret Voltaire, They Must Be Russians, Artery, The Stunt Kites, The Negatives, TV Product, NMX fanzine, Marcus Featherby; Ack Ack feature; The New Jersey Scene with The Feelies, Blackfoot, The Royals, Some Guise, WKGB, Paper Men, TV Toy; letters from, amongst others, Mick Mercer and Nikki Sudden; 7"s - Spizz Energi, Glaxo Babies, The Monochrome Set, The Chords, The Atoms, The Fakes, Swell Maps, Materialschlaft, Inner City Unit, The Feelies, The Barracudas, The Door & Window EP2; LPs - PIL (Extra Issue bootleg), Cabaret Voltaire, Avon Calling comp, Essential Logic, The Clash (Sort it Out bootleg); live - SLF/The Donkeys, Speedball/The Vandels/Second Nature/Smeggy & The Cheesy Bits, The Fall/Scritti Politti/Methodisch Tunes/The Music Club; 'And the Radio is in the Hands' featuring a visit to Bradford's Pennine Radio; TF on Tribalism; Fanzine round-up and Jamming Charts. Top quality product!

A4 scanned at 600 dpi

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Vague #14, 1983

I made a right pig's ear of the last editorial, so this time I'm not gonna bother, this might be the last Vague but you haven't heard the last from us...
Tom Vague

Well it certainly wasn't the last we heard from Tom: Vague's run stands at 64 and counting (1-15 Post-Punk Fanzines, 16-27 Cyber-Punk Manuals, 28-64 London Psychogeography Reports); factor in writings elsewhere, Vaguerants & extensive contributions to the HistoryTalk Notting Hill Timeline, and it's clear, Tom's had his tuppence worth and there's no sign of the man clamming-up yet. Amongst The Vagrants for V14 were Mick Mercer, Steve Rawlings, Ian Death Cult, The Skyboy, Emil Escape, Erica Echenberg, and Tom's Mam. In keeping with previous issues, V14 is a fantastically vibrant article. Eye-poppingly entertaining and infuriating by turns - - it may be Vague but it's never dull. 12 pages are given over to Southern Death Cult - including an extensive interview, 2 page photo spread and a gig by gig review of the 'Fuck the Fat Bastard Tour'. Elsewhere: The Dancing Did; 13th Chime; an address from Danse Society' Steve Rawlings; Pete Scott's, 'Work. N.O. Fuck Work'; Garry Bushell pisstakery, and 'anarcho-glue-punk-zine-negative-bor-inggg-politicoshit' takes a kicking.

Oh, and here's some really great news, Housmans still have V14 in stock at 2 quid a pop! It's a right bargain - go on, snap one up.

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Sunday, 10 July 2011

Spuno #3, 1980


Self deprecation was a stock-in-trade for many fanzine producers - probably working on the premise that it's better to stick the boot in on yourself before some other sod sticks theirs in. Anyway, Bath based Spuno (name derived from an inverted Sounds masthead with the initial S dropped) is largely a rake of live reviews, mostly from Bristol Trinity. That said, there's a good range of bands featured: Magazine, Bauhaus, The Photos, Toyah (+ mini interview), Slade/The Rules/Scoop, Crass/Poison Girls, Au Pairs/Essential Logic/John Cooper Clarke/The Pop Group/The Slits/The Raincoats, Adam & The Ants, The Interesting Tents, The Undertones/The Moondogs/Dolly Mixtures, Warhead, Smegma, The UK Subs, The Beat/Motion Pictures/Bim, Electric Guitars/Exploding Seagulls/TV Eye, and Echo & The Bunnymen. Reviews of The Great Rock 'n Roll Swindle, Animals & Men, Any Trouble, Lilliput, Bow Wow Wow, The Toys, The Silver, Hybrid Kids, and Glaxo Babies. + there's charts (local/national), news on Three & a Half Buckets of Water, Scoop, Midnight To Six, Genetic Postman (Zip Guns), and Ultimate Dance. Andy Newman on youth cults; fanzines and poetry. Eric Normal at the helm. 250 copies produced.

A4 scanned at 400 dpi

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Toxic Grafity #5 (inc N.R.R.), 1980

The Vilest Form of Communication

I real hefty piece is TG#5 - weighty in page count and content. Mike hammers home some strong and sustained commentary on the family/parenthood, socialisation, anarchy, the mass media, the army and conscription -'Civil Defence is a Shallow Pretence' being particularly prescient; foregrounding as it does the mainstream media's penchant for championing military misdaventurism - just as they do still - see how the BBC et al dutifully demonise the official enemies and lead the cheers for NATO slaughter in Afghanistan and Libya - 'A Reality of Horror' indeed. Elsewhere there's lyrics from The Eratics, Poison Girls and Crass. Annie Anxiety contributes 'Das Ist Der Heil Das Sie Briggen' (This is the Healing they Bring) + there are several pages from Throbbing Gristle and a liberal sprinkling of sloganeering and collage .
There were 2 edition of TG#5 though there is no difference in content - 2 pages rendered in standard type rather than the 50% reduction account for the 2 page difference across the editions - Oh, and the Second Edition was A3 folded and saw a 20p price increase. TG#5 also featured the scintillating Crass Flexi, Tribal Rival Rebel Revel - its inclusion sent circulation into the stratosphere. Absolutely fantastic throughout.

A4 scanned at 600 dpi

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Toxic Grafitty #4 (inc, N.R.R.), 1979

Ericco Malatesta
Right, so now we have a far fuller picture of N.R.R./TG courtesy of the good folk at Kill Your Pet Puppy - huge thanks to Chris Low for delving into his archive and sharing this fascinating letter from Mike Diboll:
Toxic Grafitty started life as 'No Real Reason' named after the line in 'holidays in the sun' the first issue went out in Oct '78 with a circulation of 50 copy, eventually this went up to 200 copys and the March '79 issue was to contain one of the earliest Crass interviews done by a fanzine, along with Poison Girls and the Wall, and lots of writeing about my own opinions. Unfortuneately I was stopped by the old Bill when I had a copy of that issue, and they 'threw the book at me' for every petty traffic offence that they could think of, confiscated the copy of the the zine, threatened me, and said if they saw the title on the street, or me with it, I would have 'an accident'. So I decided to change the title to Toxic Grafitty which I thought up on the spur of the moment, and I thought it summed up the content of the zine at the time. That summer Crass, Poison Girls and the Epileptics (A.K.A. 'Flux OF Pink Indians') did a benefit gig for the zine at conway hall in centeral London, which raised about £200, that summer the zine reemerged under it's new title and sold 500 copys, another sucsessfull issue came out in December '79 featuring stuff by Crass, Eratics, Epileptics, rubbela ballet and the heretics, this issue sold about 1,000 copys, and gained it a reputation as being a particularly anarchistic zine.
arround that time I started to talk to Crass about the idea of collaberateing with a zine/flexi-disc package, this zine, like all future copys of T.G. was to have no interviews, just oppinions, graphics, articles, and the occasional set of band lyrics, this zine was due to come out that summer, but the project was, and still is, beset by printing difficults and procrastinations, so the zine didn't appear untill the begining of 1981, when it did apper it was in the form of a 47 page anarchist zine ,with no adverts, and the exelant Crass song Tribal Rival Rebel Revels, recordedd on extra thick flexi material so as to make the sound quality as close to that of a 'solid' record as possible, and with some anarchist stickers, the price 50p, which is good value page for page compared with cheaper zines. So far I have sold 20,00 copys, the record opening up an otherwise unobtainable markets for the zine.
The idea of my magazine, I prefere that title to 'fanzine' cos I don't like the 'fan' part of the word, is to promote my views and those of others like me in an as uncompromiseing wau as possible, and to a wider audiance as possible, the content is unashamedly anarchist/pacsifist, and aims to get the reader to look at the shit they see around them in a new light, I belive in is up to people form their own oppinions, TG does not seek to try to indoctrinate people, but to give anarchist thought a wide airing, which the conventional media refuses to give it. I stopped doing interviews and thing because I think they can be cliched and boreing and seldom provide a good platform for the bands themselves. Insted I want to make my writeing and graphics as interesting and inivotive as possible, and to continue with the idea by having a flexi of a band I especialy like and can sympathise with, and giving them a page or two to acompany the flexi, to this end the next copy of TG will have a flexi in it by an exelant London Anarchist punk band call 'CONFLICT' the title of the song is 'Crazy Governments', also I intend to include patches, and maybe stickers. It should be out in September, and I'm hopeing for a sale of 10. 000 copys. In addition I'll soon be getting a duplicateing machine, so I hope to do a smaller more conventional magazine, as wel as doing leaflets and pamphlets and possibly other copies zines for as reasonable price as I can. I don't care if TG only comes out once or twice a year, as long as the end product is good and makes an impact, although the unecessary printing delays are very irritateing, and have bugged TG recently. I'd love to have my own litho.
I was very influanced by early punk as a rebellious movment, although I now prefer to write in a 'non alighned' way as far as so-called 'youth culture' goes cos I think they're all a pile of shit to con the arse of people and encourage mindlessness and needless aggro for the participants, and mony, money, money for musical establishment, such as the record companys, papers, cloths makers and so on ad nauseam.
I like practicaly any form of music as long as the particular example of the music is good of its kind, and honestly done, and that includes things like jazz and classical music as well as the more usualy talked about kinds of of music like punk, reggae, funk, and so on.
My favourite bands/musicians are; Sex Pistols and Clash and early punk in general, John Lennon, some reggae, especialy dub reggae, P.I.L., good disco, Crass, Poison Girls, Throbbing Gristle, John Williams, some oriental music, Elgar, Vaughn Williams, Mussorgsky, Pachabel, Handle, prokofiev, and many others. My Misical dislikes are; practicaly everything in the charts and T.OT.P., especialy moronic Oi Oi-ism and so-called futureist shit, and also all the usual pulp like abba, etc, yours, M.V.D. (Mike)'

Excellent to see so protracted a commentary from Mike on this great fanzine. For sure, TG#4 is jam-packed - practically every inch of page space is utilised. Excellent articles/interviews featuring a seminal bunch of artists: The Eratics, Heretics, Rubella Ballet, Epileptics, Materialschlact, and Mick Duffield offers an extensive breakdown of his film Autopsy. Penny Rimbaud writes, 'Following the 8/9/79 Conway Hall Agro', and elsewhere Mike offers comments on that ill-fated gig. Lots more Mike musings on, 'Willy Whitelaw, Prison and You and Me', R.A.R., Yugoslavian punk, Tribalism and Propaganda Press. Reviews of The Monochrome Set, Poison Girls, Crass, The Feelies, The Pack, Spizz Energi, The Door & Window, Rondos, and Rainbirds. Poetry from Melanie and Annie Anxiety. Also collage, lots of fanzine and book reviews + lyrics and artworks from the featured bands. Superb stuff throughout.

A4 scanned at 400 dpi

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Friday, 22 April 2011

Toxic Graffitti #3 (inc,. N.R.R.), 1979

Did you know that it's technically illeagle to have sugar, (in the larder?), and weed killer (in the greenhouse/), watch out for the Great Fanny Craddock/Percy Thrower conspiracy trial!!!

Ok, so I've done a bit of feeling about and I have it on good authority, Toxic Graffitti #3 was the first TG - Mike Diboll's earlier effort was titled No Real Reason - I often wondered about that '(inc. N.R.R.)'. N.R.R. ran to 2 editions - TG#3 includes details of Mike's encounter with the police and the seizure of N.R.R.#3. Elsewhere there are nice extended interviews with Crass and Poison Girls - top flight stuff. Also, encounters with The Wall and Pentax. Articles on: the Birmingham Punk Scene (The Prefects, Anti Social, Steel Pulse, Mosiah + more) by Nick Alatti; My (MVD's) Anarchy; Police Harassment; British Fascism (NF)/Institutional Racism, and the Diary of a Nobody (Pope bashing). There's a neat little fanzine round-up, and reviews of 7"s by The Visitors, The Ruts, The Clash, Hollywood Brats, 4 Alternatives EP (Joe Public, The Numbers, X-Certs, 48 Hours), Barry Andrews, Essential Logic, Penetration, and The Smirks. Excellently narky throughout.

A4 scanned at 400 dpi
TG#6Competition Update
Congratulations to Chris for bagging the prize by spotting Bucks Fizz, Dollar, Julio Iglesias and other non ee artistes. Well done!

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Toxic Graffity #6, 1982

Toxic Graffity was definitely one of the more thought-provoking productions - I'll not say fanzine as that clearly misrepresents this publication - TG main man, Mike Diboll referred to an earlier issue as 'THE SHITZINE' - and latterly termed TG an 'anarcho-punk agit-art magazine'. Anyway, this 'special arty-farty benefit issue' is quite a radical departure from the earlier TG A4 format - the profits from it were to be channelled into production of lithoed TGs - sadly, those never materialised. Mike explains the rational and the tussle with Better Badges in the editorial of this issue - & for an extended lowdown see the fascinating TG post over on Kill Your Pet Puppy - be sure to check out the ensuing comments in which Mike and Joly (BB) go some way towards patching-up their rift.
I can't quite fathom the numbering sequence of TG - I have issues #3, #4, #5 (2 slightly different editions), & #6 - now, Mike says he produced 5 issues - do the variations on issue #5 count as 2 or were there issues preceding #3? There is mention in #3 of it being 'belated', so I'm guessing there were earlier issues. Any info gratefully received. At any rate, I'll be posting them all here - you lucky people.
Competition Time
As promised, since this is the first, albeit late, anniversary ee posting I'm giving away a copy of TG #6 - bear in mind that this was an entirely DIY edition and was limited to, I think, 200 copies - quite unlike the preceding issue which, in no small part due to the inclusion of a Crass flexi disc, sold something in the region of 10, 000 copies. To cop hold of it, check the ee collage masthead - I update it now and again - on this occasion I've added 5 artists/groups that clearly have no place on this blog - the first person to spot the greatest number of these erroneous acts gets the goods. Finding them all will be quite tricky and comments will be moderated until the winner is announced a week hence. Good luck.
A4 folded scanned at 400 dpi

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Sunday Mirra #5, 1978

Mirra: Right. Uh, can you read music?

Graham: No, none of us can, if any of us has an idea, then we go 'di-dum-der-dir-dum etc'....till we can all play it, then we add bits on to it.

Right, so now we know...that's how Wire wrought that magical sound...... anyway, there's a nice 4 page encounter with the band in this fine issue of Sunday Mirra. Elsewhere there's Dose, Moped Mania, The Killjoys, Toots & The Maytals, 999 + 'Another Mirra Exclusive' with un-aired excerpts from Stuart Henry's, Sex Pistols interview. 'The Hayes Wave' featuring Dose, Tubeway Army, Transistor, and The Zo. Reviews: ATV, Jools Holland, Buzzcocks, Dirty Dog, The Adverts, Gen X, and The Patti Smith Band.
Single/double sided (near tissue thin!) A4 scanned at 400 dpi

Sideburns Update
DaveO over at Music&Stuff has pulled off a blinder in tracking down a copy of Sideburns #1 Stateside - S#1 is of course the originator the legend, 'this is a chord, this is another, this is a form a band' - thanks to the lad for sharing the article.
By way of a late ee first birthday celebration the next post will feature another fabulous fanzine giveaway competition - yippee!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Grinding Halt #6, 1980

You can't really ask me questions and expect me to answer them, 'cos I'm so confused I can't even believe that we're alive, I think it's so weird
Another exhilarating hit of Callous & Snide's, Grinding Halt. Live: The Distractions, Between Pictures, Clayson & The Argonauts, The Legendary Flobs, The Time, The Cockney Rekects/The Pack/Kidz Next Door, SLF, Coconut Dogs, El Seven, Zerox, Suspects & The Seize, Mighty Strypes/The Runners. Vinyl: LPs - Crisis, The Moonlight Tapes comp, Toyah, Cheap Dialogue, Sham 69, The Vapors, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Joy Division; 7"s - The Dead Kennedys, The Distractions, The Freeze, Comsat Angels, The News, Crass/Poison Girls, Flys, Flowers, El Seven, The Fall, Sector 27, Discharge, Snatch, The Barracudas, The Damned, SLF. + a reasonable rap on the knuckles for No Cure fanzine & Eddie's delightful encounter with Shrink.
A4 scanned at 400 dpi

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Spitting Pretty Pikktures, 1983

Never mind the Bomb -
who's got the Biggest Cock?
Finishing of this little batch of Leezines with Spitting Pretty Pikktures - worth posting for the title alone. Lee notes here that this is his twelfth production within 4 years - and going on the work seen here, that's gotta be a goodly oeuvre. Like Anathema, SPP is stuffed with poetry, musings and collage, with contributions from Kim and Neil + a fantastically extensive interview with Poison Girls' Lance, Richard and Vi. Excellent stuff.
A4 folded scanned at 400 dpi

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Anathema #2, 1982

Larry Grayson really loves you all,
yeah Larry really loves you...

More cogitations from Lee on topics often derisively dismissed as 'the usual issues' (generally by types who talk of the right wing this, and left wing that - blind proponents of what has become little more than an act of mass mesmerism - an illusion of choice pitting people one against the other, divided and ruled - whilst dark market forces, whom all ultimately serve, grin with greedy glee...), at any rate, those 'usual issues' are still relevant today and the more that air them the better.
Anathema #2 features an interview with Andy T, poetry, collage, fanzine round-up, The Mob lyrics + pieces on factory fodder, wonky civilisation, old age, gender conditioning, personal revolution, the Falklands war, machismo, insincere celebrity + contributions from Mandi, Paul A, Gerrard (Anabolic Steroids). Very feint in parts - 2 pages inverted in original corrected for ease of reading.
A4 scanned at 400 dpi

Friday, 14 January 2011

Anathema #1, 1982

Solid stuff here from Lee (Stockton-on-Tees) - I think there were just 2 editions produced, both in 1982 [corrections always welcome]. Anathema was Lee's second effort, having earlier delivered Kiss the Earth, and latterly, Spitting Pretty Pikktures. Anathema is a series of astute rants, essays and poetry grappling with politics, feminism, consumerism, socialisation, torture, animal liberation, consumerism, religion, machismo, mental health, and the occult. Great contributions from Amanda M, Andy T, and Vanessa L. #1 includes an excellent 8 page interview with Crass and part 2 of a Poison Girls interview. Unfortunately this copy is missing pages 32-40 - if anybody can provide those it'd be greatly appreciated.
A4 scanned at 400 dpi