Bullies: Right Wing Extremism & ‘Zionist conspiracy theory’, a personal account

Bullies: Right Wing Extremism & Zionist conspiracy theory; A personal account

This article will be brief and to the point, and will not contain a fulsome account of the topic. However, it will outline and explain, in summary, a question I often get asked:

what drew you to the white supremacist movement?

I believe the answer to this is likely true for others as well, at least it seems that way.

The Back Story

When I was a boy, from I attended eleven schools across Canada prior to grade eight. I also suffered physical and sexual abuse from parents, which included multiple step dads. I was an angry child and young man, with just cause.

I struggled in school, because I never had been provided with enough stability to make friends as a result of moving around so much. One of the ways I coped with my life circumstance was that I lashed out at others, usually against people who were mean and bullies. When we would move and I attended new schools, I usually beat up the bullies and kept to myself. It got me into a lot of trouble.

The only comic book I read was The Punisher. I felt the world needed people like Frank Castle (the character known as The Punisher) because the system did not help people in trouble, in my experience. I aspired to have principles like Castle, who had lost his family to violence associated with the drug trade. This was a story that I could relate to, as I had grown up in a household filled with drug/alcohol addiction and abuse. The Punisher was my hero.

I left home at age twelve. I travelled from Toronto to BC to escape my family home. By fifteen I ended up being given a two-year juvenile detention sentence. In juvy, I also targeted bullies. I did not tolerate people abusing myself or others. I saw myself as somewhat of a vigilante at times. I took matters into my own hands and dished out street justice where I believed it was right to do so. I was angry and lacked education, and direction.

The Rez

Historically, my non-aboriginal family were the abusers. My safe haven was the Indian Reserve. My kohkum’s (Cree for Grandma) house was free from drugs, booze and abuse. No one even fought at her home. Indigenous culture (law), demanded that kohkum’s space was to be given the utmost respect. She often smudged and prayed in the morning and afternoon, but never in the dark. She was also always busy cooking soup, drying meat and tanning hides. This was my safe space, but at one point kohkum left town, and my father (one of the men believed to be my father), was drinking while she was gone. He and his mates began picking on me, so I left; one of the men had beat me up because I was white. I never came back to kohkum’s house, nor did I ever tell her what happened. I felt like I was the problem, because everywhere I went, drunk men beat me up.

I sought refuge in town on an old Metis Settlement called Moccasin Flats, which was re-named Sesame Street (proper road name is Wabi Crescent). I stayed with friends. I slept in basements and yards. Our group stuck together. The white guys in town, the hockey pucks, often targeted aboriginal kids. They chased us down and beat us up. They ganged up on us. So we fought back, in numbers. We attacked seven-fold.

For awhile, it became a small town warzone, literally. We literally had giant gang fights, up to about forty people. It was a volatile environment. We won. We ruled, because we were in the right as we fought back against racism and abuse. We were self-empowered by taking the law into our own hands.

After sometime, our group’s reputation became known as a gang. We were selling drugs, set up a chop shop and other organized un-speakables. After sometime, I was sentenced to juvvy.

The Streets

On the streets, it was much like my home life in some regards; either you are predator or prey. I had chosen to be a predator of sorts. I attacked people that were pedophiles, child abusers, woman beaters and ‘assholes’. I felt justified in my actions to such a point that vigilantism became my vent. In the pits and traps of my psyche, I justified my actions by seeing my role as a karma balancer; dishing out punishment upon those who targeted the vulnerable.

The white power movement

Most of my life, I was associated with friends and family who were aboriginal; primarily Cree. One of my best mates was convicted of a sexual assault charge, after that happened I distanced myself from all of my friends and family who were aboriginal. My safe spaces were all affected by abuse. I had no where to turn.

One day I met two boneheads (nazi skinheads). While I was talking with them, I saw a man walk by who I had fought with in the past. He was a known pimp, of young girls; as young as twelve. He was a gang banger. We had hurt him pretty bad in the past. His gang tried to pull off a home invasion at my apartment, but it did not work out well for them. I disarmed the one guy of a gun, and they ended up with broken bones and shot up. When I saw him walk by, as I stood there talking with these boneheads, I grabbed him and beat him until the ambulance came.

The boneheads were impressed and instantly embraced me. They gave me a sense of brotherhood, and offered me an entire library of information that explained who was to blame for the state of the world; and the state of my life.

I was not equipped to fend off the logical fallacies within the white supremacist literature that stated there was a Jewish conspiracy, which intended to control the world and destroy the white race. This half-baked conspiracy theory proclaimed Jews were the enemy of the white race due to their Zionist conspiracy that was essentially setting out to destroy the white race. Sadly, I fell for it; just as all of those in my social circle had.

The movement gave me a sense of purpose. I would be able to play a role to overcome an enemy with a deliberate agenda to abuse me, and society. I became a soldier in a war against a fictional enemy. The fight, I believed, was righteous. Unfortunately I had not been equipped to identify or see through the logical fallacies, and other issues that trap people into extremist narratives.

In my mind, I was still acting as a vigilante against the darkness of a bully; it just so happened that I believed that the enemy was a religious, ethnic and racialized group that was at fault for the state of my life. I was fighting against everything I hated about my own life. I targeted the bully; rather, who I believed to be the bully. I was misled by volumes of books written by people who did not have sufficient insight or education to effectively test logic.

The movement’s literature and teachings explicitly indicated that those who were brainwashed by the Zionist conspiracy were enemies of our movement. That meant, in my mind, that normal citizens became a target in our war against the biggest bully of all bullies; the Zionists. I hurt too many people, and I believed in my heart that I was engaged in a righteous war to protect society. I was right about one thing, abuse sucks; however, it took many years to realize the logical fallacy that I became one of the abusers.

My Healing and Transformation

It took me many years to overcome my own indoctrination into the white supremacist movement. I was a true believer. I acted upon my duty as a soldier in a war against society. I recruited and taught people how to become good soldiers engaged in a racial holy war. I even recruited a Canadian bomber into the movement.

Through education and healing circles within the community, I was able to overcome and transform. I became educated, and learned what a logical fallacy was. I gained a skillset of how to test logic, and to remain teachable enough to see where I was grossly incorrect in belief structure. I also learned to accept my own nature. Lastly, I learned the value of non-violence and exercise of lawful expressions of countering bullies.


Today, one thing has not changed, I do not like bullies and abusers. In my role as an advocate and as a social worker and future lawyer, I maintain reputation with integrity that I will stand up in the face of wrong doings and speak out. I am far from perfect, but when people are abusing people, or myself, I will stand tall with my new skillset and do what is right; to the best of my ability.

I learned that fighting bullies was not necessarily the problem; bullies need to be confronted. It was how I was fighting, and the process in which I arrived to the fight, was deeply flawed. Today I do what I can to make the world a better place by adhering to principles of law and culture that both emphasize human rights.

Those who abuse children, vulnerable persons and identifiable groups are simply bullies.






Bruised Faced Child

(Photo by duckrabbit)

My childhood and youth was fraught with abuse, violence and adversity. For the last fifteen years, I have worked hard and have completed 2 degrees, including a BA in First Nations Studies and Masters in Social Work. I am now near completed a Law Degree.

One of the tools for my survival and recovery include creative expression through the writing. This book is a collection of autobiographic poetic narratives.

This manuscript was put together under the guidance and mentoring offered to me, by indigenous writer Garry Gottfriedson.

Here is the first review of my book.

You can purchase my first title, Bruise Faced Child, from:

Amazon Canada

Amazon USA

Amazon Europe

Amazon UK


Soldiers of Odin: Exhibiting covert hatred


#SFTU: Scholar(s) from the Underground


In the past I have written and have been interviewed about the Soldiers of Odin (SOO), in response to public statements made by the groups leadership.

For those who do not know me, I do a lot of public workregarding right wing extremist recruitment, radicalization, exiting right wing, de-radicalization, and advocacy so that government heeds right wing extremism. I have been identified as an expert due to my knowledge base that is a result of both lived experience within the right wing, and my exit out of violent extremism, and my research on the topic. My work has garnered attention and consult from the highest levels of law enforcement, security agencies, corporations, governments, world leaders, NGOs, and communities.

I have now become one of the forefront voices in breaking down the Soldiers of Odin’s public statements through logic and reasoning, which brings me to the…

View original post 1,450 more words

Anti-Immigration group poses threat to Canadian society: Soldiers of Odin


Daniel Gallant is a registered social worker based in British Columbia, who is currently a law student at Thompson Rivers University. Daniel had spent ten years in the far right movement in Canada for ten years, until he left fifteen years ago.

The Soldiers of Odin are not an Idle Threat to Canada

In Canada, we are starting to see the spread of a new right wing extremist threat: the Soldiers of Odin (SOO).

The SOO were founded by white supremacists in Europe, and the group has reportedly murdered members of the global Muslim community. The group’s general purpose is to object to immigration of Muslims and to express civil disobedience towards government, law enforcement and communities by imposing community patrol watches.

In Canada, the SOO brand has been sold to Canadians as being a charitable organization that intends to uphold Canadian laws. The obvious logical fallacies become apparent when observed mindfully in the context of their own declared purpose, structure and function. Rhetoric and propaganda are merely stated to garner public support.

The name of the group itself is revealing. Norse neo-paganism in itself is not problematic. However, odinism is a by-product of Nazi Germany that has flared up in North America with the rise of violent far right extremist groups. Odin is the god of war, a war that is fought for blood, soil and honour. And members are soldiers of this doctrinal ideology.

The SOO’s online discourse includes the threat of condemnation of the Canadian government, who are accused of failing to protect Canadians from the ‘Muslim hordes’ who are bringing ‘jihadi-terrorism’ into our communities; thus, the SOO currently imposes foot patrols and a gang like presence in at least 12 cities across the country, with a reported membership that reaches alarming numbers.

The media and law enforcement have questioned the group’s leadership, and the National President is reported to be affiliated with convicted organized crime members, who are said to have shown support for the Soldiers of Odin.

Additionally, the SOO declares they do not have any white supremacists in their affiliations, networks and ranks, which is categorically false. The groups memberships include active white supremacists and other far right extremists. Moreover, the SOO reproduces right wing extremist rhetoric pertaining to their opposition of anyone who declares, or is deemed by the SOO to be, anti-fascist or seen as a potential terrorist threat (of course with the exception of white supremacists who are in their ranks).

I, and others, have collected enough information to establish that the Soldiers of Odin are a threat to the fabric of Canadian society and social order. They are birthed, both conceptually and literally, from the white supremacist movement.

In many countries around the world, the nature of the SOO seems to be better understood. Only in Canada has the media and law enforcement not responded directly to the nature of this organization. This is perhaps due to the fact that most people do not understand who the Soldiers of Odin are, what they do, where they are located, and why they have garnered such a rapid foothold in Canada over the course of a few months.

We need to be examine more closely why some Canadian citizens are prone to openly supporting and condoning groups like the Soldiers of Odin.

Canada has long been complacent to the threat of far right extremism, and has been afraid to look at its own white supremacist past. As such, it is easier to not fully notice the rise of these movements in our society, as they seek to terrorize marginalized communities. While we spend a lot of time and money examining the jihadist threat to Canada, we must not lose sight of the far-right threat, and the real possibility of losing some of our youth to this destructive path.

Donald Tump and the Extreme Far Right: A perspective worth noting


Daniel Gallant is a registered practicing BC Social Worker that is currently studying law. Daniel had spent ten years in the violent far right movement in Canada; he left the far right fifteen years ago.

President-Elect Donald Trump

Successful in his presidential campaign, 2016, Trump has enshrined and emulated living controversies from the depths of American society’s psyche. He has advocated and capitalized upon angst of many citizen’s valid grievances against the state. Additionally, Trump has echoed the long standing American right wing rhetoric; many of his statements can only be described as discriminatory and bigoted. Much of the commentary from Trump, echoes that of the extreme far right.

There is no doubt that many people echo sentiments, similar to that expressed by the likes of the KKK, and David Duke. Right wing extremists have proclaimed that it is their vote that succeeded the Trump vote. A question remains: is this true?

What we know, as evidenced through a plethora of academic research, theorizing and confirming that our Americas (namely Canada and USA) are built upon capitalist precepts that include white supremacy.

The privilege gained by the dominant society has been attained and maintained through injustices served upon the other(s). Our system is historically white supremacist and classist, some will claim a cultural predation and law entrenched in arcane supremacist doctrines. While others emphasizing that the power belongs to the nations descendants; albeit missing the context of indigenous peoples. Perhaps, the most intense shock for Trump’s critics is that merely the point that America is not all that different than it’s ever been.

While, the KKK may not have directly affected the voting majority per se, it is known that Klan’s (and kin networks) message is directly aligned with the ideological construct of Trump’s campaign, and the collective conscious of the voting majority in the USA. This was not ideologically distinguished from that of the Harper-era in Canada. In many contexts and applications of politic, the violent right wing extremist ideology and doctrine (e.g. KKK) is cut from the literal same social fabric as is Trump and his voting majority. This is not to say that all Trump voters are white supremacist. However, it is fair to argue that the absorption of collective consciousness has become what was white supremacist and could now be legitimately concluded as mono-ethno-centric in construct. This ethno-centric trend espouses hatred, on both the left and right wing majority and fringes.

Those identified as the left wing, often believe our societies have progressed away from racism and other arcane political practices. We only need to see the manifestation of the 2016 campaign to understand this is not true. The right wing proclaims the left wing is as bad, or worse, than the right wing; that the left wing who claim to be anti-fascist are demonstrating attributes of fascism themselves. Both, left and right, have turned into ugly polarizations of the other. Violence is brought forth, emerged, from both narratives, but there is a simple solution: building upon common ground through human relationships.

Trump merely mimics that which already exists. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand this. Trump is a mere expressive mouthpiece, a trumpet if you will, that has a platform of power that expresses what other groups have been doing for decades. Obviously what Trump has said and does coincides, and is congruent, to that of the voting majority in USA.

Expressively, the voting majority does concur with Trump. Those left wingers who are frustrated have emulated the aesthetic of their opponent, as they engage violent rhetoric and action on the streets. Citizens have a right to be angry and frustrated and to express that. However, it is unlikely that the right to expression is to include the right be violent in messaging and action. The left wing now demonstrates engagement similar to their right opponent. Polarizations and rock throwing do not resolve issues. Dialogue and education resolve these issues.

I have affirmed through formal education and research that of which the far right wing extremists have stated for decades; that their views are not foreign to that of the dominant colonial nations and culture of the Americas. I believed this to be true when I was young homeless street youth entrenched in right wing extremist doctrine, and now as an academic, practitioner, researcher and global citizen. Moreover, the actions of the left wing are turning ugly and violent, just as are the expressions of the right wing; including Trump himself.

The Revolution

Moving forward with the political reality and social mirror we gaze into, we know that the historic context of North American society is racist and continues to be; it is embedded into law and culture. The existence of racism, or white supremacy if you will, in law is undisputable. The question remains: can we overcome these arcane elements of our western ‘civilized’ society?

The American normalization of racialization, discrimination, hate, and supremacy combined with the lack of educational outcomes that foster practical critical thinking skills and the ability to practically identify and overcome logical fallacies will continue to result in a tidal wave of reemerging right wing politics, which continues to navigate ends of causing harm to identifiable groups seen as the other; as the dominant class (whether race or socio-economic) mainstays its power and privilege.

It is worrisome that the norm is still the social acceptability that people can conduct, and express, themselves in discriminatory fashions. More to this point, what is feared by most people is that both the left and right wing have become viscerally entrenched in acts of violence and hatred.

Hopefully the election of Donald Trump will demonstrate to those who are opposed, or reject, the dominant supremacist doctrines will collectively find a way to ensure our education systems construct and incorporate practical critical thinking skills and how to identify and overcome logical fallacies, which are embedded within our culture, institutions, law and politics. Only then can we engage dialogue.

The revolution needs to begin now. We need to overcome our arcane past of supremacist doctrines, and walk towards a future that includes all of us. Including those who hold racist views and have a long way to go. Our revolution must be education, not violence and hate. We must not embody the aesthetic of the arcane element that still grips onto power. We must become the change we want to see in the world. This can be achieved through transformative education and dialogue. Revolution through education.

Soldiers of Odin: Exhibiting covert hatred


In the past I have written and have been interviewed about the Soldiers of Odin (SOO), in response to public statements made by the groups leadership.

For those who do not know me, I do a lot of public work regarding right wing extremist recruitment, radicalization, exiting right wing, de-radicalization, and advocacy so that government heeds right wing extremism. I have been identified as an expert due to my knowledge base that is a result of both lived experience within the right wing, and my exit out of violent extremism, and my research on the topic. My work has garnered attention and consult from the highest levels of law enforcement, security agencies, corporations, governments, world leaders, NGOs, and communities.

I have now become one of the forefront voices in breaking down the Soldiers of Odin’s public statements through logic and reasoning, which brings me to the most recent of issues related to the SOO’s public image as a non-racist charity group.

My Observations

First, it should be noted that factually Soldiers of Odin (SOO) are not an official charity organization, and their members often do support vigilante groups, organized crime and right wing extremist groups.

Secondly, while the SOO claim to not be comprised of racist members, the organization is born out of the neo-nazi movement. It is fair to say that not all members are racists, but it is also fair to say that all members are part of an organization birthed out of racism. Moreover, the SOO are discriminative and do target one particular identifiable group of Canadian citizens, namely Muslims. In my opinion, the general conclusions made about Muslims, by the SOO, are done so through a faulty and dangerous logic system; this type of reasoning and doctrine in what creates terror in our communities.

Police and Media

SOO have been diligent to garner Canadian media attention in order to gain more recruits. Their efforts have got a warm response from media and law enforcement agencies.

Naively, both media and law enforcement have fallen into, albeit unbeknownst, a trap of providing the impression that they support the Soldiers of Odin. Police and media alike need to pay heed to their own conduct in these matters, as both are becoming negligent. This is a dangerous and precarious position that only results in garnering more support for this dangerous anti-immigration group, which was born out of the white supremacist movement.

Claims: ‘We are not racist’

The SOO do claim to NOT be racist. They have appointed non-white leadership as evidence of this, and tout themselves at an anti-racist rally in BC. There are three main faults in these public relations tactics by the SOO.

Claim #1

First, and foremost, is that in spite of the fact that SOO has appointed a President who is of India descent, the highest ranking officers of the organization still maintain close ties to established white supremacists and white power groups. Moreover, the original critique I offered remains true today about the breakdown of the groups name itself. To further exemplify the SOO’s right wing conduct, one needs to note that I previously highlighted that the group’s leadership and members vilify those who oppose fascism. Any group who demonizes those who oppose the threat of fascism and hate groups reveal their own true nature.

Claim #2

Second, a group called Anti-Racist Canada (ARC) has demonstrated through numerous articles that the SOO do indeed have ranking members who are longstanding members of the violent white supremacist movement in Canada. In addition to the work of ARC, I too have collected similar documentation. However, my documentation spills into another point to which I am the only known source, of what some may find confusing, but explains the true nature of the SOO.

A little of Context

As we see here by Life-after-hate, which is comprised of former right wing extremists, the white power movement seeks to embed itself within our multi-cultural society. Moreover, I have written about this in my academic work. This is similar in dynamic as what we see happening in the black metal scene, which I was interviewed about in response to this band’s denial of nazism. I have also written articles in the past about how white supremacists are now going mainstream with their messaging by recruiting non-whites.

In fact, my own story evidences this. I was recruited by a member of the White Aryan Resistance who was a former Hammer Skinhead who himself was ‘half’ Dene (indigenous group from Northern BC). I highlight the word ‘half’ because this kind of speak actually embodies racism by measuring the concept of race, which is a socially constructed fallacy. My point is that the fact that there are people who are not white within the white supremacist movement is not a new phenomena.

Remember that Hitler guy, he did not have pure blood neither. Moreover, the Nazis had non-white political allies, and even had Muslim army allies; as did the Canadian white power group the Heritage Front who were allies with Khadafy in Libya. The Heritage Front had close ties to the Canadian Reform Party Prime Minister Candidate Preston Manning, and his right hand assistant Stephen Harper. This political network quickly becomes complex, which groups like the SOO capitalize on. Most people are not able to identify these issues, and if they do are unable to provide explanation for it. This is where my insights become valuable.

Claim #3

This brings me to the last highlighted tactic by SOO that I want to highlight.

Their touted non-white token President, who was highlighted in this article, has become propelled into the right wing doctrine that synthesizes the conduct of those recruited and radicalization into white supremacist groups. It is likely that this fellow is not even aware of this point. Moreover, he has probably already reached a point of no return. Most people who begin to spew out this sort of hatred and terrorizing propaganda often believe they are righteous in their cause. Unfortunately, it is at this point that they begin to merge their entire identity with the logos on their back. This is precisely how gangs and extremist groups essentially brainwash people. More often than not, these people either begin to alienate themselves from their own families and children, or they begin to radicalize those close to them. Thus, creating an environment of normalization, which is extremely dangerous.

This is where SOO are engaged with the very nature of indoctrination that I highlighted in my research in 2014; the white supremacist movement has morphed into what Dr. Derald Wing Sue refers to as the ethno-centric-mono-culture. This is also very similar to what is referred to as the Trump Effect, which is not a new political issue in Canada.

Tokenism in SOO

SOO’s token non-white President wrote this manifesto.


One does not have to examine to closely to see that there is a similar tone to that found within white nationalism or alt-right. Moreover, there is an obvious lack of critical thinking skills and utilization of generalized inferences and logical fallacies within this official statement by the SOO’s token President. This is evidence of the dangerous tones spewed by this organization. The underlying tone of this manifesto is discriminative and does target an identifiable group. Even if not racist, it is schismatic at best.

The issue is not whether the SOO President is correct or incorrect, the problem lays within the analysis. The logic and reasoning relied upon in order to get to the conclusion reached in this manifesto is of similar reasoning patterns that is relied upon by the white supremacist movement, which is similar in its conduct to that of most political propaganda.

Political rhetoric that results in communication and messaging that fundamentally relies upon logical fallacy, does not hold up to logic testing, and applies a generalized inference from the correlation of facts that do not offer evidence of cause and effect relationships, is a dangerous doctrine. This is common within right wing extremist doctrine.

Encouraging Dialogue

All of this said, I encourage to the SOO, and its critics alike, to get a better understanding of the points that I highlight.

I should also mention that I have spoke to and invited the Soldiers of Odin’s leadership to meet up with me to engage in dialogue. Both the SOO’s National President Joel Angott, and BC Provincial Leader Bill Daniels refused to engage in this dialogue. In my view this is because they are afraid to meet with someone who has solid and legitimate skill set and ability to breakdown their narratives. If faced with un-refutable facts and logic, they will be forced to respond in one of two ways:

  1. admit they are wrong, or
  2. rely upon the inevitable tactic of right wing extremism, violence, and remain in denial in the face of logic and reasoning.

An organization that is without a solid and sound doctrine is nothing more than a cult, propagandist machine, and potentially dangerous hate group. Through its own conduct the SOO is proving to people, like myself, that they are a threat to Canadian values.

The SOO can cloak itself in good will, but the incongruence of values, words and actions will become transparent eventually. If our communities, media and law enforcement do not act before it is too late this organization will result in unprecedented damage to our national equilibrium.

Any public official who continues to refer to this organization as a benign threat will eventually be forced to fess up to their own foolery.

Donald Trump, KKK & The Revolution: Transformative Education


Daniel Gallant is a former white supremacist and a practicing Social Worker that is currently studying law. Most recently Daniel Gallant was interviewed on this topic by the Montreal Gazette.

Letter to the Editor

President-Elect Donald Trump.

Successful in his presidential campaign, 2016, Trump has enshrined and emulated living controversies from the depths of American society’s psyche. He has advocated and capitalized upon angst of many citizen’s valid grievances against the state. Additionally, Trump has echoed the long standing American right wing rhetoric; many of his statements can only be described as discriminatory and bigoted. Much of the commentary from Trump, echoes that of the extreme far right.

There is no doubt that many people echo sentiments, similar to that expressed by the likes of the KKK, and David Duke. Right wing extremists have proclaimed that it is their vote that succeeded the Trump vote. A question remains: is this true?

What we know, as evidenced through a plethora of academic research, theorizing and confirming that our Americas (namely Canada and USA) are built upon capitalist precepts that include white supremacy.

The privilege gained by the dominant society has been attained and maintained through injustices served upon the other(s). Our system is historically white supremacist and classist, some will claim a cultural predation and law entrenched in arcane supremacist doctrines. While others emphasizing that the power belongs to the nations descendants; albeit missing the context of indigenous peoples. Perhaps, the most intense shock for Trump’s critics is that merely the point that America is not all that different than it’s ever been.

While, the KKK may not have directly affected the voting majority per se, it is known that Klan’s (and kin networks) message is directly aligned with the ideological construct of Trump’s campaign, and the collective conscious of the voting majority in the USA. This was not ideologically distinguished from that of the Harper-era in Canada. In many contexts and applications of politic, the violent right wing extremist ideology and doctrine (e.g. KKK) is cut from the literal same social fabric as is Trump and his voting majority. This is not to say that all Trump voters are white supremacist. However, it is fair to argue that the absorption of collective consciousness has become what was white supremacist and could now be legitimately concluded as mono-ethno-centric in construct. This ethno-centric trend espouses hatred, on both the left and right wing majority and fringes.

Those identified as the left wing, often believe our societies have progressed away from racism and other arcane political practices. We only need to see the manifestation of the 2016 campaign to understand this is not true. The right wing proclaims the left wing is as bad, or worse, than the right wing; that the left wing who claim to be anti-fascist are demonstrating attributes of fascism themselves. Both, left and right, have turned into ugly polarizations of the other. Violence is brought forth, emerged, from both narratives, but there is a simple solution: building upon common ground through human relationships.

Trump merely mimics that which already exists.  It does not take a rocket scientist to understand this. Trump is a mere expressive mouthpiece, a trumpet if you will, that has a platform of power that expresses what other groups have been doing for decades. Obviously what Trump has said and does coincides, and is congruent, to that of the voting majority in USA.

Expressively, the voting majority does concur with Trump. Those left wingers who are frustrated have emulated the aesthetic of their opponent, as they engage violent rhetoric and action on the streets. Citizens have a right to be angry and frustrated and to express that. However, it is unlikely that the right to expression is to include the right be violent in messaging and action. The left wing now demonstrates engagement similar to their right opponent. Polarizations and rock throwing do not resolve issues. Dialogue and education resolve these issues.

I have affirmed through formal education and research that of which the far right wing extremists have stated for decades; that their views are not foreign to that of the dominant colonial nations and culture of the Americas. I believed this to be true when I was young homeless street youth entrenched in right wing extremist doctrine, and now as an academic, practitioner, researcher and global citizen. Moreover, the actions of the left wing are turning ugly and violent, just as are the expressions of the right wing; including Trump himself.

The Revolution

Moving forward with the political reality and social mirror we gaze into, we know that the historic context of North American society is racist and continues to be; it is embedded into law and culture. The existence of racism, or white supremacy if you will, in law is undisputable. The question remains: can we overcome these arcane elements of our western ‘civilized’ society?

The American normalization of racialization, discrimination, hate, and supremacy combined with the lack of educational outcomes that foster practical critical thinking skills and the ability to practically identify and overcome logical fallacies will continue to result in a tidal wave of reemerging right wing politics, which continues to navigate ends of causing harm to identifiable groups seen as the other; as the dominant class (whether race or socio-economic) mainstays its power and privilege.

It is worrisome that the norm is still the social acceptability that people can conduct, and express, themselves in discriminatory fashions. More to this point, what is feared by most people is that both the left and right wing have become viscerally entrenched in acts of violence and hatred.

Hopefully the election of Donald Trump will demonstrate to those who are opposed, or reject, the dominant supremacist doctrines will collectively find a way to ensure our education systems construct and incorporate practical critical thinking skills and how to identify and overcome logical fallacies, which are embedded within our culture, institutions, law and politics. Only then can we engage dialogue.

The revolution needs to begin now. We need to overcome our arcane past of supremacist doctrines, and walk towards a future that includes all of us. Including those who hold racist views and have a long way to go. Our revolution must be education, not violence and hate. We must not embody the aesthetic of the arcane element that still grips onto power. We must become the change we want to see in the world. This can be achieved through transformative education and dialogue. Revolution through education.

Garry Gottfriedson and the Bruise Faced Child

This blog post is dedicated to Garry Gottfriedson who has taught me how to amplify my voice. Garry is a Secwepemc writer from the interior of BC. Garry spent a lot of time teaching me through experiential learning of how to edit and construct my writing. He led me to exploring my own voice. The gift he has given me, is deeply appreciated.

The story of Garry and I met can be found in this story: Spirit of the Knife.

I have been invited by Garry, and retired indigenous lawyer/writer Michelle Good, to read at Garry’s book launch for his book: Deaf Heaven.

My book, Bruise Faced Child, was also recently released. You can purchase my book in USA, Canada, or Europe. My book is a compilation of autobiographic poetic narratives.


Taking foot: Soldiers of Odin


(Picture from Prince George Citizen)

I was recently interviewed about the Soldiers of Odin taking foot in BC. I see this as very problematic, in spite of the groups desire to claim they have no ties, nor intention, similar to that of the group they claim to be a part of. This, of course, is illogical; and in my opinion demonstrates how full of shit these guys are.

I decided to write this first letter to my fellow Canadians, and the latter to Soldiers of Odin as a whole.

Author’s Bio

Daniel Gallant is a registered Social Worker who studies law, and has been acknowledged as a leader on topics pertaining to right wing extremism in Canada. Daniel spent nearly ten years trapped within the white supremacist movement in western Canada, and has since dedicated his life to undoing violence, racism and hatred. His work has been presented to, acknowledged by and referenced by world leaders, governments, leadings scholars, global organizations, and law enforcement.


Dear Fellow Canadian Citizens,

Don’t believe the hype.

Soldiers of Odin (S.O.O.) are not here to protect you, nor your communities. This group claims, and may even believe, they are working for the greater good. But, this is clearly not true. I would like to tell you a few things about their organization.

First, S.O.O. is the by-product of the European white supremacist network. The group was designed in Northern Europe by hate mongers that aim to ‘cleanse’ neighborhoods from ‘immigrant hordes’. The group’s primary purpose is to engage in war and instill terror into its enemies, as that is a nature of war; for furthering context Soldiers of Odin were formed to target immigrants, Muslims and Islam. However, the Canadian leaders of this group want us to believe they have nothing to do with, nor are they alike or kin to, the hate group that birthed their organization, a little over one year ago.

Basically the Soldiers of Odin will do whatever it takes to hide behind every mask they can. Plainly speaking, if the group has no kinship with its white supremacist roots, then why did they join under the flag, and trademark, of the Soldiers of Odin. There does not appear to be any logical and rationale that could make this a plausible truth.

Soldiers of Odin began in Europe, formed by white supremacists, about a year ago. Now under that same flag, Chapters of the organization have spread throughout Europe and North America; all hailing anti-immigration sentiments and embracing right wing rhetoric. But, the Canadian chapter wants the citizens of Canada to be permissible and complicit in their inherently racist organization. This way they can both hide and fulfill their organization’s purpose. Hiding in plain sight.


Soldiers of Odin are making claims that do not hold up to even the most basic logic testing.

For instance, let’s for a minute consider the name of the organization, “Soldiers Of Odin”, in itself demonstrates what the group is, and sets out to do. Odin is the god of war that honors those who die in battle to protect their race and soil. This is the odinist way. Anyone who claims otherwise, either is lying or does not understand the narrative they are supporting, which in itself demonstrates inconsistent messaging of this organization, or perhaps lies. These tactics are only utilized by those who have something to mask and hide.


Additionally, the term “odinism” was the construct of WWII era theorists, who were Nazis. The Nazis developed and branded odinism out of an ancient Nordic Pre-Christian Religion. The ancient pagan ‘religion’ was not called “odinism”, it is Asatru (and other variations of the like).

The Nazis created a new branch of neo-paganism, odinism, that had erupted into a real threat all over the world in the 1980s, which disguises itself as a cultural heritage ideology. Yet, just another way for extremist racists to hide their true ‘color’ (pardon the pun).

In our era of contemporary right wing politics and global issues pertaining to extremism and terrorism, these sorts of groups are emerging everywhere. And without a doubt, they are a threat to those that fall into identifiable categories. By this dynamic alone, is kin to the same way that racism plays out in our communities; it is schismatic in nature.

The main difference between Astatru and odinism, in a very rudimentary explanation, is that odinists worship the Nordic god of war. Odin is set out to protect soil and bloodlines. By this logic alone, Soldiers of Odin are there to protect their own race and land. This alone should be understood as racist in two ways:

  1. a) Soldiers of Odin was created as an anti-immigration organization to fight against the Muslim community, and
  1. b) which seeks to protect its (O.O.) own kind, and the S.O.O. membership is primarily ‘white’ people.

There is another discussion to be had about Soldiers of Odin and their impact upon indigenous peoples as well. But that is a more complex area of discussion to have in the future. But let me assure you, this is also an area where this group demonstrates pure ignorance and inconsistent messages. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to many people the S.O.O. will disguise itself, and it’s true purpose, function and structure by convincing members of the public otherwise.


Soldiers Of Odin’s leaders claim they have purged out the racists from their organization. This is, flatly, a lie.

I was a part of the white supremacist movement in Canada for ten years. I have been engaged with online monitoring of white supremacist organizations now for nearly 12 years. I assure you that there is evidence that proves the S.O.O. are soo full of poop, on this point alone.  This is actually a ridiculous claim. They are flatly denying the presence of racists in their midst to the Canadian Public, while on the other hand have embraced white supremacists within their ranks; and remember that they were also founded by white supremacists.

White supremacists and racists have been praying to odin before beating and killing people on our streets, for decades. Some of you may even remember David Bowie’s 1987 album Tin Machine warning us about racist odinists in his song entitled: Under the God. This is not a new issue.

Not only do the Soldiers of Odin have white supremacists in their ranks, but the leadership does engage in many forms of rhetoric that synthesizes the nature and conduct of, and is derived from, white supremacist groups.


S.O.O. has engaged in social media attacks against those who oppose or critique their organization; and this is why I have chosen to speak out.

Community leader and long-time anti-racist Alan Dutton has been interviewed about his opinion of Soldiers of Odin Chapter that was recently started in Vancouver. Soldiers of Odin members and leadership has began referring to the opposition as enemies and then referring to their critiques as “antifa”.

This is precisely what fascist, nazi and white supremacists do. In fact, the rhetoric and dynamic of attempting to discredit someone, by labelling them as antifa, is birthed out of the white power movement.

Antifa are people who are anti-fascist. Already, Soldiers of Odin have launched social media attacks against those they label as antifa, which surely they will label me. This is very problematic for a couple of reasons:

First, when did we as a society begin to say that Anti-Fascists are a bad thing?

Second, did Canada not take a formal position against the fascist Nazi Regime in WWII?

How can Soldiers of Odin claim to be upholding Canadian law and values when they are attacking those who stand up against racism and fascism. It seems that Soldiers of Odin are working contrary to our legal system.

The fact that S.O.O. is attacking antifa online, is indicative of the similar conversations found on white supremacist websites. This is a core contradictory element of their organizations discourse. This does demonstrate the ideological lineage of Soldiers of Odin’s members. I do not think, nor expect, most Canadians can easily identify these issues. But, I can, as I spent nearly a decade immersed in that lifestyle; and more than a decade of unlearning the doctrine.


My years within the white supremacist movement in western Canada, to my profound social change, and now my current role as an educator, researcher, advocate, Social Worker and future career as a lawyer, compel me to express to you that this group, in my opinion, are a threat to safety of ALL Canadians. Especially to minority groups and vulnerable persons.

It has been demonstrated to me, through my research on the Soldiers of Odin that there is a grave concern that emerges in the influx of their membership, and the fact that many people who are not attracted to white supremacy, are being duped into this new organization.

I will support any group that keeps our streets safe for ALL Canadians. However, not only are the Soldiers of Odin unsafe because they are inherently racist and war-minded as an organization (as is demonstrated by evidence found in their organizations founder and group name), they have also proven to be comprised of liars, racists, extremists and bullies who belittle immigrants and anti-racists. This alone should raise flags about who and what the Soldiers of Odin are.

Canadians should be concerned with this group that is reminiscent of the Heritage Front.



Daniel Gallant (MSW, RSW)

Juris Doctor Candidate – 2017


Dear Soldiers of Odin,

It has come to my attention that you have now ‘set up shop’ in Canada, by rapidly expanding Chapters of your ‘organization’ across Canada. Let’s not waste time, nor mince words.

Your organization has already demonstrated dishonesty, incongruence and hatred against your fellow citizens. Your politics are divisive and the evidence is found in your online campaign, organizational conduct, onslaught of misinformation and the fact that you have members who are members of various Canadian hate groups (both past and present). Heck, even your organization’s name speaks to the violent nature of your organization’s intent: war for the sake of ‘blood, soil and honor’.

There are several things I would like to hash out with Soldiers OF Odin and air publicly, some of which is in this letter, and more in my letter to all Canadians. We will surely engage more discourse as time moves forward, as I have a wealth of knowledge, insight, education and stamina.

Your ‘respective’ leader (Joel Angott) indicated (in Metro News article) that you all uphold Canadian law, and our collective Constitutional Rights. Obviously your organization does not understand what a Constitutional Right is. There are only a few ways in how S.O.O. could possibly frame the façade that you all uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Constitution. However, we both know this is complete bull-pucky.

If you had any clue what a Constitutional Right was, then you would not be attempting to claim your neighbourhood patrols protect Constitutional Rights in Canada. Let me explain further.

Canadian Constitutional Rights, are guarantees, in law, that Canadians receive to empower us as citizens. Guarantees that protect us of from the conduct and actions of government, police and authorities of certain variety. Moreover, Constitutional Rights are engaged as a legal protection that are sorted out through the legal system, not by walking through neighborhoods creating an environment of fear and intimidation.

I am sorry to inform you that you do not, in fact, nor law, protect Canadians’ Constitutional Rights. You are a group of self-appointed, not democratically elected, thugs who ‘patrol’ streets against our own citizens. These actions, even if righteous, are in no way connected to upholding our Constitutional Rights.

If S.O.O. were in fact upholding our Constitutional Rights you all would be working within legal strategies against the government and authorities, where there were Constitutional failings and pitfalls. You would not be involving yourself in right wing extremism and organized crime circles.

I do want to acknowledge, however, that we do agree on some matters. Our laws do not protect citizens well enough from pedophiles, rapists and other social ailments. But to be frank, I do not believe you are our solution to these matters. In fact, quite the contrary. This is where I find your organization very similar to white supremacist groups. Your group appeals to those people who are rightfully angered about the abuses and grievances they and their loved ones may have suffered. Soldiers of Odin capitalizes upon these vulnerabilities, and exploits citizens by doing so, while fooling un-suspecting people into your ranks. However, this mere tactic to garner public attention and community support is bound to fail because it is not transparent and congruent; rather it is coercive and manipulative.

Fortunately, there are those of us who have a deeper understanding through personal experience, education and formal research of how organizations like yours get started; and then move onto becoming a threat to Canadian public safety.

I hope that you take this input, how it is intended. My intention is to show you that your organization is publicly speaking out of line, on matters it knows not; and that the rhetoric you are attempting to sell is exposed for what it is: abusive.

Additionally, I do hope you become aware that there are those in our communities who care about sustainable public safety. Organizations like S.O.O., albeit believe they are righteous, are actually creating more divisiveness in our communities and are spreading hatred and fear in the very communities you claim to protect. The very fact that organizations of minorities are expressing concern, and your leaderships response is defensiveness and offensive rhetoric, both demonstrate and exemplifies your organizations nature; the intent of the Soldiers of Odin, hence, your organization’s name that pays homage to the god of war.

Let us, in summary, cut to the chase.

Soldiers of Odin membership includes racists, white supremacists, criminals and liars. S.O.O. was created to instil fear and conduct acts of violence in a war, that odin would adore. It is unfortunate that your predecessor, odin himself, would probably be very disappointed in your tactics and dishonesty.

Perhaps the next time you want to sell the Canadian public a stench ridden pile of steaming crap, you may want to consider a re-brand that does not overtly emulate the true nature of your group’s purpose: abuse, war & racism.



Daniel Gallant (MSW, RSW)

Juris Doctor Candidate – 2017