Showing posts with label vandalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vandalism. Show all posts

12 December 2016

A Busy Weekend for Extremism in Calgary: Blood & Honour and "The Rebel"

This past weekend there were two Calgary events that caught our attention. In some ways they were a study in contrasts. One event was held on Saturday by a small, shadowy, group that has since 2012 shunned media attention. The other was held on Sunday by a relatively politically savvy group that, while claiming to revile the media, works very hard to capture the attention of that same media for fun and profit.

But while their methods in dealing with media attention might contrast, there are still a few similarities which is perhaps a bit ironic considering one is a hate group in Calgary run by a violent antisemite and the other is a media platform established by a prominent (though not widely respected) Jewish-Canadian which has been used to rile up Canadian and foment hatred.

On Saturday, Blood & Honour in Calgary held an event:

This was actually the latest in a number of events organized by Kyle McKee's B&H since 2013. Prior to 2013, McKee and co. were frequently in the news with their White Pride March which was for a while an annual annoyance. Though McKee might have been pleased with the notoriety in those cases, the other times he and his group were mentioned tended to result in rather unwanted attention by the police and frequently ended up with McKee and others finding themselves as guests of Her Majesty's hospitality for months and years at a time. But then charges of assault, vandalism, illegal possession of weapons, attempted murder, and murder will put a bit of a damper on one's desire to be famous.

But recently though, and after Trump's victory in the United States, it looks like Calgary's B&H has decided to make itself known again:

The above photo was taken at the Lion's Park LRT station around November 22. If one wishes to look at the silver lining of Trump's election victory in November based in part on stoking racial prejudices in some of his supporters is that the media is more willing to pay attention to hate groups whereas in the past they would be ignored as "fringe" and "irrelevant":
McKee (posing as "Freedom Fighter") appears to confirm on Stormfront that there will be more active recruitment by B&H in Calgary in the future:

What McKee doesn't seem to understand is that as he has grown increasingly arrogant concerning B&H and his belief that he's operating under the radar, he's also become very sloppy. 

We'll leave that there for Kyle to ponder.

Blood & Honour and like gangs are dangerous, though as we've always noted that their danger lies in how they target individuals and communities. That fact can't be discounted, but we've always written that gangs such as McKee's are ultimately not a danger to the social fabric of the country as a whole. Even in the post-truth era of Trump, that remains true in general. The real danger are individuals and groups that are able to stoke the fear of demographic and cultural change in the country and use that fear to create resentment and hatred which, if directed, could lead to violence.

That's where people like Ezra come in:

The previous weekend, Ezra Levant and "The Rebel" held an anti-carbon tax rally at the Edmonton legislature which sort of made national news when some of the folks in the crowd began the Trump inspired chant, "lock her up!" Chris Alexander was present then and was too spineless to say anything at the time, but bravely mentioned how uncomfortable he was with the chant when not with the angry mob. Others in politics and media did however condemn the chant, which prompted Levant criticize those conservative politicians who were critical of the mob-like chant that was only missing the pitchforks and torches....

.... and to double down on the chant:

Also not surprising, Ezra has decided to try to monetize the controversy by selling a t-shirt to people who he has suggested are financially hard done by the Alberta government:

Unlike boneheads, Ezra actually loves him some t-shirts

Ezra has tried to make the case that the crowd weren't really demanding the arrest and imprisonment of democratically elected politicians who are doing their job (whether or not people agree with the policies enacted by said politicians is an entirely different matter and the reason why we have elections, but that's another matter). No, these people are merely frustrated, non-violent, folk who are venting but who are not actually serious about subverting democracy. Any fool could see that, right?

If this is Ezra's argument, then he should perhaps let his follower know that they should play along:

11 September 2016

Kellie Leitch's Canadian Values And Dog Whistle Politics

On this day 15 years ago, a monstrous act of terrorism was carried out by 19 members of Al-Qaeda led by Osama bin Laden and motivated a bastardized interpretation of Islam not shared by the vast majority of the Muslim world. The result was the death of 2,977 innocent human beings and a world forever changed.... at least for the western world unaccustomed to these sorts of horrible events since the end of World War II.

Days after the attacks occurred many politicians came together and in an example of non-partisanship that, since then have become increasingly rare, proclaimed in unison that these attacks would not change our fundamental nature as a society or our commitment to liberal democratic values which included freedom, pluralism, and tolerance.

But of course our fundamental nature and commitment to those values did change.

In the years since September 11, 2001, we've allowed governments to pass laws which violated our civil liberties -- the PATRIOT Act, the Anti-Terrorism Act, the Civil Contingencies Act 2004Loi Renseignement -- because of fear.

Hate groups have used social media to effectively disseminate propaganda targeting immigrants, religious and ethnic minorities, and those who subscribe to progressive political positions. Some of these groups, such as PEGIDA which originated in Germany and the Soldiers of Odin which originated in Finland have created chapters in other countries, including Canada (and which have lately been prominently featured on this blog) and have moved off of social media and onto the streets of the country. Incidents of anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim vandalism, arson, death threats, and assaults are not unusual occurrences and are often celebrated by people who support anti-immigrant/anti-Muslim groups, some of whom (such as these posts on III% Canada) actually desire the genocide of a people:

We've witnessed the demonization of an entire faith group because of the actions of a few leading to attacks against members of the Muslim faith as well as the passing of illiberal laws in ostensibly liberal democracies.

Demagogues have arisen and attempt to gain power in their respective countries through identity politics. In the United States Donald Trump has closed the the gap between himself and Hilary Clinton running on an overtly racist campaign targeting immigrants and Muslims among others while promising "law and order" to oppose what he claims as increased lawlessness in a country where crime has actually been in decline for two decades. In Europe, the AfD finished ahead of the Christian Democrats in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania on a single-issue platform: no refugees. Geert Wilders of the Netherlands, Marine Le Pen of France, Viktor Orbán of Hungary, Norbert Hofer's Freedom Party in Austria, Jaroslaw Kaczynski and the governing party of Poland, and Sweden Democrats among other individuals and far-right parties who have been able to ride a wave of anti-immigrant/anti-Muslim sentiments and either form national governments or have a serious chance of doing so. Even old relics like Pauline Hanson of Australia, once consigned to the dustbin of history, have re-emerged and now holds the balance of power along with three other members of One Nation in the Australian senate.

Canada isn't immune from this same demagoguery and identity politics.

During the last federal election and in what turned out to be a failed Hail Mary pass by the former Prime Minister, the Conservative Party floated the idea of creating a hotline in which Canadian citizens could call in to report suspicions that their neighbors were engaging in "barbaric cultural practices." Aside from the fact that most people are able to call 911 when a crime is being committed, there might be a bit of irony in a conservative political party suggesting a Stasi-style program in which neighbors are asked to inform on each other. Though the Conservative Party denied it the proposed program, which came hot on the heels of the court ruling allowing a woman to take the Oath of Citizenship while wearing a niqab, was targeted towards a specific cultural group. And though ultimately unsuccessful as a means of turning the election in the Conservative's favor, the genie was let out of the bottle giving rise to a significant Conservative constituency who not only don't believe Muslim citizens share the values of other Canadians, but who often subscribe to the belief there is a vast conspiracy to enact Islamic Sharia law by the Muslim Brotherhood who have infiltrated our government. It's not unusual to see people claim that Justin Trudeau himself is a Muslim bent on destroying Canada and paving the way for an Islamic caliphate.

To most Canadians, even those who aren't happy with the Liberal victory last October, these sentiments are the ridiculous conspiracies of fearful and gullible people. To others though, it constitutes a political constituency.

Kellie Leitch was Mr. Harper's point person on the barbaric cultural practices tip line proposal during the election. At the time she stated that the Conservative Party was, "not afraid to defend Canadian values" though she never quite spelled out what those values actually were. After the election, Ms. Leitch seemed to apologize (sort of) for her role in the proposed tip line:
Leitch, who is also a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, said her intention was to ensure that if women and children needed to "pick up the phone" to call for help that someone would answer, but admits that "the message was lost." 
"We weren't talking about race, we were talking about kids ... but that message was completely overtaken and I regret that, and I regret that it occurred, and it shouldn't have been done," she said.
Now as a candidate for the leadership of the Conservative Party however, Ms. Leitch has decided that identity politics is a reasonable policy position once again:
Kellie Leitch defends 'anti-Canadian values' survey questionHer campaign asks if immigrants should be screened to determine their values
By Catharine Tunney, CBC News Posted: Sep 02, 2016 3:42 PM ET Last Updated: Sep 02, 2016 5:12 PM ETConservative leadership candidate Kellie Leitch is defending a contentious survey question from her campaign team that asked supporters what they think about vetting would-be immigrants and refugees for "anti-Canadian values."
"Canadians can expect to hear more, not less from me, on this topic in the coming months," Leitch wrote in an emailed statement....

Ms. Leitch this time provided a vague understanding of what she believes to be Canadian values:
"Screening potential immigrants for anti-Canadian values that include intolerance towards other religions, cultures and sexual orientations, violent and/or misogynist behaviour and/or a lack of acceptance of our Canadian tradition of personal and economic freedoms is a policy proposal that I feel very strongly about."
Besides the claim that "economic freedoms" constitute a Canadian value (social democrats might not agree with a Conservative Party member over exactly what this value constitutes for example), one has to wonder how many of the Conservative base would pass the tests themselves, at least the, "intolerance towards other religions, cultures and sexual orientations, violent and/or misogynist behaviour" part of it.

Because, you see, while Ms. Leitch argues her proposed values test has nothing to do with identity politics and that comparing her to Donald Trump "isn't fair," those who's ears are tuned to dog whistles will hear exactly what she wants that particular constituency to hear:

For example the reaction by members of both Canadians Against Justin Trudeau and PEGIDA Canada were both generally favorable to Ms. Leitch's position, other than those who believe Muslims would lie and thus support a blanket ban on Muslim immigration. From Canadians Against Justin Trudeau....

21 February 2016

Second Case of Anti-Muslim/Government Vandalism at Calgary School In a Week

Before we get to the meat of things, we thought we would begin with a screenshot taken from the Canadians 4 Canadians since it will explain, in some part, the mentality of those who would support this most recent case of extremism:

These people are responsible for all the killing around the world this is a fact [sic].

Last Sunday vandals scrawled anti-refugee/Syrian/government graffiti on the walls of a Calgary junior high school. Messages such as, "Syrians go home and Die [sic]" and, "kill the traitor trudeau [sic]"really don't leave much to the imagination regarding the motives of the vandals and was of a violent tone which warranted inclusion in our recently updated "History of Violence" timeline

Today, the same school was targeted more damage done:

Clara Ho, Postmedia News | February 21, 2016 10:47 AM ET 

Calgary police are investigating after the walls of a southeast junior high were once again sprayed with hateful messages directed at Syrians and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Officers were called just before 9:30 a.m. Saturday to Wilma Hansen junior high school in the community of Queensland after someone in the neighbourhood reported the vandalism to police.

“We are still doing neighbourhood inquiries,” said Sgt. Kelly Todd, adding the incident could potentially be investigated as a hate crime...

Some of the messages include,"Syrians are animals,""real Canadians hate Syrians,""burn all mosques,""Syrians go home and take Trudeau," and "While Syrians feast in hotels, Canadians starve on the street, kill the traitor Trudeau." Windows in the school were also smashed out.

Much of the rhetoric mirrors language found on many of the ostensibly anti-Trudeau Facebook groups, (most of which seem to be primarily a means to target Muslim-Canadians and Syrian refugees) and PEGIDA Canada. For example, this post was made last week on Canadians Against Justin Trudeau:

Regarding the most recent incident in Calgary, the membership of both Canadians 4 Canadians and Canadians Against Justin Trudeau is somewhat schizophrenic. On the one hand many celebrate the vandalism. Others don't like the damage but rather than condemning the individuals who carried out the act instead blame Trudeau (as self-described conservatives who claim to believe in personal responsibility, this is indeed a bit odd). Still others claim it is a "false flag" intended to make "white Christians"look bad and blame Muslims for the attack.... and also Justin Trudeau again.

First, the folks at Canadians 4 Canadians offer their $0.02:

23 January 2016

MSM Starting to Pay Attention to Anti-Muslim/Anti-Government Groups and Individuals

On July 15, 2016, PEGIDA Canada held what it referred to as a "flash demo":

The results were underwhelming:


The organizers did receive laudatory comments regarding the demonstration, but there was also some level of despondency as well:

In some ways this should cause us some degree of optimism. PEGIDA Canada's coming out party in Toronto was tiny and dwarfed by a much larger contingency of anti-fascists and progressives who opposed them (thus earning "antifa" the antipathy of PEGIDA Canada from that point on). Their subsequent two "flash" demonstrations have been pathetically small and even by their own accounts opposed by most of the people who came across them. Still, the violent rhetoric of groups like PEGIDA Canada and other similar anti-Muslim, anti-refugee, and anti-government groups is still of concern because of their online support. In the case of PEGIDA Canada at the time of the writing of this article the group has been "liked" by a little over 10,000 individuals:

That number, 10,135, may include people such as ourselves who are monitoring the group as well as some who were merely curious. It may also include individuals who are concerned about the refugee crisis but who don't actually look at the group page and are unaware of the toxicity of the rhetoric of PEGIDA as well as those who actively support it, though we are perhaps being kind. However, even the in the best case scenario, this number indicates that there are a number of people who may be and already have been radicalized by PEGIDA Canada's (and like-minded movements) message.

Yes, radicalized.

We understand that this term has been used almost exclusively when referring to Muslims radicalized by extremist interpretations of Islam, but it hold true for the individuals who have been fed a steady diet of fear and loathing directed at Muslims, be they Canadian born, immigrants, refugees, or Muslims living outside the country as well. They have been convinced to distrust any contrary information that does not conform to their pre-existing prejudices and those prejudices have been reinforced in an echo chamber that demonizes and dehumanizes Muslims and/or any who doesn't view Muslims with hatred. Once this happens, anything is justified as evidenced by some of the screen shots we've taken from PEGIDA Canada's Facebook page over the past number of months:

13 December 2015

Students For Western Civilization: Trolls, But Still Interesting (Part II)

In late November we published an article about a group trying to establish itself in a number of Canadian and American universities and colleges. While Students For Western Civilization may or may not be a hoax, we still consider the topic to be of some interest in that some previously unnamed individuals who we've been looking at for a few years have popped up in relation to the group.

When VICE published an article on this movement back in September, we began to focus on some of the people who were posting in the comments section. Two in particular jumped out at us:

11 December 2015

Two Men Charged in Calgary Anti-Muslim Vandalism

It didn't take long for arrests to be made.

On Thursday Miguel Lavergne was charged with six counts of public mischief with hate crime harges pending. A second man was in custody as well, but Kyle MacKenzie was not formally charged (also six counts of public mischief pending possible hate crime charges) until today.

Neither at this point seem to have much of a social media presence though we were able to find Lavergne's Facebook account last night:

We suspect that joining the RCAF might no longer be an option for Mr. Lavergne.

8 December 2015

Images of Calgary Anti-Muslim Vandals Released

They don't seem to be among the usual suspects in Calgary, but maybe our readers can figure out who these fine, upstanding, jackasses are:

5 December 2015

Poorly Spelled Anti-Muslim Graffiti in Calgary

A couple of days ago, we read an article concerning especially nasty graffiti found spray painted on the walls of a Calgary LRT station and nearby cars:

CBC News Posted: Dec 03, 2015 7:11 PM MT
Last Updated: Dec 03, 2015 8:44 PM MT

Calgary Transit responded to some disturbing graffiti at the Tuscany LRT Station Thursday night.

Bhaveek Makan posted three images to Twitter Thursday evening showing spray painted comments disparaging to Syrian refugees and Muslims.
Several motorists had their cars spray painted, including Tuscany resident Brian Durocher.
Calgary police say they are investigating the incidents and have obtained video surveillance images from Calgary transit of possible suspects.

So far there hasn't been too much said about the incident on most of the sites we monitor, though Jonathan Kotyk did post a message on Stormfront in which he  (a) any racist worth his salt would be able to spell and (b) insisted it was likely the work of "non-whites" or anti-racists:

23 November 2014

The Sad Saga of Vikingwarlord14: Part II

We always enjoy when our fans send us feedback:

Oh you sweet talker you!

It looks like "Unit14"/"Jay Stone"/"Jay Smith"/"proudcracker420" might not have appreciated the article in which he was mentioned. We understand. In the article we dismissed him as an irrelevant carnival sideshow not worthy of anyone's time and attention.... and then proceeded to write about a loan misanthrope with delusions of grandeur living in Winnipeg who if we are to be honest isn't worth anyone's time or attention either.

That sort of cognitive dissonance  might scramble the brains of the average bonehead.

So on that note we will continue our profile of Jonathan Kotyk, a man who's name shines as brightly as such "White Nationalist" luminaries as Kevin Goudreau and Tomasz Winnicki:

You don't say, eh Jonathan? ;)
We once again introduce our readers to Jonathan "vikingwarrior14" Kotyk on Stormfront. Kotyk often attempts to present himself as a "White Nationalist" man of action, philosopher, and intellectual:

Well then! We're sure someone who advocates for the adoption of a benign dictatorship governed by a philosopher king must have some brilliant ideas on how to govern a nation-state, particularly when he suggests that he himself already has most of the solutions to Canada's "problems" (it seems to us that he might like to be considered a future candidate for the philosopher king role he advocates). 

Okay Jonathan! We await your wisdom with baited breath!

25 October 2014

Reaction to the Tragedies in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa

Well I'm back.

Did I miss anything?

There are a lot of stories I would like to get to eventually. For example I've been digging up some information on a Winnipeg misanthrope posting on Stormfront as "vikingwarlord14" named Jonathan (and trust us when we note that the online moniker is yet another example of a delusion of grandeur). And god knows that Paulie's photos deserve more attention. Well, that's a poor choice of words. Dear god! Even when this writer takes some time off I'm subjected to a horror that so living soul should be subjected to. Paul Fromm. In a leather bondage thong. That's an image that, once seen, can never be unseen.

But I really think I would remiss if I didn't first make mention of the tragedies of the past week in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa.

I'm not going to belabor the basics that we all already know, though I will provide a brief background. Patrice Vincent and Nathan Cirillo were murdered in two distinct attacks. The two accused, also dead, were Canadian-born recent converts to Islam who have been described as having been radicalized. Neither man appears to have known the other and the second attack in Ottawa appears to have been a copycat attack inspired by the events in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. At least one of the men had a long, troubled, history before his conversion to Islam and had been tossed out of a mosque as a result of his extremist views. The other had attempted to travel to Turkey in order to hook up with ISIS (a particularly evil, fascistic, Islamic movement in Syria and Iraq responsible for countless atrocities) but was prevented from doing so by the authorities; numerous people, including his parents and Imam, tried to steer him away from radical views but were sadly not successful. Both men may or may not have been inspired by ISIS' call for those supporting them to engage in attacks on targets overseas, though it appears likely there was no direct connection. Both may or may not have been mentally ill.

Since the attacks, Muslim Canadians have denounced the murders loudly and unambiguously:

Winnipeg Muslims condemn soldier attacks, fear backlash

Canadian Muslim group calls Ottawa attacks ‘repulsive’

Ottawa shooting: Canadian Muslims denounce attacks

While condemning the murder of Vincent and Cirillo is admirable, one might be troubled by what appears to be the assigning of group guilt to Muslim-Canadians. If there was not a condemnation of the attacks by Muslims, they would be accused of secretly supporting those attacks. I can't recall Roman Catholics in Canada being required to condemn the actions of the IRA, for example, or be suspected of implicitly supporting sectarian violence in Ireland.

But regardless of how many times our fellow Canadians denounce violence carried out by extremists, there seem to be those who will ignore those denunciations and still tar all Muslims as extremists, as our friend Ed Kennedy (formerly of the currently defunct Free Dominion) proves once again:

Not surprisingly, the boneheads we cover here on the blog also jumped into the mix. The irony of some of their comments given some of their criminal backgrounds (keep in mind that "Freedom Fighter" is Kyle McKee) appears lost on them:

16 September 2014

Two Anti-Muslim Incidents in Alberta

Last Friday Syed Soharwardy, a well known Calgary-based imam alleges he was twice struck by a car driven by a woman who also shouted anti-Islam epithets at him. Soharwardy wasn't injured, but he was understandably shaken by the experience.

And the reaction of some of the boneheads we follow? Not exactly unexpected:

While it might be expected that xenophobic, racist, antisemetic, anti-Muslim, violent, boneheads would support attacks on Muslims in the country, the unchecked rhetoric equating all Muslims with terrorists has appeared to have resulted in an upswing in anti-Muslim sentiments (as indicated by the comments on the "more mainstream" Calgary Sun. Until something is done, we anticipate that will not improve soon.

Anti-Muslim vandals strike Fort Saskatchewan home twice 
National Council of Canadian Muslims notes recent rise in anti-Islam sentiment 
By Andrea Huncar
CBC News Posted: Sep 16, 2014 7:59 AM MT Last Updated: Sep 16, 2014 7:59 AM MT

Members of Fort Saskatchewan’s Muslim community are once again cleaning up after a home that they use for prayer was vandalized with anti-Islam insults twice in the past week. 

1 July 2014

Hate-Motivated Vandalism in London

There is a suspicion that this guy might just be someone we recently wrote about here. We aren't entirely certain, but if any of our readers want to let us know who they think he is, we would very much appreciate the confirmation of our suspicions:

London police seek man after discovery of 'hate-motivated' graffiti

Free Press staff
London police are investigating hate-motivated graffiti written in the laundry room of an apartment building and on the side of a home in central east London.

Police said the graffiti, believed to have been scrawled by the same person, was directed towards the black community.

One incident took place at an apartment building on Connaught Ave. and the other on an exterior wall of a house on Harley St.

Police said the incident was reported on Friday. A video image of the suspect shows a Caucasian, 20-30 years old, of medium height and build. He was wearing a blue baseball cap and was carrying a red shoulder bag in addition to a black backpack.

Police ask anyone with information on these crimes is asked to call the London Police Service at 519-661-5670 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). To set up a Neighbourhood Watch, please contact or call 519-661-4533.

3 May 2014

Kyle McKee Writes in the Third Person Now

There was a little update regarding McKee's alleged involvement on the attack against Max Hynes, a one time ally now rival, that took place in the summer of 2012:

White power leader denies role in Kitchener ambush

KITCHENER — The leader of a Calgary-based white supremacy group denies he orchestrated a vicious attack in Kitchener to mete out internal discipline. 

Kyle McKee, 28, a former Kitchener man who heads a neo-Nazi organization called Blood and Honour, was named in court last week when two other people admitted their roles in the plot. 

The facts accepted by Jessie Lajoie, 25, and Marissa Kissack, 24, specified meetings with McKee while he was in custody for alleged hate crimes in Alberta preceded the armed attack here in the summer of 2012. 

Now free on bail, however, McKee denied involvement in the ambush of Max Hynes, a former group member lured to the park by Kissack with a promise of sex. 

"I've never been questioned about it, I haven't been charged and it definitely hasn't been proven," McKee said in an interview from Calgary this week. 

Const. Jeff Gren, the local detective who investigated the case, confirmed McKee hasn't been formally accused of the crime. 

"The short answer is we simply lacked the evidence to proceed with a charge against him," he wrote in an email. 

Gren would not say if McKee was interviewed because it could adversely affect the investigations conducted outside Ontario. 

Hynes, 21, was described in court as a former Blood and Honour organizer in London who had a falling out with McKee "due to a number of unauthorized activities." 

He was hit in the head and slashed twice in the stomach by Lajoie and alleged accomplice Eric Marshall, 26, after they travelled here from Alberta to get him.

That Jessie Lajoie, Eric Marshall, and Marissa Kissack were involved in a violent attack against Max Hynes would likely have received only a little mainstream media coverage in addition to the focus we would have given it. However at least one bonehead has been keeping the story alive on Stormfront as well:

Gee, ain't that a coincidence? "Freedom Fighter" suggests that the journalist who wrote the original article was incorrect but will soon make some corrects. Lo and behold a couple of days later, and the promised article appears.

"Freedom Fighter" joined Stormfront on May 31, 2013 and has been sporadically active (89 posts as of May 2, 2014) ever since. He has suggested that he is a new but also a long-time activist:


It didn't become too long before this "relatively new" Stormfront member took an inordinate (and surprisingly detailed) interest in the affairs of Kyle McKee. We earlier noted that when Hynes was trying to promote the Southern Ontario Skinheads on Stormfront, "Freedom Fighter" very quickly stepped in to offer his unsolicited $0.02:

He claims that he doesn't have knowledge about the case despite providing some fairly accurate information.... you know.... for someone who doesn't really know any of the parties involved.

"Freedom Fighter" also has an odd interest in the past annual marches that McKee's Blood & Honour (as well as their forerunner Aryan Guard) used to organize:

Come on Kyle! Who you think you're fooling? (Update: Thanks for catching that for us)