Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay. Show all posts

22 November 2015

Turd Polishing During Topham Trial: Paulie Interviews David Lindsay

During the Topham hate crimes trial the ended in Arthur Topham's conviction, Paulie provided nearly daily updates, both written and video, though it should also be noted that these same updates also carried a wee bit of spin. In one of the write-ups and video, he suggested the ceiling lights were proof of a vast Jewish conspiracy controlling the court system because... reasons.

He had planned on taking a photo of the ceiling as proof, but when he wasn't permitted to do so he threw a self-entitled temper tantrum in which he also complained about the court security.

Cue detaxer/sovereign citizen/freeman/freeman-on-the-land or whatever he calls himself these days, David Lindsay:

2 November 2015

Topham Trial: Paulie's Summary

Not long after we summarized (as best we could) the Topham hate crimes trial, Paulie also posted his take. We won't include the entire missive; a few selected entries should suffice.

Though it appears to have been written on October 31, Paulie's piece wasn't uploaded until late Sunday. And it starts both with the general entitled whining that we've come to expect....

.... as well as the creepy, "ew" factor that we've come to know and squirm uncomfortably in response to:

Again, ew....

What Paulie does confirm is that the defence appear to be trying to argue the "truth" of the antisemitic blood libels reprinted and editorialized on Topham's website, focusing especially on the work of Elizabeth Dilling and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which Paulie writes, "is a blueprint for establishing Jewish world dominance and world government," not even bothering with the pretense of including the word "allegedly."

4 January 2013

Canadian Freeman Movement: Ties to Extremism

We had intended on writing this article almost a year ago. We were even issued a preemptive threat from the individual who was to have been the subject of the article. However things in real life always seemed to get in the way and we just didn't get to it in a timely manner. But with the recent media attention on the Freeman movement in Canada we thought this was an issue that we could weigh in on now.

The Freeman movement could be said to have first manifested itself in a very public manner through the actions of Gordan Kahl. Kahl, who was philosophically aligned with an early version of sovereign citizenship, murdered three police officers before dying himself (killed by Sheriff Gene Matthews before he succumbed to his own injuries). The Freeman movement, or sovereign citizenship movement as it is better known as south of the border, is inexorably linked to the militia movement of the 1990s; the most famous event involving American sovereign citizens was the Montana Freeman standoff that lasted 81 days. More recent cases include Edward and Elaine Brown, Jerry and Joe Kane (who murdered Officers Brandon Paudert and Bill Evans during a routine traffic stop), and Joseph Stack who, while not necessarily a Freeman himself, has been raised to the status of a martyr for his suicide attack on Austin, Texas IRS building which killed one person and injured 13 others.

Although it might be thought of as primarily an American phenomenon, the Freeman movement is active in Canada. A recent article gives voice to the concern of the police regarding the Freeman movement in Canada:

2 January 2013

Smack [Our] Ass And Call [Us] Sally! We've Been Nominated For An Award!

First, happy New Year all!

The ARC Collective is currently enjoying a nice vacation from the blog. This writer, for one, is currently relaxing with daiquiri on a perfect beach somewhere in the Caribbean (¡Viva la Revoluci籀n!) which also, remarkably, has WiFi.

But today, on a whim, one of the members took a look at our neglected Twitter account and found this:

Not sure who nominated us, but thanks for the nomination. And to the good  folks with the Ninjamatics Canadian Weblog Awards, thank you for the consideration.

Looks like we'll have to step up our game again. Time to dig a little into the detaxer/"Freeman on the Land" issue like we said we would do some months ago, paying particular attention to a few individuals who are prominent in the movement and who have connections to racist groups and/or organizations.

But not today.

Today, we dance!

But mostly drink.

25 August 2009

Costs Awarded Against Tom Kennedy

Two of our favorite detaxers are at it again. Tom Kennedy, who is trying to get his buddy David Lindsay on board his libel case (though we can't imagine why given Lindsay's track record with Kennedy as well as his other failed efforts in court, including a recent criminal conviction) was unsuccessful in efforts and has been assessed a loss of $2300 payable immediately to the plaintiff:

If it wasn't so pathetic, it would be funny.

Okay, so it's both pathetic AND funny.

29 June 2009

David Lindsay Fails. Again.

David, David, David........ aren't you tired of being laughed out of court yet?

Some of our dear readers may be aware that Richard Warman is suing David Icke and a number of bookstores that refused to stop distributing Icke's Children of the Matrix for libel as a result of false allegations contained in it. Tom Kennedy, formerly of Ottawa has helped organize Icke's visits to Ottawa in the past and sold the book online and refused to stop selling the book after he was issued a libel notice. He's been trying to have detaxer Dave Lindsay permitted to represent him in the libel suit. Problem is, the libel suit is in Ontario Superior Court and only the parties themselves or lawyers can appear (real court as the far-right and the Free Dominion denizens like to refer to it - which, while we think of it, would have meant that Paul Fromm and Alexan Kulbashian would not have been permitted to participate in the CHRT hearings they did so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing after all...).

Mr. Warman’s legal team has consistently refused to have anything to do with Lindsay so Kennedy and Lindsay brought a motion seeking to have the court compel Warman’s attorneys to deal with Lindsay as Kennedy's agent in the libel suit.

Below is the decision from the Superior Court refusing the motion and awarding costs to Mr. Warman for it:

Note out of interest that Lindsay was involved in helping Paul Fromm in both the revocation of his teaching certificate by the Ontario College of Teachers and also the Warman v. Guille case. Eric Block, the lawyer at McCarthy who argued this motion was the main lawyer on the revocation of Fromm's teaching certificate.

20 May 2009

Bits and Bites: May 2009

They must be masochists. It really is the only explanation for why they continue to subject themselves to ridicule.

A few days ago we received yet another erudite comment from our bonehead friends concerning a story we wrote a month ago:


We wonder if our anonymous commenter is aware of the late Francis E. Dec?

All she needs is a few allusions to Brain Bank cities on the moon, the Gangster Computer God Operating Control, and Frankenstein Slaves and we'd have the beginnings of a schizophrenic rant worthy of posterity. She's already got the racism, antisemitism, and paranoia down pat.

We also received this from Eric Sheridan (pictured wallowing in filth while cuddling another dude... hey, we aren't going to judge but we do notice a bit of a pattern developing here with Eric.):

its really funny how the only action the"anti racist Action" do is threw a monitor .

What we find funny is your inability to read what is clearly written. We're Anti-Racist Canada, not Anti-Racist Action. And we would further suggest that you don't throw monitors. They're fairly expensive and you might hurt yourself.

And R.L. is unhappy with one part of our post concerning his involvement in the Aryan Guard:'s funny you should mention old enough to shave, I can and do.

Okay R.L., we'll give this to you. You're old enough to shave. Congratulations and mea culpa. You sure put us in our place there.

Finally, we've written about Canadian tax protester and convicted criminal David Lindsay on a number of occasions. Crackpots like Bill Noble and Tomasz Winnicki have both advocated for him in the recent past. Looks like Paul Fromm is also a fan:

So, who here reading this thinks that Paulie pays his taxes?

13 April 2009

More on the Lindsay Decision

If you have a burning interest in reading the entirety of the decision that resulted in Kevin Lindsay's stay in prison (and really, why would you?), we invite you to read the following. It's long, and occassionally dry, but it does offer jems such as this as Lindsay, acting as his own attorney, is questioning Tracy Todd who had served him earlier:

Q When are you alleging I first became a person?
A When you were born.

We hope you enjoy:

UPDATE: You know what? Why don't we just direct you to this site which provides the details of the decision. It's easier to read and doesn't clutter our blog.

12 April 2009

Tomasz hearts Shaidle and Lindsay

Looks like Tomasz Winnicki has taken it upon himself to become Kathy Shaidle's press agent. He is again promoting Ms. Shaidle, this time her upcoming recent speaking engagement in London, Ontario (home of Winnicki who proudly boasts of himself as the city's biggest hater) on both VNN and here on Stormfront:

To which "TrueDiversity1488" responds:

Interesting question, isn't it? While the answer is no it's not, we're not sure if this is the kind of crowd we would want to attract at a speech. But hey, if anyone can get a shot of Ms. Shaidle and Mr. Winnicki shaking hands, we will love you forever if you could send it our way.

But Winnicki isn't finished with his volunteerism. Earlier in the week he also promoted a series of upcoming seminars by David Lindsay (or David-Kevin: Lindsay if you prefer):

Hello everyone.

The Tour is HERE!!!
Please see the attached flyers for information and upcoming dates on the most important taxation issue in our Freedom Movement;


Our first stop is in Vancouver on Sat. April 4, 2009, followed by Kelowna on April 18, and Penticton, April 19.

Other dates will be announced shortly!!!
Virtually every statute, especially the Income Tax Act requires that only "persons" are bound by the Act. But just what is a "person" when a man/woman is not included in any definition of this most important term, in any Act, and historically never has?

This tour is the most definitive, educational tour to dispel all circulating myths on this issue, especially in relation to that of a 'Natural Person'.
All gov’t power applies only to “persons” and if you are not a “person” – you are truly free!

This day long seminar will provide documented proof:
L “person” is a term of law, not popular grammar! L of the legal formula to be “person”! L how being a “person” is time-sensitive! L that a man and a "person" are not synonymous;
L judicial admissions that the font on legal documents is used to denote the difference between a man and a "person";
L how this all relates to the promises of Her Majesty the Queen to protect our property and maintain the principles of the Christian religion; L how this all relates to income tax (indeed, all taxes) being voluntary; L how one becomes a "person" and how you can cease and desist being a "person"; L how this all relates to your fundamental and constitutional right to ownership and enjoyment of property; and much, much more! All information being thoroughly documented and supported. Years of legal research and study are finally being released to everyone for all to share.
This is being presented from a perspective of law, not speculation nor assumption.

This will be without doubt the most important seminar you will ever attend!

Email to pre-register now!
Arrangements for media and radio interviews can be emailed to:
We will respond within one business day or as soon as possible.
omnis persona est homo, sed non vicissim
Every person is man, but not every man is a person Black’s Dictionary of Law, 4th p. 1239
We are available to speak in your area. Pre-registration and arrangements can be made by sending us an email to:

Remember to bring your notepad! And tell all your Friends!
in freedom I remain,
David-Kevin: Lindsay
proudly presents
David-Kevin: Lindsay

Legal Personality and the ITA
The most comprehensive and documented analysis of personhood in Canadian freedom history! Being a “person” is voluntary!

Sam Strawman
Is income tax mandatory or voluntary?

Which came first, the “person” or the birth certificate?

Is being a “person” mandatory?

What is the legal definition of a “person”, including a “natural person”?

What is the ‘formula’ to be a “person”?

How does being a “person” relate to the Coronation Oath and Constitutional promises of HMTQ to protect our property?

Do fonts (ALL CAPS, I, B, other?) differentiate between a man and a “person”? The judiciary says YES!

How you can avoid being a ‘natural person’!
Toronto DATE: Sat. April 25, 2009LOCATION: The Lighthouse 1008 Bathurst St., N. of Bloor
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) inc. Q and A
COST: $99/day
DATE: Sun. April 26, 2009LOCATION: Civitan Club, 508 Riverside Dr.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) including Q and A
COST: $99/day
Montreal DATE: Sat. May 9, 2009LOCATION: Notre Dame College 3799 Queen Mary Rd.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) including Q and A
COST: $99/day

Ottawa (Gloucester) DATE: Sun. May 3, 2009LOCATION: Wally’s Club, 232 Innes Rd.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) including Q and A
COST: $99/day

Pre-register now!

Don’t forget to bring a friend!

The C.L.E.A.R. Literature Table will be available as well!!

The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative Suite 432 113-437 Martin St., Penticton British Columbia V2A 5L1 fax: 250 492-0549
“The State cannot lawfully deny the rights of the people”

And who is Mr. Lindsay? Well, here is how his supporters view him and his views on "personhood" and the legality of taxes. And here is how his actual arguments pan out when in court:

Kelowna resident fined and jailed for not filing tax returns

Kelowna, British Columbia, November 26, 2008... Kelowna resident, David Kevin Lindsay, also known as David-Kevin: Lindsay, was sentenced in Kelowna Provincial Court on November 24, 2008, to 150 days in jail and fined $5,000, payable by April 30, 2012. Lindsay was convicted June 26, 2008, of failing to comply with a requirement to file his 1997 to 2001 personal income tax return. Lindsay was also ordered by the court to file these returns by June 30, 2009.

When people are convicted of failing to file tax returns, in addition to any fines imposed by the courts, they must still file the returns and pay the full amount of taxes owing, plus interest owed, as well as any civil penalties that may be assessed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Individuals who have not filed returns for previous years, or who have not reported all of their income, can still voluntarily correct their tax affairs. They will not be penalized or prosecuted if they make a full disclosure before the Agency starts any action or investigation against them. These individuals may only have to pay the taxes owing, plus interest. More information on the Voluntary Disclosures Program can be found on the CRA's website at

The information in this news release was obtained from the court records.

Further information on convictions can also be found in the Media room on the CRA website at

This document is also available for download in PDF format.

Don't you loose a little bit of credibility when you claim that you can not be jailed for failing to pay your taxes, then you're jailed for not paying taxes? At least one of the (slightly more) astute Stormfront members has noted this:

Of course common sense hasn't stopped the true believers, such as Bill Noble, from adding their support:

Truer words have seldom been written, however Noble isn't admitting to his diminished humanity. Rather, the whole concept of "personhood" is tied to Lindsay's rationale concerning the authority of the state over "soverign" citizens. Noble himself has a lot riding on this argument as it is also part of his justification for not abiding by the terms of his release.

When OdinPatrick suggests that Noble might not be being entirely rationale, Noble responds:

So let's get this straight. The proof that Lindsay is correct and that Canadians can not be imprisoned for paying taxes is that Lindsay was imprisoned for not paying taxes in order to shut him up and prevent him from telling everyone the truth?

Bill, if someone from Nigeria sends you an email asking for help getting millions of dollars into an offshore account and says he's willing to pay you a percentage, we suggest you go for it.

This scam is simply part of a larger North American movement of fringe tax protesters. The cases where these arguments have been attempted in the United States provide quite an insight as to their level of success....... nil to none. Or you can read about one of Lindsay's earlier efforts and note the same outcome.

lbert Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

22 August 2008

Bill Noble Update

We knew it was only a matter of time before Noble decided to violate the terms of his parole. In truth, he violated them months ago as he has been active on White Pride/Power Facebook groups since soon after his release from prison. Of course that wasn't enough for Noble so the seductive siren song of Stormfront was finally too compelling to ignore. What follows is his first Stormfront post since February: