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Daydream Island Resort and Spa
17 hours ago

Live Updates – Cyclone Debbie

Statement From Daydream Island Resort and Spa – Tuesday 4th April 2017

Daydream Island Resort and Spa would like to provide the following information in response to some recent media reports regarding the evacuation of the island during Cyclone Debbie.


At approximately 11am on Saturday 25th March communication advising of the potential severity of the forthcoming weather event and advice for guests to consider their travel plans in the form of a letter was distributed to all rooms and also made visible on the check-in desk.

The Harbour Master who controls the waterways issued an advice to operators including Daydream Island on Saturday 25th that they would be closing the ports and stopping water traffic operating from 6pm that evening. Daydream received this advice at approximately 3pm.

This was communicated immediately to guests to let them know that if they wanted to leave the resort they would have to do so that afternoon.

In all approximately 15 guests decided to bring forward their departures and leave the island that afternoon. At that stage, the cyclone was tracking further to the north of The Whitsundays.

Regarding the evacuation of guests from Daydream Island on Thursday 30th March, Daydream was placed under control of the military for the evacuation and the military made the decision to get passengers to the Port of Airlie. Some passengers who had flights manifested for departures on that day were delivered to Hamilton Island Airport.

We understand that there may have been a delay in the next steps for the guests on arrival at Port of Airlie, however Daydream was waiting for further advice and expected the guests to be met by the relevant authorities. Fortunately all guests were soon bussed to Townsville as arranged by the authorities so that they were be able to start their journeys home.

It was not possible for guests to stay on Daydream any longer and Daydream management had done everything possible to assist however alternative accommodation in either Airlie Beach or Hamilton Island was not an option.

Daydream provided refunds for accommodation and food free of charge for guests who were on island during the cyclone lock down.

We have thanked our guests for their understanding and their patience during a very difficult time and the overwhelmingly exceptional feedback we have received through our social media channels leaves us in no doubt regarding the positive way in which Daydream management assisted our guests through this difficult situation.

At this stage we are advising that we are unable to accept new arrivals to Daydream until Sunday 30th April, 2017. This date may be extended once we have assessed the full extent of the damage.

Daydream is still assessing the full damage sustained from Cyclone Debbie. Until such time as a decision can be reached on Daydream’s recovery, no decision has been made with regard to staff and all staff are currently being paid.

Staff were provided with two nights, twin share rooms in the only available apartments and hotels in Airlie Beach. Accommodation operators were able to provide comfortable accommodation with generator power despite there also being no water.

As soon as Daydream Island can provide a more detailed update on its operations and reopening schedule we will do so immediately.

Our thoughts are with everyone in the community affected by Cyclone Debbie and its aftermath.

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