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'We can't get into our own store': Fallout as burst pipe floods Myer Centre in Brisbane

Shattered ducts and wires hang from the roof of the Myer Centre jewellery store hit with the full force of a burst water pipe that closed the centre and a major bus station in Brisbane for hours.

Buses returned to normal for the afternoon peak but frustrated management at Lovisa, the store worst affected, still had not been allowed in to assess the damage.

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Myer Centre flooding: 'anarchy'

Brisbane's Myer Centre is shut down, along with the underground bus station, due to flooding from a burst water main on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday morning's inundation was the second blow to businesses at the centre in a week, after most workers in the CBD were sent home and shops shut on Thursday for ex-cyclone Debbie.

Most of the centre bounced back remarkably quickly after a deluge of water flowed over multiple levels on Wednesday, even shutting Queen Street bus station below across the morning peak and lunchtime.

But Lovisa regional director Freyah Howland said it was impossible to assess the scope of the damage without inspecting the store while other businesses shared concerns about lost business.

"Centre management's not letting us in on anything," Ms Howland said.


"We can't get into our own store.

So exactly what happened…  it's very frustrating."

She said the centre was quick to jump on the issue and had responded well but she admitted to being "peeved" by the pipe collapsing into one of her stores.

"Anything that's been damaged by the looks of it at this stage isn't like our premium products," she said.

"Our best stuff was sort of clear of any damage.

"(But) we won't know until we can get in there ourselves, to be honest."

Mops, bins and vacuums were out in full force on Wednesday afternoon as all but a few of the worst-hit retailers reopened to the public.

The neighbouring Tutti Frutti frozen yoghurt store would not reopen on Wednesday and the clean-up at the Nando's restaurant nearby was also taking longer than most.

Freshly Juiced's Phil Bowman was resigned to losing a decent chunk of the day's trade after being hauled out of bed "sick as a dog" to deal with what happened.

"That's life mate," he said.

"We shut down last Thursday. That's the way it goes mate.

"You've got to roll with the punches. Financially, it just costs a lot of money, that's all."

Queen Street bus station reopened about 2.30pm, in time for the afternoon peak, but there was no lift access to platform three, and the entrance to platform one was via Elizabeth or Albert streets.

A Myer Centre Brisbane spokeswoman said most of the centre was also open.

"Only sections of the centre's lower ground floor, level A, remain closed," she said in a statement.

"We expect the entire centre will reopen tomorrow with only a small selection of retailers closed due to water damage. We are working to get these stores reopened as soon as possible."