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Junior cricket set for major changes

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The most significant modification to junior cricket ever seen in Australia will take place next summer following a successful nationwide pilot program where children played on shorter pitches in smaller teams.

Cricket Australia (CA) will announce on Tuesday that modified junior formats will be rolled out over the next three years, radically altering the way the sport is played for children younger than 14 in a bid to increase participation and raise skill level.

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Reducing the pitch length decreased the numbers of wides and no balls being delivered during the pilot program. Fifty-three per cent more balls bowled were in play, 13 per cent more balls were being hit, and dot balls decreased by 24 per cent.

Boundaries were also made shorter and each participant had a chance to bat and bowl in every game, while match length will be trimmed to two hours for under-10/11s, and three hours for under-12/13s.

At under-10/11s level each team will have seven players. That increases to nine for the next two age groups before fleshing out to the standard 11 at under-14s.

Junior format cricket was trialled over the summer by 15 junior associations, 171 clubs and 640 teams, with coaches, parents and players labelling the changes a resounding success.


CA senior manager, team performance and former Australian captain Belinda Clark, who oversaw the pilot, said the changes increased each player's involvement during a match.

"There were things like lots of wides being bowled, the game was long, kids had lots of sporting options, all those things that have changed in society where a time-poor mum and dad are busy," Clark said.

"If we can set up a game where there's a lot more action and that repetition is happening in the game, then that can only be better for skill development and that's exactly what's happened.

"One of the key things is kids improve when they get the opportunity to repeat things over and over and over again. They've got a chance if they're doing it a lot more.

"We're seeing younger kids play cover drives, play lofted drives over the bowler's head because the ball's coming at them at a better pace, it's landing in a better spot.

"Children will no longer have to struggle with playing in conditions suited for adults. They'll now progress through two stages that will ensure they learn to play cricket in an environment that meets their physical, mental and emotional development."

Junior cricket for children in the under-14s and older bracket won't be altered, although each association will have the option to embrace the new format should they choose to do so.

The changes will also filter through to under-12/13 representative level. Female representative cricket will adopt the new format next season, while it will be introduced into the male game in season 2018-19.

"These formats open the game up but they also help the kids develop skill and when you're developing skill you're learning, you're much more likely to be continuing on, thinking that you're improving," Clark said.

"Cricket is a game that requires skill to play, not unlike tennis. If you're playing tennis and the opposition player can't serve, the game stops.

"Cricket's the same with the bowler bowling, that's where the ball gets into play. It's a hard skill, it's a fundamental skill and we need to give the kids the best chance to start mastering it.

"We're a proud sporting nation and we're a proud cricketing nation too and if we want to remain that, we need to have as many kids playing the game as possible."