Using a database with ajaxed

Since version 0.2 it is possible to use a database with ajaxed out of the box. The library offers the ability to configure a connection string for the use of ODBC within your pages. After that convenient methods enable access to the database. The following paragraphs give a short insight into the usage of a database within ajaxed. Continue reading

ajaxed 0.2 released

Upon releasing the first version of a classic ASP AJAX library called ajaxed I received a lot of positive response. For this reason I have extended the library and released version 0.2 now. The update consists mostly of server side additions which have not really to do with Ajax. Still those additions are very useful when working with ajaxed because everything is done on server side. Here is a short excerpt of some additions:

  • A database can be easily configured now and accessed with several convenient methods.
  • A collection of useful string functions is now directly accessible (check VBScript String functions). Those functions are necessary for all kind of projects you do.
  • Prototype is being used now

Have a look at the new version and give me your feedback. I hope that I can find some time to come up with more tutorials.

ajaxed on Ajaxian

Ajaxian logoHey it is really cool that one of the most popular Ajax websites (Ajaxian) have posted a short article about the ajaxed Library. Thanks to Dion Almaer who wrote about it. I like the comments there where ppl are talking about ASP and Especially the first one is funny:

Ian: Just who the hell is having to use Classic ASP still?… oh.. wait.. thats me! Thanks, Dion!

I have done some updates and the version 0.2 is coming soon guys…

Best of web-development in May and June 2007

The Smashing magazine selects every month one of the most interesting web-development related websites. They check and analyze recent tools, tutorial and trends and sum them up in a nice to read list. The current list (May/June 2007) can be found here. Browsing this list helps me to keep up to date without spending too much time of doing my own research. This time interesting amongst others:


ajaxed resource page

I thought its better to create an own page dedicated to the ajaxed Library. It is easier to follow the current changes, bugs, feature requests, etc. The page can be found in the menu on the right or just here. Because I got some nice feedback I will come up with more tutorial within the next weeks. Promise ;)

ajaxed: Calling server side VBScript procedures from client side (equivalent to PHP xajax)

My last post (about an ASP RSS component) included a demonstration which made use of a cool ajax technique simply called “ajaxed”. See the demonstration here again. If you play around you will recognize that there is no conventional postback and AJAX is up in here ;) I have developed a small “library” which easily allows you to call server side ASP VBScrtipt procedures from the client side. No low-level Ajax knowledge is required… Continue reading

ASP (VBScript) RSS reader/writer class

Once i was looking for a nice RSS class/component for ASP which allows me to read all kind of feed formats programmatically. In addition to the correct parsing it should also be able to create own feeds for publishing purposes. Unfortunately I could not find any component which fits those requirements in ASP and therefore written my own. Continue reading