Category Archives: ajaxed

ajaxed 2.0 released

It’s been some time since the last version has been released. But today it’s here! Fresh and with loads of updates comes the brand new ajaxed version 2.0. Coupled with it we proud to announce the new official ajaxed website – The community is growing and ajaxed already helps a lot developers to keep […]

ajaxed gets a face

I proudly present the new logo of our ajaxed library. Just achieve a bit of identity What do you think? Do you like it or is it just another web 2.0 logo Btw: I have just purchased which will be the new home for ajaxed. A lot of tutorials, better documentation and version 2 […]

Developing a 'login' with ajaxed

Today we will check how we could realize a simple login using ajaxed for your web application. You know the common stuff where you enter your credentials (email and password) and you get authorized if they are correct.

ajaxed 1.0 released

the new major release of asp ajaxed is here. I have jumped with counting to version 1.0 because it has been such a big update and the library reached its maturity level. Curious whats new in the box? A lot of improvements and new stuff – i got a lot of inspiration from ruby on […]

ajaxed google discussion group

Today i had some time and have created an own google discussion group (forum) for the ajaxed project. This will make the management of problems much easier for me. At least i hope so It should help you guys to communicate about your solutions and issues with ajaxed. Also all issues regarding JSON in connection […]

Using a database with ajaxed

Since version 0.2 it is possible to use a database with ajaxed out of the box. The library offers the ability to configure a connection string for the use of ODBC within your pages. After that convenient methods enable access to the database. The following paragraphs give a short insight into the usage of a […]

ajaxed 0.2 released

Upon releasing the first version of a classic ASP AJAX library called ajaxed I received a lot of positive response. For this reason I have extended the library and released version 0.2 now. The update consists mostly of server side additions which have not really to do with Ajax. Still those additions are very useful […]