Query your Firefox cookies with SQL

Did you ever wanted to take a look at cookies or even tweak them? Having access to your cookies as a developer is crucial but even as a user it might be useful to take a look sometimes.

But what about querying them with sql queries? Picture this: Show me all cookies from localhost and order them by expirydate. No problem, I’ll show you how… Continue reading

ajaxed gets a face

I proudly present the new logo of our ajaxed library. Just achieve a bit of identity ;) What do you think? Do you like it or is it just another web 2.0 logo :) Btw: I have just purchased ajaxed.org which will be the new home for ajaxed. A lot of tutorials, better documentation and version 2 is coming soon. Thanks again for all your support guys!

Let your users vote on feature requests

Did you ever run a popular website or serivce/product? If yes, then you know how hard it can be to discover which new features your users want. Collecting all the requests, giving response and analyzing which requests are most popular. All those tasks require a lot of organization and take some time. UserVoice offers a serivce which provides exactly those features. For your site visitors:

  1. They submit ideas or vote for existing ideas
  2. They discuss ideas with each other and with you
  3. They get official reponse (featre planned, started, etc.)
  4. They get heard!

Perfect service! Will definitely use it in my future projects…