
Politics at stake: a note on stakeholder analysis

Abahlali baseMjondolo in Caoe Town

In what Partha Chatterjee calls 'most of the world' the state and capital have two defences against grassroots political society - the police and civil society (especially NGOs and the academy). The first protect oppression with violent repression, the second do the same by throwing up a spongy wall around it in which grassroots political society is absorbed via individualising technocratic 'public participation' processes and educated to accept domination via all kinds of workshops and training that teach people to know their place. This article is an important attempt to think with grassroots militancy against civil society.

A Short Course in Politics at the University of Abahlali baseMjondolo

Abahlali baseMjondolo meeting in Durban

Raj Patel on participatory democracy in Abahlali baseMjondolo in Durban, South Africa.

Marxism-Leninism: Vehicle of Capitalism

An article on Marxist-Leninism, written by J. Grancharoff, and published in Red and Black: An Anarchist Journal, No. 9 Spring 1979.

Communisation vs Spheres - Bernard Lyon

2011 text by Bernard Lyon, the second part of 'The Suspended Step of Communisation'.

Political Activism in the Internet Age: Where to from here?

Has the internet changed political activism for the better or the worse?

Occupational hazards

The South London Women's Hospital occupation

A compilation of writings put together by Past Tense on hospital occupations and work-ins in the UK from the 1970s to the 1990s.

Gay Left: A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay Men

This is a socialist journal edited by gay men. We have a two fold aim in producing this magazine. First, we hope to contribute towards a marxist analysis of homosexual oppression. Secondly, we want to encourage in the gay movement an understanding of the links between the struggle against sexual oppression and the struggle for socialism.
