University of Canberra

In 1990 the Canberra College of Advanced Education became the University of Canberra. The University specialises in delivering professional education, with a focus on practical skills, and applied research as well as maintaining links with industry.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 2501 articles

Alexander Downer’s term as high commissioner is formally up in May. Katia Christodoulou/AAP

Turnbull delays London appointment

Malcolm Turnbull is believed to have deferred the appointment of a new high commissioner to the UK until at least the end of this year.
The government can’t parade modelling one moment and then, when it is unable to produce it, say ‘just apply the pub test’. Lukas Coch/AAP

If you haven’t got the numbers, Scott, could you please just get them?

The question is totally reasonable, and deserves an answer. But when Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison were asked on Tuesday for estimates of the growth and jobs dividends from the company tax cuts passed…
The Nick Xenophon Team had been dug in for a long time behind backing cuts for businesses with turnovers up to $10 million. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Company tax compromise is limited but works for both Turnbull and Xenophon

The government’s company tax deal with Nick Xenophon has given Malcolm Turnbull something to spin between now and the May budget. It’s much less than the government’s A$48 billion plan, but it’s more than…
Dean Lewins/AAP

Art for art’s sake

Most people who have completed a cultural studies or sociology degree in recent decades will have come across the world of Pierre Bourdieu, one of that army of extraordinary scholars who filled the 20th…
Pauline Hanson and her Senate colleagues have sniffed the wind on penalty rates. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Hanson stirs the sugar pot and backflips on penalty rates

The next big judgement day for Pauline Hanson will be the election in her home state of Queensland, due in under a year. Her vote there will determine how much fear she puts into the Coalition ahead of…
Malcolm Turnbull sits with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang as they watch an AFL game. David Gray/AAP

Government behind 45-55% in Ipsos poll

The Turnbull government trails Labor 45-55% on the two-party vote in the Fairfax Ipsos poll.
The report says young people are much more likely to be in casual and part-time work than at the turn of the century. Julian Smith/AAP

Youth underemployment at four-decade peak: Brotherhood report

Underemployment among young people is now at its highest in the 40 years since it has been officially counted, according to a report from the Brotherhood of St Laurence released on Monday.
Malcolm Turnbull on Tuesday contacted leaders of the Jewish, Indigenous and Muslim communities, seeking to reassure them. Sam Mooy/AAP

Conservatives have captured Turnbull for culture war crusade

Malcolm Turnbull is now, it seems, wholly owned by the conservatives in the Liberal Party and their strident media allies. His capitulation to them over Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act has…
There is concern among some Liberals that the 18C issue will lose them votes in seats with large ethnic communities. Sam Mooy/AAP

Section 18C change appears doomed in Senate

Malcolm Turnbull has announced a watering down of the controversial Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.
Peter Dutton casts himself as championing freedom of speech. Dean Lewins/AAP

Free speech? It depends who you are, in Peter Dutton’s view

Peter Dutton has advised Alan Joyce and other business executives who have written to Malcolm Turnbull urging action on same-sex marriage to “stick to their knitting”. It’s advice some in the government…

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