James Cook University

James Cook University was estabished in 1970 and is dedicated to creating a brighter future for life in the tropics world-wide, through graduates and discoveries that make a difference.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 281 articles

The original conflict between development and preservation of natural assets is broadening as the risks of climate change become ever more obvious. Crystal Ja/AAP

Contested spaces: conflict behind the sand dunes takes a new turn

Conflicts over coastal areas have largely been between development and preserving what makes these attractive places to live. Rising sea levels are now complicating our relationship with the coast.
Gumtree Brutalism: the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library (1968), designed by Queensland architect James Birrell, on the James Cook University campus.

Brutalism, a campus love story – or how I learned to love concrete

Academics are often in the vanguard of the fight to preserve heritage buildings but they are losing the battle on home turf as universities shed their 1960s and 1970s concrete skins.
Mosquito control in the Torres Strait can be tough but it provides protection of the mainland from invading exotic mosquitoes. medical entomology, tropical public health services cairns

How we kept disease-spreading Asian Tiger mozzies away from the Australian mainland

A new study shows how Australian authorities are battling the invasive Asian tiger mosquito in Torres Strait, reducing risks of mosquito-borne disease outbreaks.
Si vous voulez que vos bonnes résolutions du nouvel an durent plus longtemps que le réveillon, il est nécessaire d'adopter de nouvelles habitudes. Shutterstock

Comment tenir (vraiment) vos bonnes résolutions en 2017

Plus de sport, moins d’alcool : les bonnes résolutions du Nouvel An sont difficiles à tenir dans la durée. Sauf à s'appliquer, à soi-même, les principes de la thérapie comportementale.
If you want your New Year’s resolutions to last longer than the party, you need to create new habits. But how? from www.shutterstock.com

A behaviourist’s guide to New Year’s resolutions

If you want to stick to your New Year's resolutions, a behaviourist's approach might help you create and keep new, healthy habits.
Giraffes’ future is much less secure than many people had imagined. Craig Fraser/Shutterstock

It’s time to stand tall for imperilled giraffes

Are giraffes really facing extinction? The decline of these beloved animals - and many others – has been hidden in plain sight as Africa builds ever more roads, railways and cities.
Tony Abbott launched the Green Army program, and remains a big fan. AAP Image/Britta Campion

Why give the Green Army its marching orders?

The possible axing of the Green Army, which aimed to put thousands to work tending conservation projects, leaves many questions unanswered - the biggest being the reason for the sudden retreat.

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