Charles Sturt University

Charles Sturt University was established in 1989, building on a tradition of excellence in teaching and research spanning more than 100 years. It aims for excellence in education for the professions, strategic and applied research and flexible delivery of learning and teaching.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 220 articles

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi. Reuters/Carlo Allegri


Iraq is an important country to watch in 2017, as a source of instability in the Middle East since the 2003 invasion. Iraq…
A supporter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan holds a flag before Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. Reuters/Wolfgang Rattay


Turkey tops the list of countries to watch in the Middle East. Surprising shifts in domestic and foreign Turkish policy will have an important influence on the web of complex developments in the entire…
Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. Reuters/Agencja Gazeta


This year may be a critical turning point for Syria and the five-year civil war, at least for the Assad regime, which is…
A farmer might be more likely to chat to her hairdresser about the tough time she’s having than seeking professional help. from

Hairdressers in rural Australia end up being counsellors too

Professionals in rural and regional Australia such as hairdressers, accountants and bank managers often play the role of counsellors too.
Alpha Males and the Lump of Coal.

That Lump of Coal

“Don’t be afraid, don’t be scared, it won’t hurt you. It’s coal.” With these words Australia’s Treasurer Scott Morrison taunted the Opposition, attempting to ridicule its commitment to renewable energy…
Inondations au Pakistan, en 2010. CGIAR/Challenge food and water programme

Mangroves et zones humides : que peuvent-elles vraiment contre les désastres naturels ?

La récente « Journée mondiale des zones humides » attire notre attention sur ces espaces particulièrement fragiles et indispensables aux populations locales... mais attention à ne pas les surestimer.
Anti Trump protest NYC.

What next for the anti-Trump protesters?

There are two possible outcomes from the huge anti-Trump marches the day after the new president’s inauguration. Perhaps, having made their protest, the marchers will go home and spend the next four or…

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