
How we use cookies on Lanyrd

What are cookies?

A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. Some cookies are essential to a website's operation - for example, cookies that allow you to log in to a site or that remember what you have placed in a shopping basket. Cookies can also be used for analytics - to track how people are using a site and hence inform development of future site features.

How we use cookies

We use cookies (and related technologies such as HTML5 localStorage) to remember user preferences, implement our sign-in feature and analyse how our visitors interact with our site.

Opting out of our cookies

You can opt out of our usage of cookies using controls built in to your browser. You can find instructions for different browsers on the following pages:

Some of our third party providers have their own tools for controlling cookies, which are documented below.

What our cookies do

nt This is our tracking/analytics cookie - we use this cookie to analyse visits to our site with our own custom analytics software.
socialuser We place this cookie when you sign in to the site, so we know who you are signed in as. We remove the cookie when you sign out.
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, __utmv These cookies are placed by Google Analytics, a third party analytics package we use to learn how people use our site. You can opt-out of Google Analytics by installing their browser extension.
km_ai, km_lv, km_ni, km_uq, km_vs, kvcd These cookies are placed by KISSmetrics, another third party analytics service. You can opt-out of KISSmetrics from their user privacy page.

Third party cookies

Video, social sharing, content embedding and other services on our site are operated by other companies. These companies may drop cookies on your computer when you use them on our site. We do not have access to these cookies. These services include: