- published: 15 Nov 2012
- views: 3341956
Zouk is a fast jump-up carnival beat style originating from the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, originated and popularized by the French Antillean band Kassav' in the 1980s. Very rapid in tempo, the style lost ground in the 1980s due to the strong presence of kadans or compas, the main music of the French Antilles. Today, zouk is the French Antilles compas, also called zouk-love.
The Creole word zouke, sekwe, or zouke, etc. from the French verb secouer meaning "shake intensely and repeatedly" was used by Haitian artists who toured the French Antilles during the late 1970s and 1980s.
The word zouk has, over time, come to mean "party" or "festival" in the local Antillean Creole of French.
Zouk was an attempt to develop a proper local music that would lessen or even eradicate the meringue-kadans or compas influence from the French islands. When the MIDI technology came out, Kassav' used it fully, creating new sound in both their fast zouk béton and compas. The Antilleans were all over with zouk. But as other bands from the Caribbean and Africa added the MIDI technology to their music people got used to it, because it was a jump up beat the fast zouk béton faded away In the same 1980s and Antilleans would continue to play and dance meringue-cadence or compas. After all, French Antilleans and Dominicans are important players of the style. However, the problem is that musicians from Martinique and Guadeloupe have calculatedly labeled compas as zouk or zouk-love in order to remain on the map; creating a big confusion in Africa, Cabo Verde, Angola, Bresil, Portugal and other places . Kassav', the originator of the zouk béton, is a compas music band that has taken compas to many places, and is the only band that continues to include zouk béton in its repertoire, though to a lesser extent.
Zouk Love Mix by JaBig (Hits & Songs Playlist for Kizomba & Kompa Music Dance)
La Medicina - Zouk La Se Sel Medikaman Nou Ni
Best Classic Zouk of All Times!
☯ Zouk Training - Xandy Liberato & Evelyn Magyari
Perle lama - La fievre du Zouk love
Brazilian Zouk Invitational Jack & Jill 1st Place - Kadu & Larissa
Mix Zouk Retro Retour ver le meilleur du zouk
DREAM ZOUK LOVE 2016 [Kompa inclu]
Baila Mundo - Bruno Galhardo e Rúbia Frutuoso (Zouk Valle 2015)
Video "Zouk" ►Vol 1◄ [☼♫ 31 CLIPS MIXES PAR JEJE-97X ♫☼]
Danika & Andrew - Zouk Improvers
- Like JaBig on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JaBig - Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JaBig (@JaBig) - Photography by Danny Girl: http://www.facebook.com/DannyGirlPhoto - Cover Girl: Lisa 2012 Hits & Songs Playlist for Kizomba & Kompa Music Dance: Ali Et Marisa - Ali Angel & Marisa Ferme Tes Yeux - 2 Wayz Angel- Elizio Dam bo amor - Mika Mendes Mon essentiel Samantha & Shakanelee Mon soleil - Princess Lover Crazy Feeling - Tina Ta vie - Kimsé Lanmou an danjé - David Adams Le bon choix - Shana Juste une seule fois - Perle Lama Au soleil - Sundee La dernière danse - Slaï Pense à moi - Milca Je t'aime - Daan Junior ft Teeyah Ou pa té vlé changé - Moreo Fow Prié - Véronique Neret
By Kassav. --- Lyrics: Kijan zot fé M'pa ka konpran'n Zot ka viv' kon si Pa ni pwoblém' Poutan zot sav' Lavi la réd Kijan zot fé Pou pé sa kenbé Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) M'pa té konnet Sécré lasa Ban mwen plan la P'mwen pé sa konpran'n Ban mwen plan la M'poko sézi'i Si janmé on jou Mwen tonbé malad Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Si sé sa mwen an nou zouké Mi'i kon sa ... Mi'i kon sa ... Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa ) Zouk la sé sel médikaman nou ni ( sa kon sa...
Best Classic Zouk of All Times 00:00 Ou le-Kassav 03:41 Adia - Oliver Ngoma 09:01 Pour la Premiere Fois - Mario Chico 13:59 Kole Serre - Jocelyne Beroard & Philippe Lavil 18:22 Tu me manques - Harry Diboula 22:44 Maldon - Zouk Machine 26:49 Okaman - Monique Seka 31:12 La belle histoire - Pierrette Adams 35:00 T'en vas pas - Jacky Rapon 38:53 Bane - Oliver Ngoma 44:29 Siwo - Jocelyne Beroard 48:39 J'ai depose les clefs - Jocelyne Labylle 53:02 Ne rentre pas chez toi ce soir - Slai 56:37 Zouk se sel medikamen nouni - Kassav 01:02:30 Missounwa - Monique Seka 01:06:27 Je reconnais - Jocelyne Labylle 01:11:21 Icole - Oliver Ngoma 01:17:00 Sove lanmou - Zouk Machine 01:21:43 Wep Wep Wep- Kassav
✔infoxandyliberato@gmail.com ✔twitter: https://twitter.com/XandyLiberato ✔facebook: https://www.facebook.com/xandy.liberato/# ✔https://www.instagram.com/xandyliberato/
Abonnez-vous : http://bit.ly/1gq5g8Z Retrouvez le meilleur de nos artistes dans notre playlist Tropicale : http://bit.ly/28XKvAZ Et le meilleur du Zouk : http://bit.ly/290MVAd ''La fièvre du zouk love''! 1er single du nouveau projet de la talentueuse Perle Lama. Un nouvel album arrive mi avril intitulé ''ZOUK AND LOVE'' - YourZoukTv - La Chaîne dédiée au Zouk - YourZoukTv est votre chaîne dédiée au Zouk. Retrouvez vos chansons et artistes préférées et (re)découvrez le Zouk. Abonnez-vous gratuitement pour rester facilement connecté et accéder rapidement à nos nouvelles vidéos ! - YourZoukTv Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/YourZoukTv YourZoukTv : http://www.youtube.com/yourzouktv
Casa do Zouk Brazilian Zouk Jack & Jill Competition - Invitational 1st Place - Kadu & Larissa www.casadozouk.com.au www.brazilianzoukcouncil.com Brazilian Latin dance professionals Kadu Pires and Larissa Thayane settled in Australia in 2007. They spend up to half of each year travelling – teaching, performing, choreographing and judging at the world’s most important Latin dance events and competitions. Performance at the Amsterdam Zouk Congress 2015. *****Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaduLarissa Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KL-Dance-135343903178266/ Website: www.kldance.com.au Email: info@kldance.com.au
Mix zouk retro 2h de zouk pour les fannes de la old school Bonne ecoute zanmi ! Mon facebook : Macnight VR six Si Vous desirez le titre d'un son laisser un comentaire Mon mix de zouk love par ici:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE0nrOVd32Y
/!\ CHALEUR /!\ Instagram: Alex2pvris / Snapchat: AlexCkj
Bonjour, A la demande, je remets mon clip "31 CLIPS DE ZOUK MIXES PAR JEJE" qui avait été bloqué par Youtube. La tonalité à été modifié 1/2 ton, il y a un effet de voile qui altère légèrement la qualité sonore. Ce clip est aussi disponible sur https://vimeo.com/channels/365839 avec la bande de son originale. Je tiens à préciser que ce clip mixé a été réalisé dans le but de mettre en évidence le travail de ces artistes, par passion de la musique antillaise et du mixage, non dans un but lucratif . Il y avait et il y a aucune monétisation d'activer sur ma vidéo et aucune envie de transgresser les droits auteurs des musiques et des clips présents dans mon mixe. 01-Patrick Andrey-Le Temps N'efface Rien 02-Lohane-A fleur de toi 03-Emana - Soif De T Aimer 04-Nilâ Priss Feat. Axel Tony - Pre...
Short adaptation exercise from 'Zouk', a comic about a little witch by Serge Bloch.
Explore the universe of CandyZouk with Kaysha. Creator of the CandyZouk and leader of the Sushiraw movement. Another total virtual beat, produced with logic studio 9. Instruments used: Silenth, Battery 3 & Nexus Filmed with Panasonic GF1 + 20mm pancake / Edited with finalcut pro / Grading with MB Looks ©2010 Sushiraw
Say hello to the Worldwide Festival this August as the Lion City sees two WF sessions of cutting-edge grooves by the best of today’s most inspiring artistes. With a new collaboration between mega musical marvens, Zouk & Worldwide Festival, celebrate as the Zouk complex transforms into a 1 stop festival venue, unifying all the different spaces to represent WF’s innovative and underground spirit, music and vibe.
A 25min Promo Mix featuring chart topping singes to close out the year. You can download an .mp3 version of this mix @ https://soundcloud.com/topdonn/afrodisiac-zouk-kizomba-promo Tracklisting. 1. Emily Normann - Nos Differences 2. Bruna Tatiana - Estou Cansada 3. Rickwel - T'aimer Encore feat. K-Reen 4. Stony - Loin De Moi 5. Jean Marie Ragald - Love De Vou 6. Yola Araújo - Apaga Essa Chama 7. Yola Araújo - Sjam Paixona 8. Lorenz - SexFriends Follow Me On Twitter @TopDonn
This Konpa video mix.. This was created from live Dj mixing using Serato and CD players.. Not a studio mix Meaning we can do this live at any venue or parties if booked Our video library is pretty big. We can entertain you for hours with video music. This simple mix consisting of all the new videos by artist such as: J-Ron, T-vice, Nu-Look, Klass, Disip, Dabenz, Face a Face, JBeatz also live video mix of 5Lan and Carimi... Please take the time to view it all and post any small comment, feel free to share with others. Thank you.. Download link will be available soon.
Francis Lalanne en studio chantant du zouk pour son prochain album... (c) Slacher Prod
I'm not a product of your environment
I don't hold these truths to be self-evident
I don't necessarily hate the establishment
but I don't think you really know what I meant what I said