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"If the future is female, it feels very far away."

Social scientists say we are witnessing a backlash to the loss of male dominance in the workplace, a phenomenon that helped Donald Trump become president

Late-night hosts discussed investigations into possible Team Trump collusion with Russia, as well as son-in-law-in-chief Jared Kushner’s unusual trip to Iraq.

Comics, including Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel, discussed allegations of Russia helping Trump’s campaign and Jared Kushner’s unusual trip to Iraq
Jonathan Gambo: defiant in the face of terror
Eiffel Tower goes dark in remembrance of London attack victims...
Mhairi Black: Westminster knows sanctions don't work

"From the soft-focus sheen of the current Flotus to Nancy Reagan’s fashion-forward style, official White House photos reveal more than you might think…"

From the soft-focus sheen of the current Flotus to Nancy Reagan’s fashion-forward style, official White House photos reveal more than you might think

Tate goes queer to mark 50 years of the 1967 Sexual Offences Act.

Tate Britain marks 50th anniversary of 1967 Sexual Offences Act with exhibition including works by Francis Bacon, Dora Carrington and David Hockney

What is a filibuster, and what's the "nuclear option"?

Donald Trump’s supreme court nominee faces a battle on the floor of the Senate that threatens to stretch the institution’s arcane procedures to the limit

'What has stuck with me so clearly is how calmly Oliver took this news. It was as if he was expecting it, as perhaps he was. He sort of tilted his head and stroked his beard and asked about the prognosis, and the doctor said: “Six to 18 months.”'

In this extract from his memoir, Bill Hayes, partner of Oliver Sacks, recalls the neurologist’s unworldly charm, their remarkable stay with Björk in Iceland, and the dignity of Sacks’s final weeks

“I’m not just a vicar’s daughter, I’m a member of the National Trust as well,” she said. “I don’t know what they are thinking about, frankly.”

Chocolatier and charity say there are many references to Easter in their egg hunt marketing after Theresa May weighs in to row

'Apparently, 48% of people who buy vinyl records don’t actually listen to vinyl records. Weirder yet, 7% of people who buy vinyl records don’t even own a record player. What are people doing with all these unlistened-to vinyl albums? Melting them down and moulding them into fruit bowls? Making stupid hats?'

LP sales are booming – but 48% of people who buy them don’t actually listen to them. Here are some alternative uses

"It was during Livingstone’s time that London’s transport authorities stopped being a national joke, and started to become a system other cities would send delegations to study."

Back in 2004, the former mayor showed the world how effective leftwing government could be. It’s sad that his career has come to this

Ken Livingstone has been suspended for a year by Labour for bringing the party into disrepute with his controversial claims that Adolf Hitler had been a supporter of Zionism.

Former London mayor punished for repeated claims that Adolf Hitler supported Zionism

"The workplace may eventually only serve the purpose of maintaining social network between colleagues."

Report predicts rise in robotics will usher in ‘industrial revolution 4.0’ altering working practices and legal frameworks

"Although Google is suing Uber for the alleged theft of its lidar design, it does not seem to have helped Uber much as it appears to be by far the worst at autonomous driving."

Statistics show minicab firm is worst of six major self-driving car companies, with human intervention required at one-mile intervals during testing

"I bumped into David Bowie again when we did Top of the Pops in 1991. He said: 'What are you doing here?' I think he thought I was serving the tea. I said, 'I’ve got a hit record, you cheeky bugger!'"

‘Every label turned us down. Our booking agent sacked us when he heard it’

"I can promise you it’s not women going into comic-book shops, sick of female characters. I can similarly promise you that people of colour are not entering comic-book shops and turning their noses up at faces that look like theirs. By even making remarks like these, Marvel is seemingly conceding that its target audience, its 'core' audience – and their 'core' characters – are white and male."

A company that fails to self-reflect and panders to only one demographic is bound to struggle. Ditching inclusivity won’t turn things around

"I’ve lived in six countries on four continents. And it’s clear that even compared to London, Vancouver is disengaged. People don’t call you back, people don’t invite you out, they don’t make eye contact."

The city has launched a series of initiatives to combat social isolation amid polls suggesting one in four residents have grappled with the problem

For now Yingying can only read some Chinese characters and images and speak a few simple words, but Zheng plans to upgrade his “bride” to be able to walk and do household chores.

Zheng Jiajia had grown tired of pressure to get married so he turned to Yingying, a robot spouse he constructed last year

Fast food meets snail mail.

Fast food home delivery is tried out as number of letters sent in New Zealand halves in a decade