

Find, Connect, Discover your Victorian Government

Victoria, Australia
Csatlakozott 2009. május

@VicGovAu felhasználó letiltva

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  1. The Plain English Speaking Awards 2016 are now open to students aged 15-18:

  2. Victoria's new China Strategy - Partnerships for Prosperity

  3. Premier's Spirit of Anzac Prize 2016-17: Premier's Spirit of Anzac Prize topics announced

  4. David Hockney: Melbourne's next summer blockbuster revealed

  5. 2016 Victorian Training Awards. Nominations close Friday 6 May 2016 5pm

  6. Hospital heliport flight paths drop-in session Donald Hospital Tuesday 19 April 5:45-6:45pm

  7. Hospital heliport flight paths drop-in session Charlton Hospital Tuesday 19 April 3:30-4:30pm

  8. Graffiti Prevention Grants closes 4pm Friday 29 April

  9. Catch public transport to the Dawn Service 25 April

  10. Community Infrastructure and Cultural Precincts now closing midnight 24 April 2016

  11. Threatened Species Protection Initiative Community Volunteer Action Grants closes tomorrow 20 April 2016

  12. On your marks. Get set...GO! Premier’s is on

  13. Water for Victoria Community Workshop at Shepparton 6-8pm Tues 19 April

  14. Self-determination forums for Aboriginal people - Tuesday 10 May Bairnsdale

  15. Water for Victoria Community Workshop at Morwell 6-8pm Tues 19 April

  16. NDIS Community Forum Shepparton Wed 20 April 2016 11am-1pm

  17. Water for Victoria Community Workshop at Horsham 6-8pm Tues 19 April

  18. Unclaimed Money: $1.4 million waiting to be claimed

  19. Alternative routes 4 West Gate Freeway & Bolte Bridge

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