There’s a thing about perspective, she says. He thinks he knows what she’s going to say. She surprises him though. Perspective & lists, she says. Sequences of nouns & parallel lines meeting because of nothing but increasing distance. You could almost...

There’s a thing about perspective, she says. He thinks he knows what she’s going to say. She surprises him though. Perspective & lists, she says. Sequences of nouns & parallel lines meeting because of nothing but increasing distance. You could almost resent it, she says, how that shit gets you. She strikes her own breastbone & shakes her head.

rejectamentalist manifesto

China MiĆ©ville’s waste books

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‘A principal rule for writers, and especially those who want to describe their own sensations, is not to believe that their doing so indicates they possess a special disposition of nature in this respect. Others can perhaps do it just as well as you can. Only they do not make a business of it, because it seems to them silly to publicize such things.’

                Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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London’s Overthrow.

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