Scott Morrison resisting pressure on CGT, negative gearing

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison visited Pacific Stone in Canberra on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison visited Pacific Stone in Canberra on Tuesday. Andrew Meares

Treasurer Scott Morrison is holding back a growing tide of opinion that the government must curb investor tax breaks to combat the housing affordability crisis, saying that would be like using a chainsaw when a scalpel was needed.

While the government has no intention of touching negative gearing when it unveils a housing affordability policy at the May 9 budget, it is split internally over whether to curb the 50 per cent capital gains tax deduction for investors. Labor has long proposed cutting the concession to 25 per cent.

But speaking on ABC radio on Wednesday morning, Mr Morrison,who is believed to be open-minded towards curbing CGT in the internal debates, continued to insist that increasing housing supply was the key measure towards helping with affordability.

This was a point made on Tuesday night in a speech by Reserve Bank Governor Phillip Lowe although Dr Lowe did also mention investor taxes as well. The RBA has long had a view that the CGT concession should be curbed and Dr Lowe said one reason investor and interest-only loans were increasing  was "the taxation arrangements that apply to investment in residential property in Australia".

Mr Morrison said curbing CGT and negative gearing could have detrimental effects in the slower housing markets in Tasmania, South Australia and Perth.

"Labor say they want a chainsaw and we think you should use a scalpel," he said.

Mr Morrison said when it came to demand side measures the government would prefer working with the regulators to cool investor demand.

However, two weeks ago, Western Australian Treasurer Ben Wyatt told The Australian Financial Review that he supported federal Labor's policies on CGT and negative gearing and that he feared constraints imposed by regulators would be detrimental to the Perth real estate market.

Mr Morrison said: "The key judgement that has to be made is, in any of these areas, that you don't do harm. And the status of our housing markets around the country are very different,' he said.

"You've got one set of circumstances over in Perth and to that matter in South Australia and Tasmania. I mean negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions exist there as well and property prices in Perth are going the other way, or have been.

"In the eastern states you've got a different response. Even on the east coast, you've got a different market in Queensland than you do to Sydney and Melbourne."

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said the government was clearly split on the issue.

He noted how Finance Minister Mathias Cormann ruled out touching CGT and negative gearing on Monday yet, on Wednesday,  Malcolm Turnbull would not say anything. Internally, Mr Turnbull and Senator Cormann are most opposed.

Mr Bowen said any proper housing affordability policy must curb both negative gearing and CGT.

"The RBA governor's comments are not surprising. The RBA has gad a long-standing position that property tax concessions should be reviewed," he said.

Third parties which support curbing CGT concessions include the Reserve Bank, David Murray, the Property Council of Australia, the Business Council of Australia, and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.