How men are fixing the gender balance problem

Gender equality at work is not about changing women.
Gender equality at work is not about changing women.
by Catherine Fox

Although there are quite a few contenders for the most male-dominated sectors in the Australian economy, property and construction would certainly be near the top. So when the chief executives of several leading companies in the area – including Lend Lease, Mirvac, Charter Hall and Stockland – joined a Male Champions of Change group in 2015 to address the gender gap in their industry, there were bound to be some interesting challenges.

The group hasn’t shied away from uncomfortable realities: one of its action areas is breaking up the boys’ club in pockets of the sector, says member Ken Morrison, CEO of the Property Council.

Sometimes, he points out, you have to get the men in the room to talk about why it’s not a good idea to have only men in the room. The prevailing view was that once there were more women coming through the industry this issue would sort itself out – but it doesn’t, he adds.

The property CEOs and their peers across many business arenas are sharing in a dawning recognition that unless those at the top – mostly men – do something about the gender gap in their workplaces, nothing will change.

Stubborn stereotypes persist while norms about what a serious worker looks.
Stubborn stereotypes persist while norms about what a serious worker looks. Simon Winnall

It has all the hallmarks of a circuit-breaker in addressing a workplace and economic problem where there has been much talk, but where action has tended to focus on just part of the equation. From leaning in to empowerment workshops and executive mentoring, many workplaces have relied on sorting out women rather than more active intervention in changing the rules and norms that determine who gets recruited, recognised and rewarded.

Stubborn stereotypes

Yet no amount of leaning is likely to break up the boys’ club or significantly narrow the gender pay gap. And other remedial measures haven’t significantly increased the number of women in management beyond about 35 per cent, or the small group of nine women who are currently CEOs of ASX200 companies.

Stubborn stereotypes persist while norms about what a serious worker looks like continue to hinge on a male breadwinner. Tinkering with individual behavioural modification for women who are largely marginalised from power isn’t going to shift these in a hurry, but will continue to siphon off precious time, money and attention.n.

Meanwhile the rationale for closing the gender gap has never been clearer – it’s not only about having enough skilled workers for the future, but better outcomes in productivity, health and happiness, according to major studies from the OECD and the World Economic Forum. And there are major benefits for Australia’s economy from lifting women’s workforce participation: a projected boost to GDP of $25 billion, according to the Grattan Institute, to less reliance on the pension and a broader tax base.

Author Catherine Fox.
Author Catherine Fox. Louise Kennerley

Enlist alpha male leaders to examine the power equation and workplace norms, and you have a chance of reframing both the causes of and solutions to gender inequity.

They can introduce gender pay audits rather than more negotiation workshops for women; ensure men and women graduates are given similar career opportunities, rather than setting up more mentoring programs; and ensure recruitment and promotion decisions are made by diverse panels.

Not that this is an easy shift for the hearts and minds of those running many of our organisations. Far too often, when we talk about what’s normal in workplaces, it’s still about what men in the mainstream do; when we talk about gender, it’s about women. Many men still don’t even see themselves as having a gender, as US academic Michael Kimmel says.

But men who hold the power to set the norms, behaviours and attitudes prevailing in workplaces are the ones best placed to change them. Because when they talk about changing the system, these men are talking about changing themselves. They are the system.

Here’s how two of them are fixing it.


At a launch of a case study about the gender work done at Treasury in Parliament House in 2014, former secretary of the department (now running Prime Minister and Cabinet) Martin Parkinson revealed he was raised in his early years by his grandmother, while his mother worked to support the household. It’s clear that along with a growing awareness of the breadth of the issue, he also has a strong personal motivation for seeing better outcomes for women.

And Parkinson had also become aware of a fundamental factor: “I had a light bulb moment: that we were treating the symptoms and not the cause. I had thought the barriers for women were self-resolving.”

Dubbed the Progressing Women Initiative, the program includes gender audits, unconscious bias training, making managers accountable for gender targets, improving flexible working arrangements and creating a senior diversity committee. It saw female representation in senior executive roles rise from 22 per cent to 33 per cent in the three years to 2014, although the level dropped to 28.6 per cent by mid-2015, according to the 2014-15 annual report.

These findings affected how responsibilities were distributed to men and women from early in their careers. The department began to put young men into the co-ordination roles once deemed more suitable for women. It’s about steps that not only recognise the pattern of who gets a role, but how that work allocation gets in the way of progression.

Since being appointed to Prime Minister and Cabinet, Parkinson has set a goal for a 50:50 split in the executive cohort of the department by 2019, and supported the introduction of a gender equality strategy for use across the Australian public service.


The power of tradition is not easily challenged when it comes to women and jobs, as former Aurizon CEO Lance Hockridge knows only too well. The idea that diversity means less jobs for men still circulates at the railway and transport company. But a series of interventions during his tenure (Hockridge stepped down as CEO in late 2016) to progress women was inspired by a realisation that doing the same things would get the same slow results.

In early 2016, Aurizon also announced a Shared Care program, which offers half-pay for a partner to take leave to care for a child in their first year, allowing the other partner to return to work full-time. The innovative program means a female employee at Aurizon who returns to full-time work in the first year after her child is born, and whose partner has taken on full-time care of their child in that period (and takes leave without pay from their employer to do so), will receive 150 per cent of her salary, also up to a maximum of 26 weeks.

Donna McMahon, vice-president of HR organisational capability at Aurizon, said the projections indicated the cost amounted to less than 0.2 per cent of overall expenditure. While the policy was in its infancy, McMahon said there were already several employees using it, and retention rates of women returning from leave were high: 94 out of 98 returned to their jobs in 2015.

Catherine Fox is the author of Stop Fixing Women: Why Building Fairer Workplaces is Everybody’s Business, NewSouth, $29.99, and a former deputy editor of BOSS.

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