Gayge Operaista

Are communities of care a possible site of struggle?

Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium)

Raising the question of whether intentional communities of care can be a site of struggle, rather than just a place of support.

Thanksgiving and telling the full history

National Day of Mourning plaque in Plymouth

When we attempt to tell a history from the bottom up of Thanksgiving, we need to remember to tell the whole thing.

Negative and positive visions, full communism, and boats

A piece on future visions of communism and whether 'blueprints' are beneficial.

The dialectic of exploitation and repression, forms of self-organization, and the avoidance of vulgar workerism

Gayge Operaista writes about some of the strengths and weaknesses of anarchist political organizations, the IWW and solidarity networks in the U.S.


Our series on sleep continues with a piece by Gayge Operaista discussing divisions and oppression within the working class.

Commentary on "Toward a Pro-Revolutionary Strategy Targeting Patriarchy"

Some additional commentary and explanations of 'Toward A Pro-Revolutionary Strategy Targeting Patriarchy'.

Toward a Pro-Revolutionary Strategy Targeting Patriarchy

Gayge Operaista lays out a conception of gender as a vital weak link of capital worth attacking.

Conversation on general strikes

This is part of a discussion on Facebook that started off some questions on the topic of general strikes. I thought the conversation was interesting, so decided to turn into a blog post.

A critique of anti-assimilation - Gayge Operaista

In this piece, Gayge Operaista critiques how anti-assimilation politics of many radical queer tendencies ignores class struggle, and recasts queer liberation in terms of the class struggle, countering the worst excess of identity politics with an introduction to models of class struggle.

The Oakland general strike, the days before, the days after

Gayge Operaista's account of the 2011 Oakland general strike, the fallout within the occupy movement and what direction things may go from here.