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Meth addict aunt on trial accused of encouraging husband to sexually abuse 6yo niece

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In 2013, John* and Sarah* were "living the Australian dream". 

The hard-working husband and wife owned their Perth home, drove a $115,000 car and by John's account, "had the best of everything". 

The good times, however, would two years later spiral into allegations of "sex, lies and video tapes", sparked by John accepting an offer from a work colleague to try methamphetamine to help with his night shifts.

Within 12 months the couple were - by their own admission - "full blown drug addicts", and in Perth's District Court on Monday, their alleged drug-induced sexual fantasies were laid bare before a jury. 

Sarah, aged in her twenties, is on trial accused of encouraging her now estranged husband to sexually abuse their six-year-old niece and film the abuse for the pair to later watch together.

John, 30, a convicted paedophile over the abuse, is testifying against his wife, claiming the offences were her idea and that she helped facilitate the acts after their sex life became a lot more "out there" during their drug addiction. 


"It affected their inhibitions and sexual appetite," state prosecution lawyer Alan Dungey said during his opening address. 

"If a wife suggests to her husband that he engage in sexual activity with their niece, and he record it... than it is a probable consequence he is going to do all those things." 

Sarah's lawyer Patti Chong claimed Sarah - who was visibly upset for most of the hearing - was never in the room during John's sexual abuse of the girl and that the jury was being asked by the state to believe the words of a convicted paedophile and self-confessed drug user. 

"My wife made me do it, that's his explanation to you," she said.

"Sex, lies and video tapes, this is what this trial is all about.

"Lies that a convicted paedophile will tell you."

The jury was shown videos of the couple performing a sex act together and then allegedly discussing sexual fantasies while smoking meth in bed. 

John alleged the "sexually explicit" conservation - which was whispered and difficult to hear on the video recording - related to the pair's niece, who was staying with the couple at the time with her mother, Sarah's sister. 

"We were talking about what was to happen to [our niece]... me molesting her," he said. 

"The meth distorted both our thinking... we would smoke meth and speak about fantasies... every time we got on the meth it became very sexually orientated."

Mr Dungey told the jury the pair first decided to set up cameras in their bathroom to secretly film other family members staying with them, before beginning to focus their attention on their niece.

The 32 offences allegedly committed by Sarah occurred during a period between 2014 and 2015 started - Mr Dungey claimed - when she began offering to help her sister by bathing her niece each night. 

The jury was shown two video recordings of Sarah bathing her niece, one taken from a camera hidden in the ceiling's exhaust fan and another from the corner of the room. 

In the latter video, John can be seen setting up the camera and then allegedly gesturing to Sarah where it is to make sure their niece would be in shot. 

Mr Dungey alleged Sarah told her niece to "wriggle herself when she's drying right in front of the camera".

Other videos John filmed while he sexually assaulted his niece - once at his home and later at another house, will also be tendered during the trial - with John admitting he penetrated the girl with a vibrator he alleges Sarah left in the room for him. 

John said his drug use made him a "monster" that committed the disgusting acts he was now serving a five year sentence for. 

"Originally, it was a very small [meth] usage... it just made me alert, less tired, less depressed... obviously that started spiralling out of control," he said. 

"[Sarah and I] enjoyed it, it made us feel happy. 

"I arrogantly thought it was helping me with my work... eventually it ended up costing me my job. 

"I was very erratic, I'd stay awake weeks on end... I got involved in some disgusting things, I lost all morals, I became a monster." 

Sarah also lost her job after becoming a "junkie", with the pair, according to Mr Dungey, turning to drug dealing to pay for their mortgage and ice habit. 

The jury heard Sarah handed a hard drive with video recordings of John molesting their niece into police in August 2015, claiming she had found it and was not aware of what he had been doing. 

Mr Dungey, however, alleged the pair's relationship was on the rocks and Sarah had used the recordings against John. 

John will continue giving evidence on Tuesday and is yet to be cross-examined. 

The trial continues. 

*The names in this article have been suppressed to protect the identity of the alleged victim.