

Analyse et commentaire

To manage renewable energy efficiently, all weather variation need to be taken into account. Greg Clarke/Flickr

An algorithm to improve the renewable energy production

Relying less on fossil fuels is one of the key challenges of energy transition, and taking weather variations into account can help increase the overall efficiency of a renewable-energy system.

Trump: how we got here

The fall of the Berlin wall was supposed to usher in ‘the end of history’, an eternal age of capitalist economics and liberal-democratic politics. It hasn’t turned out that way.

Trump: where we might end up

As candidate, Trump promised protectionist trade policies and denigrated international agreements. Now, as president of the United States, how far can he go?

How late is late?

Britons, Nigerians, Americans and Brasilians don't see time in the same way. These differences are explained by the history and constraints of each country.

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  1. If French police won’t stop brutality, the government must step in
  2. Five decades of reporting terrorism: Has there been too little or too much coverage?
  3. Trump: where we might end up
  4. Trump: how we got here

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