The Shoebill Stork is a living Pokemon (
submitted by HopeSandoval to r/gifs
Feds order Wells Fargo to rehire whistleblower and pay him $5.4 millionSoft paywall (
submitted by skoalbrother to r/news
My dads high school ID: circa 1990 (
submitted by Krangis_Khan to r/OldSchoolCool
Colorized by me: Abraham Lincoln, June 3, 1860.artistic (
submitted by marinamaral to r/pics
ELI5: What's so great about the Mona Lisa?Other (self.explainlikeimfive)
submitted by Buusakasaka to r/explainlikeimfive
PsBattle: Happy quokka with a stickBattle (
submitted by Jarlbulgrif to r/photoshopbattles
TIL Dr.James Watson, Nobel Prize winner & co-discoverer of DNA's double helix structure, believed that babies shouldn't be considered alive until 3 days after birth so that if the baby is sick, disabled, deformed, or deemed otherwise unacceptable, the baby can be legally left to die or euthanized. (
submitted by SunnyDrago to r/todayilearned
Time to pass all the slow pokes ahead (
submitted by namraka to r/Unexpected
educating a youtube philosopher/r/all (
submitted by lorektercho to r/iamverysmart
CrUeL whITe wOlF AtTacK oN baBY KiTten (
submitted by AltoWoof to r/PeopleFuckingDying