
August 7, 2012One Comment

Shenyang’s law enforcement units gang up on small businesses for hefty fines? All stores close in panic

Multiple Chinese discussion forums and social media report that almost all small businesses in Shenyang, particularly those run by owners with no connection with the government, have put up the shutters to avoid sudden raids, detention and hefty fines. The police blitz on such a large scale is believed to be an effort to collect [...]

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February 16, 20122 Comments

Vice squad breaks into hotel room on Valentine’s night, busts ‘threesome’ and air it on TV

From Sina Weibo In the United States, it is invasion of privacy and infliction of emotional distress; in China, it is law enforcement and a moral lesson for the public. Local police of Huai’an, Jiangsu province raided upon a hotel on the night of Valentine’s day with a camera team, and found two women and [...]

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July 26, 20119 Comments

Chinese parapolice kill handicapped street vendor in daylight, use brutal violence against spectators

The violent enforcement took place at 1:43 p.m. on July 26 in Anshui, southwestern Guizhou province. The street vendor who sold fruit was a disabled man hobbling along on a crutch while pulling a cart. Information from MOP and Sina Microblog provided by netizens said the murderers were two men and one woman from a [...]

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July 13, 20115 Comments

Female teacher raped by local official. Police: Not if wearing condom.

From Qianzhong Morning Post Update: On July 13, owing to media coverage and public pressure, Wang Zhonggui was arrested on rape charges. An English teacher at a junior high school in the town of Ashi, Bijie Region, southwestern Guizhou province, was made by the school principal to drink liquor with eight local officials. After she [...]

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May 3, 20117 Comments

A Cuckoo’s Nest that no one can fly over – Chinese petitioner locked up again 8 days after escape

From Southern Metropolis Daily and Tianya Xu Wu, once an employee of a steel company in Wuhan, capital city of central Hubei province, had been petitioning in Beijing trying and failing to get justice on a financial dispute between himself and his company was forcibly admitted to a mental hospital and mistreated for four years. [...]

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April 19, 20113 Comments

Picture of the day: Plainclothes policeman FAIL

Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, as a “hotbed” for protests and demonstrations, has the tightest security in the nation. A large number policemen, including plainclothes, are posted in the square and nearby to keep every person under scrutiny. A microblog user uploaded a picture of a man in the square who looks so obscure and ordinary but [...]

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April 12, 2011One Comment

Picture of the day: Standoff between traffic police and an ambulance

On the morning of April 9, traffic on a thoroughfare of Changchun, capital city of northeastern Jilin province, came to a halt. Some big shot had came to make an inspection of the city, and the traffic police ordered vehicles to make way for the powerful official. An ambulance transporting a patient stopped at the [...]

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February 27, 20117 Comments

World’s lousiest bank robbery took place in China

At 9:03 a.m. on February 7, a man walked into a branch of Postal Savings Bank of China in Baodi, Tianjin, and put on a black mask before he commenced his bank heist with the help of a …gun? No, a hatchet! Some Chinese netizens who watched the entire video footage recorded by the bank’s [...]

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February 18, 2011One Comment

Chinese police mimic Michael Jackson’s and Korean Wonder Girls’ dance moves

The official Beijing police embedded this video in their microblog message via their Sina account ‘Peaceful Beijing’ (平安北京) as greetings for Chinese Lantern Festival, or the last day of Chinese New Year. Most of the 300 plus commenters applauded their moves, saying the dance is happy and cute, whereas a fraction said it is amateurish.

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February 14, 20112 Comments

Police car passes by hit-and-run scene, ignores injured victim

From Mop On the morning of February 10, 2011, a motorcycle collided with a bicycle, knocked the bike rider down to the ground and unconscious, and then fled the accident scene. Someone who witnessed the accident jotted down the license number of the motorcycle on a scrap of paper and slipped it into the hand [...]

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February 14, 2011No Comments

Chinese public servant beats janitor brutally for not giving gate pass right away

From Mop At 10:00 p.m. on January 30, 2011, a car with the license plate “桂BBZ3××” stopped at the gate of a neighborhood in Liuzhou, Guangxi Province. The janitor recognized one passenger on the car as a resident of the neighborhood, took it for granted that they don’t need a gate pass, and didn’t bother [...]

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January 18, 20116 Comments

Official micro-blog of China’s local police department follows Japanese porn star only

Many regional police departments have launched their micro-blogs, a similar service to that of Twitter, at Sina, for promoting their image and public relations. Most netizens are not in the least surprised by the growing trend. However, Xigang Branch Office of Dalian Police Department in China’s northeast was a jaw-dropping one. It’s micro-blog, only half-a-month-old, [...]

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January 14, 2011No Comments

2-year-old Chinese boy killed by a police car

A Chinese policeman on patrol ran over a 2-year-old boy with his vehicle and killed him yesterday in Shenzhen, a city in southern China. It’s the third death from a police car in the city since 2010. When the reporter with Guangzhou Daily hurried to the scene, a patrol car with the license plate “粤B0782警” [...]

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December 31, 20102 Comments

*Graphic Warning* Chinese bristle with indignation at horrific death of a village petitioner

Qian Yunhui, chief of Zhaiqiao Village, Yueqing City of Zhejiang Province in East China, was a prominent petitioner who had been jailed three times for speaking on behalf of the villagers, whose farmland was seized by local officials without any compensation. On the morning of December 25, upon receiving a mysterious phone call, Qian went [...]

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