
Job ad from a friend of mine: "We're hiring energetic and interesting vloggers to enrich our content! Great hourly pay!!"

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When we shop on Taobao, we compare prices, shipping rate, delivery day and reviews. But we should have done one most important research: are they authentic or not? From our guest writer Xing

Tweet Email Tweet EmailA series of arrests in Dongguan have revealed a massive counterfeit cosmetics network operating on Taobao, China’s notorious online marketplace. Creams, sunscreens, and soaps of some well-known western brands were counterfeited and sold on a number of

Other than the 1970s and 80s look, which, in my opinion, are simply too fashion-forward and delicate for women in that era who were still reeling from the shadow of the Cultural Revolution and busy lifting themselves out of poverty, the video pretty much mirrors the beauty trends in China.

A "100 Years of Beauty" video features the beauty trends in China from the 1910s to the 2010s.

Uber China's intern program nourishes and even encourages labor abuse! Our guest writer Xing has the details of the story, which he says "really struck a chord with" him when it's already pretty hard for young people all over the world to get decent paying jobs.

Good Samaritan Law, or lack thereof, in China, in the eyes of a Canadian expat - from our guest writer Xing (Nate).

Tweet Email Tweet EmailGood Samaritan Laws in China When I first arrived in China from Canada, one of the first pieces of advice I was given by my local friends was to never help anyone on the bus or on

Camels roaming the streets of Beijing... I want to get on the back of one of those!

Rare, historic images of life in 19th-century Beijing.

Interesting discussion. I disagree with the title on the webpage that Chinese women DON'T shave. It's just that they only shave when they wear clothing that's gonna show their body hair.

This month, Chinese women have been showing-off their armpit hair as part of an online campaign. Yuan Ren explains why, for them, it's not a feminist statement

Although Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent are all busy tightening their purse strings in the face of a severe winter, Baidu is in so much more trouble that some argue that BAT will soon be a misnomer.

My Story at:

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Could things get any more absurd? Alipay now insures policyholders against compensation claims stemming from their unwitting involvement in roadside scams.

Chinese online payment system, Alipay, has introduced a new type of insurance, claiming it can shield good Samaritans in China from scams and their legal repercussions.

The pendulum has swung too far toward the so-called equality and political correctness that fairness is ignored.

MICHAEL WANG, a young Californian, came second in his class of 1,002 students; his ACT score was 36, the maximum possible; he sang at Barack Obama’s inauguration;...

Founder of Chinese e-commerce upstart weds Internet celebrity "Milk Tea Girl" in Australia. What do Chinese Weibo users think? My story at:

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"Playboy" Wang Sicong, the only son of China's richest man Wang Jianlin, is also an aspiring VC. My mini profile of him at

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China's First Lady Peng Liyuan speaks at the UN in English: Wow, impressive.

彭麻麻英文演讲:我的中国梦 #联合国峰会#

Here are 30 charts and maps that will explain China today. You can click on any map or chart to enlarge it.

China's mind-boggling size, economy and history, visualized

Chinese and American business heavyweights met in Seattle Wednesday during President Xi's visit. These leaders are in charge of $2.5 trillion: $2 trillion from the U.S side and $0.5 trillion from the Chinese side. Apple Inc. alone accounts for $0.6 trillion.

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Image may contain: 27 people, people smiling

As cheesy as it seems, the welcome message is one of a series of moves by Uber to show it knows how to do business in China.

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What is the extreme example of China's tech bubble that Liu Qiangdong, founder of ecommerce site, gave at an internal conference? Why does opt for an "assets-heavy" business model as opposed to Alibaba? My story at:

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A 19-year-old Chinese boy is sentenced to life imprisonment for purchasing simulated firearms. "Then I dare not buy a sex toy, as that is human trafficking," one of the 13,000 plus comments read.

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