

Michelle Malkin: The Northwestern University Rape Outbreak That Wasn’t

Campus feminists whipped up a Category-5 frenzy over sexual assault allegations at a Northwestern University fraternity in February. But last week, the school's Vice President for Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin [Email her ] was forced to muster up her best impression of "Saturday Night Live's" classic foot-in-mouther, Emily Read more >>

AMREN 2017:’s Brimelow Joins Us For Free Speech’s Last Stand (?) In TN!

Tara McCarthy Of  "Reality Calls"--one of the new generation of heretics.

It’s been a bad few months for free speech. Milo Yiannopoulos was kept off campus or kept from speaking at UC Davis, UCLA, University of Maryland, North Dakota State University, Washington State University, NYU, Villanova, and Berkeley.  Charles Murray was driven from a lecture hall at Middlebury, Gavin McInnes was shouted down at NYU, and  Jordan Peterson couldn’t speak through the din at McMaster University in Canada. Last year not even CIA director John Brennan could finish a talk at University of Pennsylvania, and Cook County Prosecutor Anita Alvarez was hooted off the stage at University of Chicago.

Leftists always get away with this. Middlebury, for example, has a policy—“Middlebury College does not allow disruptive behavior at community events or on campus”—and vows “accountability” in the Charles Murray affair. What are the chances even one student will be punished? College bureaucrats don’t dare do anything that might be seen as defending a “racist” or “sexist.” There was a similar level of thought control in Salem in 1692.

Fortunately, there are still a few places where people even more sensible than Milo and Charles Murray can speak unmolested, and one of them is Montgomery Bell State Park in Tennessee. There, from July 28 through 30, Editor Peter Brimelow will be joining a lineup of star speakers for the 15th American Renaissance conference. Colorful strains of anti-fa have tried to make trouble at previous conferences, but Montgomery Bell is protected by competent, well-armed park police who take the First Amendment seriously. Given the Left’s current petulance, I’m sure we will get a full menagerie of protestors, and I’m equally sure the state of Tennessee will take no guff from them. Read more >>

Memo From Middle America: Why This Hysteria About Russia “Hacking” The Election When Mexican Meddling Continues...

The hysteria over alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election just goes on and on.  The Russian Foreign Ministry even used it as the basis of an April Fool’s Day joke posted on its Facebook page [ April Fools' Day in Russia: Call the embassy and press 3 for 'election interference' by Amanda Erickson, Washington Post, April 1, 2017].

It’s rather ironic to see how anti-Russian some of today’s Democrats are. The revelation that Senator Ted Kennedy tried to work with the Russians to prevent Reagan’s re-election didn’t hurt his standing in the Democratic Party, nor his prestige in the Mainstream Media [ Ted Kennedy Made Secret Overtures to Russia to Prevent Ronald Reagan’s Re-Election , by Kevin Mooney, The Daily Signal, December 14, 2016].

Oh that’s right, the Russians were Commies back then.

But suppose for the sake of argument the worst accusations are true and the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to “hack” the election (which apparently just means “influence” although 52% of Democrats reportedly now believe that Russia “directly tampered with the vote tallies”). It still pales compared to decades of Mexican meddling in the U.S.

With Mexican meddling, we’re not just talking about an election. Mexicans meddle politically, diplomatically, culturally and demographically. They’re constantly working to win or maintain the loyalty of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the United States. And it’s not just Mexican government officials, but journalists, celebrities and magnates. Read more >>

Pat Buchanan: Why Is Kim Jong Un OUR Problem, Mr. Trump?

"If China is not going to solve North Korea, we will."

So President Donald Trump warns, amid reports North Korea, in its zeal to build an intercontinental ballistic missile to hit our West Coast, may test another atom bomb.

China shares a border with North Korea. We do not.

Why then

Marxist Prof. Gavin Mueller Thinks D.C. Whites Are “F***ing Insufferable–

The sickest American institution is probably higher education. Colleges and universities openly promote anti-American, anti-white hatred and shut down anyone remotely conservative.

Here are two recent examples.

On Christmas Eve last year, Prof. George Ciccariello-Maher of Drexel University tweeted, “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide.”

He followed up with: “To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a good thing indeed.”

He was referring to the slaughter of thousands of whites during the Haitian revolution in 1804. Read more >>

John Derbyshire: Trump Moving Slowly—But Sessions Moving Fast!

[ Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on]

It's early days yet in the Trump presidency, but there's a general feeling it's not going very well. Except, of course, for the work of our splendid Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Even partisan types are generally willing to cut a new president some slack—the so-called "honeymoon." Nope: Ten weeks in, Trump is graded F by a third of voters and his approval rating is down from a month ago.

You can discount that some for the relentless Main Stream Media hostility to the President and the high temperature of the Cold Civil War after eight years of far-Left government. That isn't all of it, though.

I'm a Trump supporter myself, and a Trump voter. I was out there on March 4th in a freezing wind demonstrating my support. And sure, government isn't easy. And yes, we should go down on our knees daily to thank whatever supernatural powers there be that Mrs. Clinton isn't in charge of the executive branch. Read more >>

Derb’s March Diary: North Korean Eruptions (Not What You Think); Why Englishmen Are (Largely) Aloof; RIP Walker...

North Korea: the natural solution    Might Mother Nature solve the North Korean problem for us? She certainly might.

I tell people, quite truthfully, that I have been inside North Korea. For extra effect I sometimes add "… as an illegal immigrant."

Visiting my wife's home province in northeast China sixteen years ago, we took a side trip to the top of Ever-White Mountain, a humongous extinct volcano on the border with North Korea. The mountain's name is Chang Bai Shan in Chinese, Paektu in Korean.

My son and I walked round the crater rim to a sign marking the border. Then we went a few yards further, just so we could say we had been inside North Korea.

Well, it turns out that Ever-White Mountain may not be so extinct. Following some earth tremors in the region, North Korea last year invited some British and American vulcanologists to investigate the mountain. These experts returned to civilization with furrowed brows:
Stephen Grand, a seismologist at the University of Texas at Austin, previously said: "I think the risk of a destructive eruption here is very real."

[ERUPTION WARNING: North Korean supervolcano could blow and cause WORLDWIDE devastation by Sean Martin; Daily Express, January 19th 2017.]

If that sucker blows, a big part of northeast Asia will disappear beneath a yards-thick layer of hot, poisonous ash, with North Korea worst affected.
Mount Paektu underwent one of the most devastating eruptions in history in a.d. 946 when it erupted so powerfully that it formed a five kilometre caldera at its summit and produced enough ash that it even showered Japan — almost 1,100km away.

Things wouldn't be so great for the rest of us, either, with major effects on the climate worldwide for years afterwards.

One more thing to worry about.

Remembering Heaven Pool    That five-kilometer crater is filled with a beautiful lake, called Heaven Pool in Chinese.

I don't know who was the first European to gaze on Heaven Pool — some Russian, probably — but the first Englishmen to do so were H.E.M. James and his traveling companion Francis Younghusband in June 1886. Read more >>
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