Looking for the perfect job? Looking for the best developers?

As an active user of Stackoverflow I came across their new career service. It’s brand new and their vision is to find the perfect employer for each developer. Pretty good idea I think. STO has a lot of bright brains, which can be a huge profit for corporations looking for great staff.

Amongst other job platforms, it stands out by providing developer specific details such as First computer, Favorite technologies, Likes, Dislikes, etc. Currently they’re offering a 3 year membership for only USD29.00. Once inside, you sit back, drink tea and wait.

Since their launch Stackoverflow provided me a lot of answers to my questions, which no other site achieved so far. That’s why it’s time to give back to them. I decided to subscribe for the 3yr membership.

Want to hire me?

Android Gravatar Importer. Update your phone book with caller photos

I love Gravatar. So does Android now.

android on gravatarAre you on Android? Do you care of having nice up-to-date photos of your callers? If yes, then you might check out this little new application (Search market for Gravatar Importer) which walks through your contacts and checks if any of them has a Gravatar picture online. Once a Gravatar is found, it is added to the respective contact.

Combine this with Facebook Sync and you might end up with a phone book full of beautiful photos. Could life be any simpler? Indeed, it could! Someone needs to come up with an app which combines all of them and keeps automatically updating photos from all kind of sources such as Facebook, Gravatar, LinkedIn, Xing, etc.


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Siam Flex framework | First Beta Released! (0.4.0)

Long time, no news…. It’s been almost 6 weeks since the last update of Siam Flex Framework. But today I am proud to present to you the first beta release of Siam!

I’ve been spending a lot of time refining the core elements of Siam to ensure that we have the right API going forward.

So what’s new?

  • Easier configuration with improved syntax and default specification
  • Editors and validators are now supported
  • Simpler API using factory and context classes
  • Structured import for all data representation classes
  • More control over formatting behavior

Where can I download it?

The project is hosted at http://code.google.com/p/siam-flex/.

You can try out the latest features with the Siam Flex Explorer:
Siam Flex Explorer

The explorer encapsulate an example of application using all features of Siam and allows you to alter its XML configuration at run-time for demonstration purposes. The embedded example include implementations of a dynamic data grid and form, as wells as an adapted chart component.

Details follow below… Continue reading

Are you listening to music while coding? Then try this simple game …

iswtichmeLately I’ve started listening to music on my iPod while coding. Some people love it, some hate it. As with me, I enjoy it so far – seems to inspire me. Nevertheless, I can’t do it all the day.

Anyway. Whatever.

If you are not the only one who listens to his iPod in your office, then try this simple game:

Switch iPods with your colleagues and get a chance to widen your music taste. It’s interesting. You’ll be surprised what your mates are listening too.

Category: fun