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There is nothing free about Mark Latham's speech

Right then. The parliamentary consideration of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act has concluded.  The nation has experienced the special thrill of watching its elected representatives fight like ferrets in a bag over a legislative clause even John Howard couldn't get excited about, and can now dully register the fact that all this fuss has produced exactly zero changes to the clause in question.

Former Labor leader Mark Latham contributed what was essentially an interpretive-dance accompaniment to this debate about who has the right to insult and offend, by keeping up a hypermanic stream of insult and offence on Sky News – possibly just to remind us what it looks like.

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Sky News rejects Mark Latham's comments

The broadcaster has acknowledged that it aired 'falsely imputed' statements from Mark Latham about Wendy Harmer and Kristina Keneally.

Characteristically, the great man incorporated a generous measure of unintended comedy. He accused – for instance – the ABC broadcaster Wendy Harmer of being a "commercial failure". This is pretty good coming from a guy who has been sacked, dumped, or awkwardly non-renewed by countless commercial media executives and is one of the handful of living Australians who has been submitted to the most exacting ratings survey available in this country – a federal election. On which occasion, in Mr Latham's case, the nation opted firmly for John Howard repeats.

(There comes a time in every man's life when he realises that he is not a commercial hit. I would imagine that the hosting of a TV chat show which is out-rated five-fold by ABC2 Bananas In Pyjamas repeats might edge a fellow close to such an epiphany, but each to his own I suppose.)

Upon the inevitable pink slip's delivery to Latham by Sky News management on Wednesday, there was a brief "Oh no! What about free speech?" murmur, which quickly died of embarrassment, and fair enough.

For one thing, there is nothing free about Mark Latham's speech. It's quite expensive, actually, and funded by you and me to the tune of the average Australian male salary, every year, thanks to the generous parliamentary superannuation scheme Mr Latham was instrumental in removing for all his colleagues back in 2004 but was not above hanging on to himself.


But mainly, what has shut Mark Latham down time and again has been commercial judgments by his employers that the quality of his work is not sufficient to outweigh his flaws.

That's not political correctness or the secret work of the thought police or Elizabeth Broderick putting feminist hormones in the water supply – it's the market at work, and if Mark Latham were correct in his view that he speaks for an oppressed majority, then surely you'd expect a few more of them to tune in.

Former Labor leaders aside, however, one of the most depressing aspects of the past few months has been the degree to which serious combatants in the culture wars, on both sides, have proved themselves incapable of consistency.

So before we lapse back into a state of national ennui, let's perhaps revisit a few basics.


Free speechers: This means that you cannot on one hand defend Bill Leak's untrammelled right to publish a cartoon that was hurtful to Indigenous families, and on the other argue that the ABC should not have put to air an Aboriginal woman calling Leak a "racist" on the grounds that such a claim was hurtful to Leak's family.

If you'll die in a ditch for one, you have to support the other. That's how it works. There's really no other way to cut it. And that goes for any 18C reformist who's ever argued that business leaders should shut up on the topic of same-sex marriage, or – let's say – sued the ABC because they were offended by a satirical sketch depicting them enjoying an intimate moment with a cocker spaniel.

Pick a lane, people!

Similarly, if you take the view that questions of respect and courtesy should serve as formal constraints on absolute freedom of speech, then you really ought to start at home.

Which brings us to the second basic tenet worth remembering:


I was reminded of this in the tumultuous hours after Bill Leak's death, when that artist's still-warm body was yanked back and forth between those who wanted it as a martyred trophy of the free speech cause, and those who wanted to spit on it on the way to the grave. ("Bill Leak's ashes should be mixed with shit and piss," snarled one commenter whose words linger particularly).

Hurled imprecations were – I thought – the least powerful of the responses to Leak's most controversial cartoon. The most powerful were the spontaneously offered images of Indigenous Dads that poured forth in the days after publication; images whose generosity and warmth provided their own wordless rebuke.

Hate plus hate equals hate.

Expecting anything different is as silly as hiring Mark Latham and thinking it will end in anything other than tears.

Twitter: annabelcrabb


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