About VU

Industry, community & school engagement

VU engineering students and year 10 students developed a speaking trampoline to assist people with disabilities.

At the College of Engineering & Science, we have many research and project collaborations that bring the College together with:

  • other researchers
  • industry
  • business
  • not-for-profit organisations
  • schools
  • the community.

Collaborations & partnerships

We welcome opportunities for collaborative research partnerships, including:

  • national and international academic and research student exchange
  • visiting research fellowships
  • joint publication of peer reviewed academic journal articles and book chapters
  • collaborations with industry on specific research projects
  • joint development of new technologies and inventions
  • access to national research infrastructure.

For more information on research collaborations and partnerships, please email research.coes@vu.edu.au.

Key partnerships 

The College of Engineering & Science currently has partnerships with the following:


  • Engineers Australia logo

    Our engineering programs are accredited by Engineers Australia and graduates are eligible to apply for graduate membership with Engineers Australia. Graduates of the program are recognised as Professional Engineers in Australia and in countries that are members of the Washington Accord. 
    VU supports Engineers Australia as a principal partner.

  • Australian Computer Society logo

    Our Bachelor of Information Technology is accredited by the Australian Computer Society (ACS).

ACS performs an important role in ensuring continued high quality of education for the Information & Communications Technology (ICT) profession in Australia. To ensure courses contain the requirements of the ICT profession for initial professional practice, ACS provides an accreditation program. ACS accredited courses are a common pathway to the ICT career in Australia. For international students, ACS is the Australian Government’s official authority for assessing the ICT skills of migration visa applicants.

Course Advisory Committees

Our College has Course Advisory Committees (CACs) that meet regularly to provide expertise and advice on quality, currency and future-readiness of our courses. CAC members include external members from industry and other tertiary institutions to ensure that the courses align with industry needs and trends.

Community & school projects

'Living wall' of green, built by VU engineering students

College of Engineering & Science students are often involved in community and school projects are part of their course.

Some recent examples are:

Secondary school engagement programs

We have a number of interactive programs for secondary school students considering a career in engineering or science. The programs are designed to provide students with an overview of the practical course elements required to support these occupations. We run practical classes in VCE Chemistry and Genetics. Students can also experience what it's like to be a chemist or engineer for a day!

For more information email Nick Athanasiou on nick.athanasiou@vu.edu.au.