Climate pull back


Analysis and Comment

Wind turbines require massive structures that are polluting to produce and can harm ecosystems, but these impacts compare favorably with those of fossil alternatives.

Does ‘green energy’ have hidden health and environmental costs?

No energy source is perfect, but solar and wind have a much lower health and environmental footprint than fossil fuels, a study finds. Biopower, though, is a mixed bag.

Culling sharks won’t protect surfers

Professional surfers have called for culling sharks to reduce the risk of attacks. A shark biologist explains why culling will not work and surfers should accept risk when they enter the water.

Will blazing a low-carbon path pay off for California?

California has set ambitious goals for cutting carbon emissions and shifting to a clean energy economy. How will this strategy affect the state's huge economy? An economist weighs the evidence.

More Analysis and Comment

Trump administration

Prairie potholes in South Dakota are important breeding and feeding areas for many types of birds. Under the Clean Water Rule, farmers cannot fill them in or discharge pollutants into them without a permit. Laura Hubers, USFWS/Flickr

Why farmers and ranchers think the EPA Clean Water Rule goes too far

President Trump signed an executive order to roll back the 2015 Clean Water Rule. Two water experts explain why the rule alarms farmers and ranchers concerned about over-regulation.



The bad old days: Public and political support for the EPA was highest when environmental problems like air and water pollution were more obvious than current problems like climate change or endocrine disruptors. U.S. National Archives

Why Trump’s EPA is far more vulnerable to attack than Reagan’s or Bush’s

Today's political climate gives new EPA head Scott Pruitt a clear path to seriously cut back EPA enforcement – more than previous administrations.


Food security


Malheur Occupation

Supporters of Ammon and Ryan Bundy and other militants who took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge celebrate after they were found not guilty of conspiracy charges. Alex Milan Tracy/Sipa via AP Images

History points to more dangerous Malheur-style standoffs

Acquitted in the Malheur takeover trial, Ryan Bundy urges protests against efforts to conserve public lands. Who will protect federal employees?


Research and Expert Database

Editors’ Picks

Most Read past week

  1. Does ‘green energy’ have hidden health and environmental costs?
  2. Trump slams brakes on Obama’s climate plan, but there’s still a long road ahead
  3. Climate politics: Environmentalists need to think globally, but act locally
  4. Why states are pushing ahead with clean energy despite Trump’s embrace of coal
  5. A new strategy for drought-stressed cities: graywater recycling

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