
Analysis and Comment

University students experiment with human-robot interaction and autonomous manipulation, two elements of manufacturing’s future. Nikolaus Correll

To really help US workers, we should invest in robots

Today, the U.S. is leading the robotics revolution. But without timely investment, China will overtake us, and could permanently put Americans out of work.

More Analysis and Comment

Trump in transition

Trump’s budget director, left, says White House spending priorities are straight out of the president’s mouth. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Why Trump’s ‘skinny’ budget is already dead

Trump is proposing a budget with little substance and filled with politically toxic spending cuts, making it very unlikely to go anywhere, even in a Republican Congress.


Inequality in America




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Most Read past week

  1. Why Russia gave up Alaska, America’s gateway to the Arctic
  2. America can’t be first without Europe
  3. Why higher interest rates should make you happy
  4. Does it pay to get a double major in college?
  5. Can Silicon Valley’s autocrats save democracy?

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