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Are you FAT? Do you feel fat? Find out from the world expert, Prof Stephen Touyz everything you ever wanted to know about Anorexia Nervosa... 
Did you know that Obesity is considered a serious problem in the western world?Find out from the expert, everything you ever wanted to know about Obesity and the...
Find out the latest from Israel, listen to SBS correspondent, Prof Rafi Mann reporting from Hebrew
Find out the latest from Jerusalem, with SBS Correspondent Peta Jones Pellach, reporting in English...Peta Jones Pellach reports from Jerusalem on the visit of...
Alex reports in Yiddish: The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will again meet with representatives from the Yeshivas in...
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Yiddish Features

The latest in Yiddish radio

Alex reports in Yiddish: The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will again meet with representatives from the Yeshivas in Melbourne...
Don't miss our Yiddish weekly report: The Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah left Sydney last Sunday, following a very warm and successful 5 day...
Some 100 racist and anti-Semitic posters were plastered across Melbourne University last week, signed with a Neo-Nazi Antipodean website address and a swastika. ...
A somber and dignified 75th Anniversary Commemoration in memory of the slaughter of 34 thousand Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators at Babi Yar, near Kiev,...
In todays Yiddish segment Alex Dafner reports on:- A small Jewish independent rightwing group in Melbourne has invited the One Nation leader Pauline Hanson and...