Labor has asked the electoral watchdog to look into fresh claims about Pauline Hanson's One Nation's finances.
Russia opened a probe into a suspected "act of terror" Monday after 11 people were killed and dozens more injured in a blast that rocked the Saint Petersburg...
Police divers have begun retrieving the bodies of a mother and two of her children in a car that was swept into a raging northern NSW river.
The Prime Minister has reeled off a list of achievements in response to his predecessors criticism of Senate negotiations last week, and said his government had ...
Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi has been welcomed to the US White House by President Donald Trump.
A Moscow paper says it has confirmed reports of mass arrests and violence against LGBT+ people in the southern territory of Chechnya.
Following vandalism and threats, a Jewish community association in northern Sweden has voted to shut itself down.

More news

More news and analysis from Australia and the world.

Democrats are planning a filibuster in the US Senate over Donald Trump's Supreme Court pick, Neil Gorsuch, but the Republicans have a 'nuclear option' in hand.
An anonymous 'grammar vigilante' has been secretly correcting bad punctuation on street signs and shop fronts in Bristol for more than a decade.
Australians who've been treated for clinical depression are needed for a large study designed to detect genetic factors that contribute to the mental illness.
The White House on Monday released the official portrait of First Lady Melania Trump, with the photograph of the former model dividing public opinion.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is celebrating the results of Ecuador's presidential runoff, which has secured his stay in the embassy a little longer.
Queensland's Liberal National Party has dismissed claims of a secret arrangement to lay off attacks on One Nation.
Australia's first national women's gridiron team will travel to Canada in June to test their skills against some of the best female athletes in the world.

Europe Elections

Spotlight on the 2017 'Super Elections' 

With just weeks to go before the French presidential election, polls have Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen on 25 and 24 per cent respectively.
French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has taken aim at the euro and promised to once again to bring back a singular French currency.
The wife of France's conservative presidential candidate Francois Fillon was charged Tuesday with complicity in the abuse of public funds in a scandal that has...
Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative party have won a state election, an important test ahead of the national German election.
Voting in the small state of Saarland on Sunday will be seen as a key test of the Social Democrats' rising fortunes under new leader Martin Schulz.
The 27 European Union leaders meet in Rome on the 60th anniversary of the bloc's founding treaty, and endorse a declaration of intent they hope will last a decade.
As the EU turns 60 amid a divorce from Britain and other mid-life crisis, the question is increasingly not how it can bounce back, but how it can survive.

In focus: Australia's First People

A repatriation ceremony has been held at the Australian Embassy in Berlin to respectfully acknowledge the unconditional return of three Indigenous ancestral remains.
Maoriland festival goers gets an insight into how 360 technology is being adapted and used in Australia for social and political development for Indigenous Australians.

Children's stories by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander writers and illustrators are funny, sad, thoughtful, silly, profound, and joyous.   


Aboriginal Stories and Yoga

A Sydney-based yoga organisation is fusing Indian and Indigenous yoga traditions, incorporating the spirit of Aboriginal Australia into the ancient practice.  
Treaties, community relationships and tackling racism - what can Australia learn from First Nations' parlimentary seats across the globe?
More than two dozen photographs of the Pentagon taken on September 11, 2001, have reappeared on the FBI's website.

Photos: Lismore flooding

Images show rising floodwaters in Lismore today as the town's levy has breached and risks cracking.
Traditional South Sudanese wrestling is getting an Aussie makeover. Those involved say it’s a good way to put young South-Sudanese Australians in touch with their community and culture.

In pictures: Londoners stand together after Westminster Attack

Hundreds of people paid tribute to victims of the Westminster attack outside British parliament which left four people dead and many more injured.

In pictures: London attack

An attacker drove a car into people on Westminster Bridge before crashing into a fence outside parliament and wielding a knife.
From live TV errors to political protests, the 89th Academy Awards was more than just the glitz.
A behind-the-scenes look at Insight's recent trip to the Latrobe Valley, speaking and filming with communities affected by the closure of Hazelwood Power Station and Mine.