ACT News


Student reveals terrifying ordeal after carload of men chased her home

A Canberra student has opened up about the terrifying moment a carload of men threatened to rape her as they chased her home.

Kirsty Dale, 21, was cycling home after a night out with friends when at least four men inside a black sedan began abusing her as they drove past.

She said she pulled the finger at the men and initially brushed off the insults, but grew worried when the car stopped at a red light and she had to cycle past it again.

"I was riding straight down Northbourne Avenue when this car drove past and started yelling sexualised stuff at me," the ANU law and arts student said.

"They were at a red light and I slowed down and waited for them to drive off. As I got nearer the back door opened and one of them started running after me. 

"He was yelling that he was going to get me. I was scared out of my brain."


The man jumped back into the car after Ms Dale cycled past, which then began to chase her as she turned into the street where she lived.

"They were yelling that I should be scared and that they were literally going to rape me," she said.

"It was terrifying."

In the weeks since she said she had been having nightmares about the chase, which occurred around 1am on March 11.

"I was pretty shaken. I told the friends that I was out with that night and they came around straight away.

"They sat with me to reassure me and after that I thought I was fine. But since then I've been having dreams about people robbing me and things like that." 

Ms Dale said she was opening up about the horrible experience to show other women that, although they should be careful, they should not have to live their lives in fear.

"In hindsight it is important to be aware of your personal vulnerability," she said.

"But basically for me this is why we need equality.

"I think that women should be able to walk where they want to, when they want, and they should be able to feel safe while they are doing it."

ACT Policing confirmed they had received reports of the incident and were investigating it.