J.K. RowlingCuenta verificada


Author. Apologies, but I cannot guarantee answers to DMs! Please direct enquiries to info@theblairpartnership.com or info@jkrowlingpr.com.

Se unió en agosto de 2009

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  1. retwitteó
    15 mar.

    “The release of 9 child traffickers in is a devastating blow to all who care about protecting children.”

  2. hace 22 horas
  3. retwitteó
    3 abr.

    Revising the manuscript...

  4. retwitteó
    3 abr.
  5. retwitteó
    3 abr.

    Ever wanted to delve into Divination or ponder the peculiarities of Potions? Now you can! on sale now

  6. 3 abr.
  7. 3 abr.

    She's on fire today. Yes to every word of this thread. I wrote when nobody wanted to read it & I write today because I need to write.

  8. 3 abr.
  9. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    Here endeth today's sermon and thanks to for her original words of wisdom.

  10. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    ... but you'd never have got there without finishing the others (all of which will now be of more interest to your audience.)

  11. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    Maybe your third, fourth, fiftieth song/novel/painting will be the one that 'makes it', that wins the plaudits...

  12. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    ... you'll know you can do it again. That is an extraordinarily empowering piece of knowledge. So do not ever quit out of fear of rejection.

  13. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    You'll have turned yourself from somebody who's 'thinking of', who 'might', who's 'trying', to someone who DID. And once you've done it...

  14. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    The discipline involved in finishing a piece of creative work is something on which you can truly pride yourself.

  15. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    (And by the way, just because it didn't find an audience, that doesn't mean it's bad work.)

  16. 3 abr.
    En respuesta a

    Even if it isn't the piece of work that finds an audience, it will teach you things you could have learned no other way.

  17. 3 abr.

    There were so many times in the early 90s when I needed somebody to say this to me. It's great advice for many reasons.

  18. retwitteó
    1 abr.

    BREAKING: Teenage asylum seeker fighting for his life in hospital after attack by eight youths at London bus stop

  19. retwitteó
    2 abr.

    Let us hope those responsible for this hideous attack are found,charged and feel the full force of the law for what they have done

  20. retwitteó
    2 abr.

    Croydon asylum boy assault: Attackers are scum, says MP

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