WA News


Deadly asbestos mine takes toll for Wittenoom kids

Operators of the former WA asbestos mine in Wittenoom could be liable for a wider range of deadly illnesses following new research about the effects on children who grew up there.

The Australian research, released on Tuesday, found children from Wittenoom are developing a range of cancers and dying sooner than the general population.

The town was the site of a blue asbestos mine between 1943 and 1966. The asbestos tailings were used throughout the town in roads, pavements, car parks, the racecourse, school playgrounds and backyard sandpits.

The two children pictured above were just four-years-old when this photo was taken in 1953.

Philip Noble grew up to be a keen footballer before dying from mesothelioma at age 36.

Ross Munroe became a high school principal and died from mesothelioma at 38.


The pair were captured in this photo playing in an asbestos sandpit in a residential backyard in Wittenoom.

Residents bought the deadly asbestos tailings, which were commonly used as sandpits for children to play in, and also to reduce dust around the house.

WA Institute of Medical Research Associate Professor Alison Reid, who has carried out a study on Wittenoom kids who spent their childhoods exposed to asbestos in the town, and the range of cancers that had been developed among the group.

Her study found that girls up to the age of 15 who lived in the town have been more likely to develop mesothelioma, ovarian and brain cancers and have had increased death rates.

The results were similar for boys of the same age group, with elevated rates of mesothelioma, leukaemia, prostate, brain and colorectal cancer, diseases of the circulatory and nervous system and excessive death  rates.

The study found that 2640 former Wittenoom children were documented to have been exposed to blue asbestos before the age of 15 – the median age of their first exposure was three.

Of the people studied, 63% were either born in Wittenoom or had moved to the mining town by the time they were 5 years old.  The vast majority (93.5%) left Wittenoom by the time they were 16, so were only exposed to asbestos during their childhoods.

To the end of 2007, 228 of the former residents had died of a range of causes and to the end of 2009 there were 215 cases of cancer in 207 individuals.

This means that compared with the general population in Western Australia, Wittenoom girls have had a 20-47% greater risk of dying from any cause, while boys have had a 50-83% increased chance of dying from any cause.

"We will continue to follow this group to provide important information on the long-term implications of exposure to asbestos during childhood," said Associate Professor Alison Reid.

Slater & Gordon asbestos lawyer Simon Millman said the courts had already determined that the Wittenoom mine owners and operators could be liable for sufferers of asbestos-related cancer, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma.

"In light of this new research, the next question for the courts will be whether those same owners and operators are also liable for a much wider range of deadly illnesses," Mr Millman said in a statement.

"We're hopeful it will help in putting together a clearer picture of the extent of the pain and suffering that has been caused by this deadly substance."

The study has been published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine.

AAP and staff reporters