Latest Issue

Winter 2017, FE #397

Cover image - Issue 397 - Fifth Estate Magazine
(follows Summer 2016 issue)


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50 years ago—we were there
Cover image - Issue 35, August 1-15, 1967 - Fifth Estate Magazine
Read historic Fifth Estate coverage of the 1967 Detroit rebellion, Issue 35, August 1-15, 1967

Check out these SPECIAL OFFERS when you subscribe to our print edition now…

Compendio Poético

by Federico Arcos
Drawing by Alfredo MonrĂłs, Cover
A Bilingual Spanish/English version is online in the FE Archive HERE.

Fifth Estate “Fuck Authority” poster featured in Make Art; Not War.
Fuck Authority

Learn more about the Spanish Revolution of 1936 and the important role of the anarchists….
at Fifth Estate’s Spanish Revolution Resource Page

Enduring Voices: 50 years of the Fifth Estate in 3 minutes–view video here.


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