

  1. Finance week ahead

    Michael Janda analyses the likely benefit of a corporate tax cut, whether new lending restrictions on investors will cool the property market or crash it, and why Australia is vulnerable to money laundering through real estate.

  2. Problem plagued units

    Experts fear a coming glut of problem buildings that cannot keep the rain out will trap many buyers in legal limbo.

  3. The fine art of diversity

    While diversity might be a buzzword, eradicating biases in the workplace and making employees from diverse backgrounds feel comfortable are still challenges.

  4. The Brexit divorce bill

    Britain hopes it will be able to exit the European Union at little cost, but the EU is warning Brexit could result in an $85 billion divorce settlement.

  5. What's behind Myer raid?

    Mystery still surrounds Solomon Lew's $100 million purchase of Myer shares, with analysts speculating it may be part of a larger plan for the struggling department store.

  6. Hazelwood explained

    The Hazelwood power station, which provides almost a quarter of Victoria's electricity, is in the process of closing. But how do you actually close down a power plant and what will it do to electricity prices?

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Mon Apr 03 2017 11:29:30 GMT+1000 (AEST))
Index Opening Closing Change
5903.80 5907.20 0.1%
5864.90 5868.70 0.1%
2171.30 2173.40 0.1%
9234.00 9217.30 -0.2%
6876.90 6890.90 0.2%
22539.10 22628.50 0.4%
834.50 833.90 -0.1%
9785.20 9747.50 -0.4%
5284.50 5288.70 0.1%
9649.40 9640.00 -0.1%
1649.30 1646.40 -0.2%
8646.80 8644.60
2391.80 2395.80 0.2%

Last updated

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